Etiqueta: anarquismo

  • Nace el primer sindicato en España, la Sociedad de Tejedores, con una canción

    Festivitat que selebra la Societat de Teixidós de Barcelona, ab conmemoració del dia de la seba instalació, la cual fou instalada ab aplauso general lo dia 10 de maix de 1840.

    Per fi ya enarbolat
    veyem lo san pendó,
    quens diu Societat,
    Fraternitat y Unió.
    Deu anys sempre oprimits,
    deu anys sempre lligats,
    y deu anys perseguits,
    deu anys esclavisats.
    Tot perque units formabam
    tan santa asosiasió,
    pues sols als tirans volan
    la nostra destrucció.
    Lo any mil vuit sens curanta
    la asosiasió has formá,
    perque pugues al pobre
    trevallan teni pá.
    Mes, a cuatra egoistas
    nols cumbenia aixó,
    y destruhi volian
    la nostra asosiasió.
    Mes homes sempre rectes
    y de bons sentimens
    impabits han fet frenta
    a tots los elemens.
    Ni presons ni desterros
    res de aixó als a fet pó,
    sempre han estat al frenta
    de nostra asosiasió.
    Los teixidos desitjan
    solament treballá,
    guanyan lo que just sia
    sense may composá.
    Lo dels demés estats
    també volan aixó,
    pues totom fraternisa
    ab nostra asosiasió.
    Desde el instan ditjos
    quel poble se aixacá,
    que gosa de repós,
    ningú al persegueix ya.
    Lo gobern a permés,
    com era de rahó
    que tutom disfrutes
    del dret de asosiasió.
    Posat ab armonía
    pobres y fabricans,
    la poca unió que y abía
    ya nols causen espans.
    Ara plegats disfrutan
    de pau y de unió,
    y aixis la competensia
    faran a altra nació.
    Pero una ma oculta
    de servils maleits
    voldrian altra volta
    de veurans desunits.
    Mes no creguin los necios
    que ú pugan lográ, no,
    que el pobla no es cap tonto,
    ya coneix la rahó.
    Ab las nostras discordias
    per fi ya habem entés
    quels que y feyan ganancias
    heran als estrangés.
    Pero aixó ha uns y altres
    vuscaban disenció
    pues solament bolian
    la nostra destrucció.
    Aquesta junta mista
    que hara se ha format
    als habem de dar gracias
    pues tot u han arreglat.
    La forma el bras dels amos
    y al del treballadó
    perque sia mes forta
    la nostra asosiasió.
    An posat las tarifas
    ab un preu arreglat
    aixís no y aurá queixas
    de Pera ni Bernat.
    Suegectes a la lley
    com es de obligació,
    sia rich, sia pobre,
    fasi ella la rahó.
    Si sempre protegit
    como ara agues estat,
    lo jornalé estaria
    sempre subordinat.
    Pues ell lo que desitja
    es la pau y la unió,
    y a la seba familia
    pudé dá educació.
    Despotas y tirans
    nols pot aixó agradá,
    jermans contra jermans
    voldria fe barallá.
    Obehiu, sí, al gobern,
    que es lliberal y bo,
    sensa may separarvos
    de bostra direcció.
    Units tots com esteu
    sou fors y sou potens
    may mes bos separeu
    no cregueu als dolens.
    La unió es la forsa
    comprengueu ma intenció,
    desunits sou un fil,
    units feu un cordó.
    Un fil totom lo trenca
    mes que sia petit.
    ¿Mes un cordó, digueuma,
    qui será lo atrevit?
    Pues vosaltres units
    formeu aquest cordó,
    ya os y dit que la forsa
    sempra está ab la unió.
    Si mal intensionat
    un vos desacredités
    entregueulo abiat
    que li formin prosés.
    No es honrat lo pillo
    que vol la destrucció,
    que el poble sempre honrat
    guanya el pá ab sa suó.
    Vingan los que denigran
    han aquest pobre honrat
    mireulos que compacta
    marcha la Societat.
    Mireulos que galans
    van tots a la funsió,
    pera tributá gracias
    al seu inclit patró.
    Tan sols de cuntemplarvos
    lo cort se me engrandeix,
    mireu lo demes poble
    que conten los segueix.
    Qui no estará conten
    veixen vostra unió;
    ab ciutadans tan probos
    es feliz la nació.
    Despues que ja en el temple
    a Deu gracias heu dat
    pera que protejesca
    la bostra Societat,
    aneu a la campinya
    tots juns y ab unió
    a selebrá lo dia
    de vostra asosiasió.
    Seguiu, seguiu units
    vos torno a repetí
    que ab la unió podreu
    alcansá vostra fi.
    Per treballs ni per penas
    may vos desoniu, no,
    que allavors causariau
    la vostra destrucció
    la llivertat sagrada
    aquet dó os ha tornat
    deu vivas a Espartero,
    també a la llibertat.
    Per tans sagrats objectes
    jureu tots ab unió
    de defensá la Patria
    tanbé la Asosiasió.
    [Propiedad de Josep Fernández.]

