Llega desde Nápoles el nuevo rey de España, Carlos III, que gana el amor de los barceloneses perdonándoles una importante suma de impuestos

Desembarca Cárlos III viniendo de Nápoles para ocupar el trono de España.


Una respuesta a «Llega desde Nápoles el nuevo rey de España, Carlos III, que gana el amor de los barceloneses perdonándoles una importante suma de impuestos»

  1. Avatar de Alberto Pernales
    Alberto Pernales


    Barcelona, Oct. 31, 1760.


    Far from being disaffected to the present government, the Catalans seem quite enamoured of their king; and for no bad reason, as his majesty forgave the principality every maravedi of the arrears that were due to the royal treasury, on the day that he landed on this more from Naples. Those arrears had gone on encreasing during three or four years when the harvests had not proved plentiful, and amounted to little less than two hundred thousand pounds sterling at his majesty’s arrival. To remit such a sum was an act of munificence, which, as it was accompanied by many gracious words, quite won him the hearts of these people, and all all traces of past sufferings and past resentments seem now intirely obliterated.

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