21 de November de 1894 - Santiago Salvador Franch, asesino del Liceo, muere cantando (274)

Ramón Casas, Garrote vil (1894). Imagen: Wikipedia.

He Died Impenitent in Spite of His Former Protestations of Piety – Mob Jeered at His Body.

BARCELONA, Nov. 21. – Salvador Franch, the chief conspirator in the death of thirty persons and the wounding of eighty others in the Lyceum Theatre in this city a little more than a year ago, was executed here at 8:06 o’clock this morning.


The prisoner throughout the last day and night of his life showed no fear. His meals were eaten with a good appetite and apparently were heartily relished. At 8 o’clock last evening his wife and daughter were admitted to his presence and spent considerable time in an endeavor to induce him to confess his crimes and accept the consolations of religion, saying: «If you don’t you will ruin us.»

Franch angrily, and with the greatest excitement, refused to pay any heed to their appeals.

It was several times found necessary for the military to charge upon and disperse the crowds which had collected about the prison in the hope of seeing the execution.

Franch cried «Long live Anarchy!» as he was being led to the place of his execution, and scoffed at religion to ths last. A few minutes before he was put to death he began singing, and he continued his song until he was not able to utter a sound.

His body was exposed in its place, in the death chair, until sundown. Great crowds of people gazed upon the distorted features of the dead man, and gloated over his execution, making all sorts of remarks of a character showing their detestation of the man.

New York Times

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Tags y explicaciónes

  • Anarquismo (39)
  • Barcelona (1604)
  • Bomba (7)
  • Bomba de Orsini (3)
  • Ejecución (24)
  • Garrote vil (8) El garrote vil o garrote fue una máquina utilizada para aplicar la pena capital.
  • Gran Teatro del Liceo (20) El Gran Teatro del Liceo de Barcelona, conocido como «El Liceo» (El Liceu en catalán), es el teatro en activo más antiguo y prestigioso de Barcelona, especialmente como teatro de ópera, entre los que es considerado uno de los más importantes del mundo.
  • Nicomedes Méndez (3) Nicomedes Méndez López (Haro, 16 de septiembre de 1842 - † Barcelona, 27 de octubre de 1912) fue verdugo titular de la Audiencia de Barcelona, y posteriormente, suplente en las de Valencia y Zaragoza.
  • Santiago Salvador Franch (3)


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