  • Versión un poquitín sentimental del primer Primero de Mayo en España

    Bl estado de ánimo de Barcelona, fué bien distinto anteayer [1 de mayo], en que ss dieron pruebas de cordura y de prudencia del que reinó ayer, en que algunos elementos estraños á la gran masa de obreros, mantuvieron en zozobra el espíritu ds la población. Aquel estado de ánimo de anteayer es lo que quisimos reflejar pidiendo ayuda á uno ds los colaboradores artísticos de LA VANGUARDIA [Mariano Foix]y creemos haberlo conseguido.


    Mientras discurríamos entra los grupos de la Plaza da Cataluña que, por no haber podido penetrar en el Tívoli, aguardaban la salida de la manifestación, observamos graciosas escenas inspiradas por el buen humor y franca alegría que caracterizan al obrero catalán, aun en los momentos más solemnes y graves.

    Pasaba en aquel momento una sirvienta con un jarro de leche y al punto la rodearon los huelguistas, robándole la seriedad mezclada de temor que llevaba pintada en el rostro. «Muchacha, le decían, toma nuestro ejemplo. ¿Cuando os decidiréis á hacer una manifestación ó una huelga?» La chica dio por respuesta expresiva sonrisa, y prosiguió su camino, tal vez pensando en la Menegilda de la «Gran vía.»

    A la salida del Tívoli, sorprendió al lápiz de nuestro dibujante, uno de los grupos que llevaban la delantera da la comitiva. En todos ellos se nota marcadamente el tipo catalán y muestran la gravedad de quien está convencido de realizar un acto trascendental y de que llama la atención pública.

    Alrededor do la bandera se estrujaban todos ios obreros, constituyendo apiñado núcleo que se movía con dificultad.

    Junto á los trabajadores no faltaba el pilluelo, satisfecho y gozoso, aplaudiando á rabiar cuando los demás aplaudían, dándose aires de personage y echando de menos al escándalo y la gresca, en medio de tanto orden y compostura.

    Al llegar á la Plaza de Palacio se formaron pequeños grupos mientras los delegados subieron al Palacio del Gobernador. En casi todos ellos había un orador, generalmente uno de esos tipos indefinidos que entre loa obreros parecen burgueses, y entre los burgueses obreros, que peroraba ó daba consejos.

    Decíales el que reprodujo el lápiz de Foix: «Muchachos, creedme, una vez terminada esta manifestación, volveos á vuestras casas y no os dejéis engañar por los que os aconsejan una huelga ilimitada, porque esto puede ocasionarnos ua conflicto y perjudicar nuestra causa.»

    Cuando el Gobarnador hubo terminado el discurso que pronunció desde el balcón, todas las manos se levantaron para aplaudirle, siguiéndose nutridos vivas…

    Después de haber terminado la manifestación de anteayer, el alcalde señor Maciá y Bonaplata envió al Presidente del Consejo de ministros, el siguiente telegrama, que por cierto fué ayer muy comentado.

    «Excelentísimo Señor Don Práxedes Mateo Sagasta, Madrid.—Terminada la manifestación pacífica sin incidente alguno. Me enorgullece la honra de presidir el Ayuntamiento de esta ciudad.-Maciá y Bonaplata.»

  • Poema de Joan Maragall tras la bomba del Liceo; recuerdos de Aureli Capmany


    Tornant del Liceu en la nit del 7 de novembre de 1893.

    Furient va esclatant l’odi per la terra,
    regalen sang les coll-torçades testes,
    i cal anar a les festes,
    amb pit ben esforçat, com a la guerra.

    A cada esclat mortal – la gent trèmola es gira:
    la crueltat que avança, – la por que s’enretira,
    se van partint el món…
    Mirant al fill que mama, – a la mare que sospira,
    el pare arruga el front.

    Pro l’infant innocent,
    que deixa, satisfet, la buidada mamella,
    se mira an ell, se mira an ella,
    i riu bàrbarament.

  • El último día de Santiago Salvador Franch, asesino del Liceo

    Barcelona’s Murderer Retracts His Penitent Expressions
    Franch Feigned Repentance Until His Last Hope of a Reprieve Had Gone – He Had Become a Franciscan Monk.

