Un Sinatra enamorado de Ava Gardner llega a Barcelona sin saber que ya tiene rival en Tossa: el torero Mario Cabré

Bullfighter, Sinatra Vie
Rivals Woo Ava Gardner

Barcelona, Spain, May 12 (UP)

Singer Frank Sinatra meets today the bullfighter who is his rival for the affections of Ava Gardner.

The crooner and bullfighter were to face each other at the little coastal town of Tossa de Mar, where Miss Gardner was making exterior shots for her film, «Pandora and the Flying Dutchman.»

Bullfighter Mario Cabre is the film’s male lead, and he gives signs of romancing Miss Gardner, both on and off the set.

This information depressed Sinatra when he arrived in Barcelona by air from the United States yesterday. It put him in a snappish mood.

Sinatra said he came to Spain for a «much needed rest.» He suffered a throat hemorrhage recently, and his doctor told him to sing not at all and talk as little as possible.

He rented a car and drove north along the picturesque Catalan coast to a rendezvous with Miss Gardner at the Sea Gull Inn in the resort town of s’Agaro.

For their reunion, he brought a case of Coca Cola and another and unidentified present wrapped in tissue paper. Miss Gardner climbed in the car with him and they drove north along the coastal highway to Tossa de Mar.

There they dined with British Actor James Mason at La Bastida estate, where Sinatra is staying. Miss Gardner spent the night at a neighboring estate.

Back in Hollywood, Sinatra’s wife was reported planning divorce action.


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  1. […] localització on es va rodar la pel·lícula Pandora y el holandés errante el 1950. Aquell any Frank Sinatra va aterrar a Barcelona procedent dels EUA mogut pels sonats rumors que relacionaven la seva estimada Ava  amb el torero […]

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