26 de July de 1909 - «Carnicería y conflagración» después de la huelga de Solidaridad Obrera (613)


Witnesses Describe Scenes of Carnage and Conflagration in Barcelona.

CERBERE, France, July 30. — The first direct dispatch from Barcelona since the fighting began there reached this place to-day, and is without date. It says:

«Barcelona has been a perfect hell. Half the population is terrorized, and the other half is mad with blood. The troops of the garrison, amid shouts of approval from the mob, repeatedly refused to fire on the people, and the work of repression fell upon the police and civil guard. They charged the revolutionaries and used their firearms freely everywhere, but numbers were against them. As this dispatch is sent the streets are in possession of the barricaded insurgents. The destruction of property has been great. Barcelona is completely isolated and running short of food.»

Exactly what stage of the proceedings this dispatch covers it is impossible to say.

The officers of the steamer Scutari arriving at Marseilles to-day from Barcelona, which port they left Wednesday afternoon, say the collision between the troops and the rioters began on Monday morning immediately after the declaration of a general strike. The rioters tore up the pavements and built barricades behind which they fought desperately. The troops and civil guard took many of the barriers by assault, and by night had brought about some semblance of order. Rigorous orders were issued by the authorities, the people being instructed to remain in their homes on penalty of being shot on sight after dark.

On Tuesday morning, the Scutari’s officers say, the streets were filled with cavalry, infantry, and artillery, who gradually cleared the principal streets and squares, notably the Rambla Santa Monica and [Plaza de Cataluña], placing the batteries and machine guns so as to command the adjacent streets. The loss of life during these operations was heavy. The rioters, as they were driven back, built new barricades as fast as the old ones were captured, and entrenched themselves in the suburbs of San Andre, San Antonio, [Badalona], and elsewhere, holding the troops at bay in spite of the raking fire of the artillery.

Everywhere flames broke out from churches, convents, and factories, and the skies at night were scarlet with the reflections of the fires. During Tuesday night the rattle of musketry, the drumming of machine guns, and the booming of cannon were ceaseless, and fierce fighting was in progress when the Scutari sailed.

All Convents Burned But One.

Passengers just arrived at Cerbere from Gerona, who went to San Felice from Barcelona by sea and then on foot to Gerona, where they took passage on a train, say the revolution was in full swing when the left the City of Barcelona. The «House of the People,» the headquarters of the rioters, was razed to the ground by artillery, and all of the convents except one in Calle Caspe, which was defended by Jesuits and a civil guard, were burned.

The Montjuich forts bombarded the Rambla and the Paseos. Ten thousand revolutionists were daily fighting in the streets under the direction of a Revolutionary Committee, which had charge of the movement. The Caldos Bridge was blown up by dynamite. At Lesomatin an armed civil body had thrown its fortunes with the revolutionaries and was holding the troops and civil guards at Barcelona.

From other towns on the Franco-Spanish frontier come many reports confirming what has been said of the terrible fury of the women throughout Catalonia. At Barcelona they fought behind the barricades with the men, urging them to fight to the death. Everywhere they resisted searches by gendarmes for recruits for the reserves, barring the doors of their houses and firing at the soldiers from the windows.

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  • Alfonso XIII de España (38) Alfonso XIII de España, llamado «el Africano» (Madrid, 17 de mayo de 1886-Roma, 28 de febrero de 1941), fue rey de España desde su nacimiento hasta la proclamación de la Segunda República en 1931.
  • Anarquismo (39)
  • Antonio Maura (21) Antonio Maura y Montaner (Palma de Mallorca, 2 de mayo de 1853-Torrelodones, 13 de diciembre de 1925) fue un político español, presidente del Consejo de Ministros en cinco ocasiones durante el reinado de Alfonso XIII; entre 1903 y 1904, entre 1907 y 1909 —el gobierno largo de Antonio Maura—, en 1918, en 1919 y entre 1921 y 1922.
  • Barcelona (1604)
  • Castillo de Montjuic (72)
  • Ejército (14)
  • España (250)
  • Francia (145)
  • Gerona (37)
  • Guardia Civil (15) La Guardia Civil es un instituto armado español de naturaleza militar, dependiente del Ministerio del Interior y del de Defensa, que cumple, entre otras, funciones de seguridad.
  • Guerra de Melilla (16) Se llama Guerra de Melilla al conflicto que enfrentó a tropas españolas con las cabilas rifeñas en los alrededores de la ciudad de Melilla entre julio y diciembre de 1909.
  • Guerra del Rif (7) La Guerra del Rif, también llamada la Segunda Guerra de Marruecos o, simplemente, Guerra de África, fue un enfrentamiento originado en la sublevación de las tribus del Rif, una región montañosa del norte marroquí, contra las autoridades coloniales española y francesa, concretada en los Tratados de Tetuán (1860), Madrid (1880) y Algeciras (1906), completado este con el de Fez (1912), que delimitaron los protectorados español y francés, cuya vida administrativa y geográfica se inició en 1907, conflicto en que participaron también tropas francesas, pese a haber afectado principalmente a las tropas españolas.
  • La Rambla (75)
  • Paseo de Gracia (14) El paseo de Gracia (en catalán Passeig de Gràcia) es una de las avenidas principales de Barcelona y una de las avenidas más famosas de Cataluña, debido a su importancia turística, áreas comerciales, negocios y un gran escaparate de destacadas obras de arquitectura modernista, como las edificaciones de los arquitectos Antoni Gaudí y Lluís Domènech i Montaner, declaradas Patrimonio de la Humanidad.
  • Policia (13)
  • San Felíu de Guixols (3)
  • Semana Trágica (España) (20) Se conoce con el nombre de Semana Trágica a los sucesos acaecidos en Barcelona y otras ciudades de Cataluña entre el 26 de julio y el 2 de agosto de 1909.
  • Solidaridad Obrera (sindicato histórico) (5) Solidaridad Obrera fue una organización sindical española formada en 1907 sobre las estructuras de la "Unió Local de Societats Obreres de Barcelona" a fin de reorganizar los sindicatos catalanes muy debilitados a consecuencia del fracaso de la huelga general obrera de 1902 en reivindicación de la jornada de 8 horas y el reconocimiento de derecho de huelga.
  • Terrorismo (32)


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