    BARCELONA, Nov. 20. – The Governor of the prison went this afternoon to the cell of Salvador Franch, the chief conspirator in the Lyceum Theatre outrage, and read to him his death warrant. Some time ago Franch declared his penitence and was admitted to a monastic order. Later he became as blasphemous as ever. Nevertheless, two priests had accompanied the Governor to offer the Anarchist consolation. One of them approached him immediately after the reading of the death warrant.

    «Hurrah for Anarch!» shouted Franch, stepping back.

    «But you declared your repentance and conversion to the true religion,» exclaimed the priest.

    «That was all nonsense,» replied Franch. «Now get away from me, and don’t show me your ugly features again.»

    Franch was taken to a cell near the place of execution and was chained to the wall. He fought so savagely that it required three guards to handle him. After soldiers had been placed on guard with fixed bayonets, the priest appealed to him again to confess.

    «I don’t need you; get away,» was the only response.

    Franch became calmer and talked to the guards concerning an execution of an Anarchist which he had witnessed. He also asked the Warden to explain the mechanism of the garrote. He said that he would face death bravely, adding that he did not care what was done with his body. he will be executed tomorrow morning.

  • Santiago Salvador Franch, asesino del Liceo, muere cantando

    He Died Impenitent in Spite of His Former Protestations of Piety – Mob Jeered at His Body.

    BARCELONA, Nov. 21. – Salvador Franch, the chief conspirator in the death of thirty persons and the wounding of eighty others in the Lyceum Theatre in this city a little more than a year ago, was executed here at 8:06 o’clock this morning.


    The prisoner throughout the last day and night of his life showed no fear. His meals were eaten with a good appetite and apparently were heartily relished. At 8 o’clock last evening his wife and daughter were admitted to his presence and spent considerable time in an endeavor to induce him to confess his crimes and accept the consolations of religion, saying: «If you don’t you will ruin us.»

    Franch angrily, and with the greatest excitement, refused to pay any heed to their appeals.

    It was several times found necessary for the military to charge upon and disperse the crowds which had collected about the prison in the hope of seeing the execution.

    Franch cried «Long live Anarchy!» as he was being led to the place of his execution, and scoffed at religion to ths last. A few minutes before he was put to death he began singing, and he continued his song until he was not able to utter a sound.

    His body was exposed in its place, in the death chair, until sundown. Great crowds of people gazed upon the distorted features of the dead man, and gloated over his execution, making all sorts of remarks of a character showing their detestation of the man.

  • Manifestación a favor de la independencia cubana


    Rebel Demonstration During a Patriotic Play in Barcelona.

    BARCELONA, April 5.

    During the performance of a patriotic play at the Novedades Theatre to-day the audience cheered for Spain and Spanish Cuba. Some voices answered the cheers with cries of «Death to Spain!» «Love live free Cuba!»

    These treasonable shouts excited the wildest indignation among the loyalists, and it probably would have gone hard with the shouters had they been caught by the people. In the tumult, however, they all escaped, but two, who were arrested.

    One of the prisoners is a Cuban, and the other is believed to be an Anarchist. The police had hard work to defend the two men from the fury of the crowd.

  • Una explosión causa pánico

    A terrific explosion occurred here at 8 o’ clock this evening, and for a time there was a panic in the city, the people imagining that the Anarchists had resumed their nefarious work.

  • Disturbios anticlericales

    Disorders in Barcelona.
    MADRID, July 2.–The disorders in Barcelona were renewed after the bullfight. A crowd attacked a party of monks who recently returned from the Philippines. The police rescued the monks with some difficulty. The mob then paraded the streets, closing the shops and stoning the cathedral, several churches, and the Jesuit convent, as well as the street railway cars. The gendarmes were powerless to restore order.

  • Cuatro bombas causan pánico

    BARCELONA, July 14.–Four bombs were exploded in different parts of the city this morning. No serious damage was done, but the excitement is intense. The authors of the outrage are unknown.

  • Llega una escuadra francesa de veinte naves

    French Squadron at Barcelona.

    BARCELONA, July 16.–A French squadron, consisting of twenty ships, arrived here today.

  • Atentado anarquista al cardenal Casañas en la catedral

    Barcelona, 24, 9 n. Acaba de cometerse un atentado criminal contra el cardenal Casañas.

    A las ocho, cuando el prelado salía de la catedral, donde acababa de celebrarse una fiesta religiosa, se le abalanzó un hombre puñal en mano é intentó agredirle.

    La guardia municipal que se hallaba cerca pudo evitar el crimen parando el golpe del agresor, pero recibiendo el una herida en la mano derecha.

    El pánico que se produjo entre la gente al darse cuenta del atentado fué muy grande.

    El agresor fué detenido inmediatamente. Llámase José Salas Lomas y tiene cuarenta y cuatro años.

    Se le encontró un revólver Smith cargado y 14 cápsulas, un cuchillo y una botella con un líquido que habría bebido, según ha manifestado, de haber realizado su crimen.

    El puñal con que intentó herir al cardenal estaba humedecido con una substancia aún desconocida y de la cual tenía también impregnada una bola de algodón que se le halló en un bolsillo.

    El criminal era conocido de la policía por haber tomado parte activa en las reuniones de propaganda libertaria y haber sido largo tiempo presidente de la Sociedad de peones albañiles.

    Era vecino de la ciudad de Vich, de donde salió ayer tarde. Aquí se hospedó en la fonda de El Siglo, en la calle de Carders.

    El Juzgado de guardia ha comenzado á instruir diligencias á presencia del gobernador del fiscal y del presidente de la Audiencia.

    Mañana se celebrará un solemne Te-Deum en acción de gracias por haber salido ileso del atentado el cardenal.

    Se han recibido muchos telegramas de protesta y en el Palacio episcopal se han abierto listas que contienen ya centenares de firmas.

    Tan pronto como tuvo conocimiento del atentado cometido contra el cardenal Casañas el gobernador, acudió al sitio donde se hallaba detenido el agresor, a quien interrogó detenidamente, y en cuyo poder fué encontrada una carta explicando su resolución de matar al referido cardenal.

    Es opinión corriente que ese atentado es producto de la lectura de falsas acusaciones publicadas por ciertos periódicos contra el prelado.

    Interrogado sobre el móvil que le había inducido á escribir la citada carta, José Salas Comas contestó que, como tenía el propósito de suicidarse después de cometido el asesinato, deseaba se conocieran las causas que lo habían determinado.

    El detenido era jefe de los anarquistas de Vich.


    Barcelona, 25, 2 t. […] Salas ha declarado que está cansado de sufrir y de vivir en la miseria, trabajando desde la edad de siete años. Se considera como una víctima de la pésima organización social. Quería morir, pero vengándose. Ha dicho que el malestar de la sociedad se debe á los jesuitas y que por eso ha intentado matar al cardenal Casañas.


    Barcelona, 25, 11 n.


    Dicese que José Salas, para realizar sus criminales propósitos, se arrodilló fingiendo que iba á besar el anillo episcopal, y después de echar arena á los ojos de las personas que estaban más cerca del cardenal intentó agredir á éste con un puñal.


    Se ha cantado un Te-Deum en la Catedral, en acción de gracias de haber salido ileso el cardenal Casañas, asistiendo un numeroso público á la función religiosa.

    El cardenal bendijo desde el balcón al pueblo, que se apiñaba delante del palacio arzobispal.

    Diéronse ¡vivas! al Papa, y la muchedumbre se disolvió después de entonar un himno á la Virgen.

    Suicidio del criminal.

    Barcelona, 25, 12 n… Dícese que á mediodía se sintió enfermo y tuvo que visitarle el médico de la cárcel, el cual observó que el Salas sufría frecuentes vómitos, que le produjeron la muerte á las dos de la tarde.


  • Charles Arrow, el Sherlock Holmes barcelonés

    [P]ara los barceloneses este terna tiene un interés especialísimo, por cuanto nosotros tenemos también nuestro detective, en carne y hueso, inglés por añadidura, en el cual habíamos cifrado nuestras esperanzas para que aniquilase el terrorismo [anarquista] al estilo y modo del modelo de los detectives encarnado en el gran Sherlock Holmes.

    En efecto, un buen número de ciudadanos estaban firmemente persuadidos de que mister Arrow en cuanto llegase á esta capital inmediatamente se echaría á la calle, husmeando pistas; que una colilla de pitillo, ó una cinta de alpargata, ó una frustería cualquiera, recogida al azar, bastarían á su perspicacia de detective, para ir de deducción en deducción hasta desenredar la madeja, y en fin, que cualquier día, al desdoblar el periódico por la mañana, nuestros ojos tropezarían con la sensacional, aunque prevista noticia de que míster Arrow había logrado penetrar en un tugurio de Sans en el que estaba reunida toda la Plana Mayor del Terrorismo, que había apagado la luz, puesto su cigarro en una ventana para que la brasa sirviese de falsa guia á los sorprendidos, ganando él la puerta—todo conforme al ritual Sherlock Holmes—dejando á los malhechores enchiquerados. Mas, como nada de esto ha sucedido, ni es posible que suceda, de ahí el que aquellos buenos ciudadanos, que no son pocos, se consideren burlados, y hablen de nuestro de nuestro detective ¡poniéndole como diga dueñas!

  • Más bombas

    One Explodes in Cafe, Another Found at Circus Wrecks a Van.

    BARCELONA, July 4.–The Terrorist campaign of last year shows signs of being revived. A bomb exploded to-day in a café, doing material damage.

    Another found at the circus was placed in a steel van to be taken to the city laboratory. While the van was proceeding thither, the bomb exploded, completely wrecking the vehicle.

  • Semana Trágica: la debilidad del gobierno militar deja espacio para el anarquismo

    Així arribàrem al diumenge 25 de juliol, dia de Sant Jaume, quan començà a circular per la ciutat la nova que les organitzacions obreres havien acordat sumar-se col·lectivament a la protesta i declarar la vaga general que, en efecte, començà l’endemà dilluns 26, en la qual no acudiren a treballar la major part dels obrers, especialment els del moll. Davant d’aquella situació, cap a migdia es reuniren les autoritats en el despatx del Sr. Ossorio y Gallardo i, atès que durant el matí s’havien fet nombroses detencions i havien tingut lloc altres fets de violència en diversos llocs de la ciutat, i l’aspecte de les multituds que, organitzant constants manifestacions, recorrien la Rambla i principals vies no era gens tranquil·litzador, en aquella reunió d’autoritats, i contra el parer i vot del Sr. Ossorio y Gallardo, que creia tenir prou forces per a dominar tot sol el moviment, acordaren declara la plaça en estat de guerra, que després s’estengué per tot Catalunya, per haver-se solidaritzat moltes poblacions a la protesta de la capital. Jo aleshores feia per al nostre diari [El Poble Català] la informació diària del govern civil, i recordo perfectament l’actitud d’amargor i de contrarietat amb què el Sr. Ossorio ens comunicà el susdit acord i la seva actitud oposada. Aquella nit mateixa el Sr. Ossorio marxà a Madrid, amb la seva família.

    [A]l meu entendre, la gravetat que prengué el moviment des dels primers moments fou deguda en gran part a l’actitud d’indecisió i de veritable feblesa que demostrà en les primeres hores l’autoritat militar, exercida pel tinent general D. Luis de Santiago, que s’havia fet càrrec del commandament. Com que la gent que omplia els carrers, en veure sortir la tropa, començà a aplaudir i a aclamar-la, l’exèrcit no gosà de primer moment–naturalment, per ordre superior–actuar amb energia contra els manifestants, i aquests prengueren «agalles». Sobretot, el matí del dimarts es cregueren amos de la ciutat, i mentre la gent de seny i pacífica es retirava esporuguida a casa seva, sortiren al carrer tots els baixos fons amb què una ciutat populosa i de tan complexa composició com la nostra compta amb escreix, això és, els anarquistes d’idea i els anarquitzants de fet, els veritables revolucionaris i els profiteurs dels moviments de subversió. Des del dimarts al migdia fins al divendres a la tarda, aquells elements convertiren la ciutat, sobretot el barri antic i algunes barriades foranes: Sant Andreu, Horta i Sants, especialment, en camp d’una veritable i sagnant lluita armada, en la qual pels dos bàndols hi hagué un gran nombre de víctimes, i causaren danys grandiosos a la propietat privada i als edificis públics. L’arribada de reforços de tropa i l’esgotament de recursos per part dels sediciosos feren que a partir de l’esmentat divendres al migdia la situació millorés considerablement, i que ja el dissabte la força pública dominés els carrers i pogués començar a circular per ells la gent pacífica i a restablir-se la normalitat…

    Aquell moviment, malgrat ésser essencialment d’origen polític i vist amb simpatia en els inicis per totes les classes obreres i organitzacions avançades d’Espanya, restà localitzat a Catalunya i no s’estengué a la resta d’Espanya, la qual cosa donà avantatges al Govern per a dominar-lo ràpidament. Quae causae? Una habilitat del ministre de la Governació, Sr. La Cierva. En efecte, aquest va fer creure a la gent d’Espanya que el moviment insurreccional tenia un caràcter i unes finalitats separatistes, i això fou tabú, és a dir, que va bastar pronunciar aquest mot nefand i penjar tal epítet als sediciosos de Catalunya perquè, sense altra informació ni contradir-ho ningú, tothom restés tranquil a la resta d’Espanya i es dessolidaritzés del moviment proletari que realment, essencialment i espiritualment, era un moviment espanyolista i espanyolíssim. I és que hi ha coses que són més fortes que les idees i les conviccions polítiques: els instints racials…

  • «Carnicería y conflagración» después de la huelga de Solidaridad Obrera


    Witnesses Describe Scenes of Carnage and Conflagration in Barcelona.

    CERBERE, France, July 30. — The first direct dispatch from Barcelona since the fighting began there reached this place to-day, and is without date. It says:

    «Barcelona has been a perfect hell. Half the population is terrorized, and the other half is mad with blood. The troops of the garrison, amid shouts of approval from the mob, repeatedly refused to fire on the people, and the work of repression fell upon the police and civil guard. They charged the revolutionaries and used their firearms freely everywhere, but numbers were against them. As this dispatch is sent the streets are in possession of the barricaded insurgents. The destruction of property has been great. Barcelona is completely isolated and running short of food.»

    Exactly what stage of the proceedings this dispatch covers it is impossible to say.

    The officers of the steamer Scutari arriving at Marseilles to-day from Barcelona, which port they left Wednesday afternoon, say the collision between the troops and the rioters began on Monday morning immediately after the declaration of a general strike. The rioters tore up the pavements and built barricades behind which they fought desperately. The troops and civil guard took many of the barriers by assault, and by night had brought about some semblance of order. Rigorous orders were issued by the authorities, the people being instructed to remain in their homes on penalty of being shot on sight after dark.

    On Tuesday morning, the Scutari’s officers say, the streets were filled with cavalry, infantry, and artillery, who gradually cleared the principal streets and squares, notably the Rambla Santa Monica and [Plaza de Cataluña], placing the batteries and machine guns so as to command the adjacent streets. The loss of life during these operations was heavy. The rioters, as they were driven back, built new barricades as fast as the old ones were captured, and entrenched themselves in the suburbs of San Andre, San Antonio, [Badalona], and elsewhere, holding the troops at bay in spite of the raking fire of the artillery.

    Everywhere flames broke out from churches, convents, and factories, and the skies at night were scarlet with the reflections of the fires. During Tuesday night the rattle of musketry, the drumming of machine guns, and the booming of cannon were ceaseless, and fierce fighting was in progress when the Scutari sailed.

    All Convents Burned But One.

    Passengers just arrived at Cerbere from Gerona, who went to San Felice from Barcelona by sea and then on foot to Gerona, where they took passage on a train, say the revolution was in full swing when the left the City of Barcelona. The «House of the People,» the headquarters of the rioters, was razed to the ground by artillery, and all of the convents except one in Calle Caspe, which was defended by Jesuits and a civil guard, were burned.

    The Montjuich forts bombarded the Rambla and the Paseos. Ten thousand revolutionists were daily fighting in the streets under the direction of a Revolutionary Committee, which had charge of the movement. The Caldos Bridge was blown up by dynamite. At Lesomatin an armed civil body had thrown its fortunes with the revolutionaries and was holding the troops and civil guards at Barcelona.

    From other towns on the Franco-Spanish frontier come many reports confirming what has been said of the terrible fury of the women throughout Catalonia. At Barcelona they fought behind the barricades with the men, urging them to fight to the death. Everywhere they resisted searches by gendarmes for recruits for the reserves, barring the doors of their houses and firing at the soldiers from the windows.

  • España al borde de una guerra civil

    » Down with King!» Cry Mobs in Barcelona — Martial Law Throughout Kingdom.
    Refuse to Fire on Mobs and Disobey Officers at Front in Morocco.
    Gen. Pintos and Other Officers Killed — Casualties Exceed 200 — Severe Previous Losses Reported.

    Special Cable to THE NEW YORK TIMES.

    LONDON, July 28. — Martial law has been declared throughout the whole of Spain, and in Catalonia, where the troubles are clearly revolutionary in character, the severest measures of repression will be enforced.

    The seriousness of the situation is sufficiently indicated by official dispatches which have passed the censorship, and which doubtless do not emphasize the worst features.

    The riots at Barcelona have assumed the character of civil war. The rioters’ barricades have been destroyed by artillery, churches have been burned, bridges blown up, and railways dynamited. News of serious losses to the Spanish arms at Melilla will add fresh fuel to the domestic conflagration.

  • Una matanza por el ejército acaba con la revolución en Barcelona; rumores sobre el futuro de Maura; la implicación de Lerroux en la revolución

    Principal Bands Rounded Up in Barcelona and Killed or Captured.

    MADRID, July 29. — It was officially announced to-night that the cavalry engaged at Barcelona succeeded in driving into St. Martin Square the principal bands of revolutionists, against whom the artillery opened fire, causing great losses. The survivors surrendered.

    The official statement further says that it now remains only to master small groups of revolutionists in the villages in the vicinity of Barcelona.

    Thus, according to official advices, the insurrection has been checked, but at a great sacrifice of life. After fighting desperately and successfully for a long time behind barricades the principal mobs were gradually driven to St. Martin’s Square, where they found themselves entrapped.

    Heavy detachments of artillery and cavalry came up and surrounded them. The artillery opened fire, mowing down the revolutionists, who sought to escape, but were met at every point with shot and shell.

    Those of the insurgents who were not killed or seriously wounded threw down their arms and surrendered.

    The insurrection continues in the neighbouring villages, where the troops are proceeding. The commanders of the soldiers are under orders to spare none who attempts to resist.

    New from Barcelona, the centre of the revolutionary outbreaks, is exceedingly meagre and unsatisfactory. From refugees at Lisbon comes the report that the revolutionists are using bombs and that 100 persons were killed and 200 wounded during the earlier stages of the conflicts.

    Premier Maura announced to-night that he had received more favorable reports from Barcelona, where the situation, according to this official statement, is slightly ameliorated.

    «The arrival of reinforcements,» said the Premier, «will permit the repression of outbreaks.»

    Throughout the day, however, advices received from various quarters indicated that the disturbances in Catalonia were quite as serious yesterday, although the Government has succeeded in getting troops through to certain of the disaffected points. The lines of communication, which had been cut everywhere in Catalonia, have in part been repaired.

    Premier Maura May Resign

    The report that a provisional Government has been established at Barcelona and that the civil Governor has been assassinated is unconfirmed, but rumors are persistent that Premier Maura will resign and that a military dictatorship will be set up in Madrid. However, reports that King Alfonso would form a military Cabinet, presided over by Gen. Weyler, are officially denied.

    [Situación malísima en Marruecos, movilización general del ejército, posición de las finanzas del estado]

    Señor Lacierva, the Minister of the Interior, announced to-day that any newspaper printing reports disagreeing with official information would be prosecuted and its editions suppressed. Since the declaration of martial law throughout Spain yesterday, the censorship over news has been more severe.

    PARIS, July 29. – […]
    Advices received at Hendaye from a conservative and exceptionally well-informed source in Madrid depicts the situation, both exterior and interior, as being more critical than at any time since the Cuban war.

    Although the Spanish Government seeks to create the impression that the movement in Catalonia is anarchistic and simply a protest against the war in Morocco and the policy of Premier Maura, there are the gravest reasons for believing that it is a general and widespread revolutionary outbreak, which a combination of Republicans and Social-Revolutionaries have been secretly and effectively preparing for a long time.

    A dispatch to the Journal from Madrid says that the revolution at Barcelona, it is alleged, was arranged by former Deputy Leroux, chief of the Republicans at Barcelona, who returned recently to Spain from Buenos Ayres.

  • Un barcelonés nuevayorquino sobre ve la Semana Trágica como un conflicto regionalista

    Interested In Industry, the People Object to Fighting.

    To the Editor of The New York Times:

    I notice your dispatches of to-day in regard to the Spanish situation that the disturbances in Barcelona and other Spanish Eastern points are classed as mainly the work of Anarchists and Socialists. Perhaps you have noticed that any time there are disturbances in Catalonia they are attributed to that class of agitators. While there have been occurrences to justify that idea, the facts in the present instance are simply the result of gross injustice prevailing in the conditions in which the army is forced to go about to patch trouble and correct blunders and wrongdoing on the part of high officials, as is the case with the present war in Morocco.

    I was born in Barcelona and lived there long enough to realize some of these things. The men who are sent to the front are ignorant of the reasons why they have to risk their lives, in most cases, and the only information that leaks out is of the kind that shows that they are being made a sacri?ce of on account of bureaucratic wrongdoing. Catalonia has been the land of protest for many years in Spanish history, and the reason of it is that industrial development and commercialism have given that section of Spain the opportunity to feel the benefits of peace instead of war. For years previous to the Cuban rebellion they asked the Government to grant the Cubans autonomy, to keep Cuba for Spain, and retain a valuable market. They protested often when their sons were forced to go to Cuba to shoot down Cubans for wanting what the Catalonians themselves had long advocated.

    Through their prosperity, attained in spite of an antagonistic Government, education has been much more general there than in other portions of Spain, due to an extensive private school system throughout the province. Because of their advancement over the rest of Spain, Catalonians have been mockingly called the «Yankees» of Spain. People who love work and prosper thereby, must necessarily resent the idea of being packed away to fight for unknown reasons, many miles away from their homes. Americans can readily see what that means if methods of raising an army are compared. Here men are called to give their services voluntarily, which they freely offer after they know what the trouble is about. The spirit or unrest in Catalonia and other portions of Spain is the natural result of gross injustice, and it will eventually lead to wholesale insurrection on the part of the army, and probably be the means‘ of eventually putting the war business out of all over Europe. Fighting for the flag is getting to be a delusion where the Government is not the people’s own, and the drift is clear.


    Schenectady, July 29. 1909.

  • La revolución, ¿ganando en Cataluña?

    Fighting Continues and Reinforcements Are Blocked by Strikers.

    PARIS, July 29. — Spanish couriers from Barcelona arriving at Cerbere on the frontier report that artillery is battering the barricades, behind which the insurgents are fighting desperately. Heavy fighting is in progress on the Rambla, in San Anne Square, and the Calle del Espino.

    The gutters are running with blood. The number of dead and wounded cannot be estimated, but it is believed to be heavy.

    Attempts on the Captain General continue as he disposes the position of the troops.

    The Military Governor of Barcelona published a decree to-day ordering the inhabitants of the city to return to their homes. After twenty-four hours any one found in the streets is liable to be shot on sight.

    Many instances of soldiers refusing to fire on the mobs are reported. A Lieutenant of infantry threatened to shoot a policeman who was about to fire his revolver into the crowds.

    The Government forces, failing to make headway, ahve been obliged to act on the defensive, attacking only when absolutely compelled by the menacing position of the revolutionists.

    The situation is further complicated by the spread of the general strike ordered by the labor organizations of Barcelona two days ago. The indications are that the strike will spread to the provinces of Lerida, Gerona, and Tarragona, but no definite news has been received from these points.

    The terror-stricken people are fleeing from the larger towns to the open country and the small villages, where there is less exposure to danger.

    Five convents and several private residences have been burned at Llanza, where the excitement is growing.

    Grave events are expected at Figueras… Comparative calm had been restored when orders were issued to the recruits to report for duty. The entire population is preparing to resist. The Portbou express left Figueras this morning, but stopped at Llanza, where the track had been blown up by dynamite.

    At Junquera … telegraph poles have been chopped down. All places where public funds have been deposited are guarded by the military. Business is at a complete standstill. The merchants are panic stricken and are placing their funds in foreign banks for safekeeping.

    Advices from Granollers … state that two convents have been burned to the ground.

    At Cassadelaselva the civil guard was disarmed by the mob and imprisoned in the barracks. The call to the colors of the reservists of 1906 and 1907, who are on leave, was without result, not a single reservist reporting for duty.

    The situation in Barcelona is rendered desperate by the absence of a sufficient military force capable of putting down the revolutionists. This condition results from the dispatch of all available troops to Melilla. The garrisons throughout Catalonia have thus been reduced to 6,000 men, while the revolutionists at Barcelona and adjacent towns far exceed that number.

    The Government forces are also scattered by the need of quelling outbreaks at many detached points. The isolation of the province, owing to the destruction of railways, gave the revolutionary element and strikers forty-eight hours to make uninterrupted preparations to cut off the arrival of reinforcements. They are thus masters of the situation.

    The line from Madrid to Barcelona is a scene of desolation. Trenches many feet wide have been cut across the railway embankments in the country districts. The small bridges spanning the streets in several towns have been pulled down.

    The arrival of reinforcements, so urgently needed by the Government forces, is retarded by the destruction of railroads and the avenues of communication leading to the city. The revolutionists are heavily armed with muskets, knives, and revolvers. They have an effective organization and hospital equipment which promptly looks after the dead and wounded.

    The Government is now seeking to relieve the city by sea, as the land communications are interrupted. All available ships are being hurried to Barcelona.

    Whethere there is an ulterior political purpose behind the revolutionary uprising throughout Catalonia is not yet clear. Outwardly the movement is thus far a protest against the Government’s war policy in Morocco and its levy of large reserve for war purposes.

  • Salvajismo anticlerical; Madrid dice que ha pasado lo peor; censura sofocante

    BARCELONA RIOTERS SLEW EVEN NUNS; Killed Priests at Altar, Burned Churches and Convents, While Bystanders Cheered. WORST OVER, SAYS MADRID Rioters, Crushed, Have Surrendered — London Hears General Strike in Spanish Capital Is Planned for Monday.

    LONDON, July 30. — The continued strict censorship of the news in Spain is interpreted in the most unfavorable light here, and the reassuring character of the official dispatches is consequently regarded with the utmost suspicion.