The conquest of Tripoli in 1510 brought a large number of Jewish slaves to Sicily. It is reasonable to suppose that a certain number converted, as is illustrated by a halakhic responsum of Rabbi David ben Abi Zimra. The leaders of a Jewish community in Egypt wished to have his opinion concerning the identity of a man who claimed that as a boy he was captured during the conquest of Tripoli, sold as a slave in Palermo and converted. When he was about thirty-five, wishing to return to his faith, he left Sicily and came to Egypt to join his family; his own father, however, refused to acknowledge him. How could anyone recognize a mature man with a black beard, when they only knew him as a beardless boy of seven? (Zeldes, «The former Jews of this kingdom»)
During the forty years of Christian rule in the city of Tripoli (1510-1551), there seems to have been no major Jewish community there. According to a tradition recorded later, 800 Jewish families fled in 1510 from Tripoli to Tajura, an oasis on the Mediterranean coast, east of Tripoli, and to Jebel Gharyna in the interior of the country. Some of the refugees of 1510 (or other Jews) seem to have subsequently returned to Tripoli. (Hirschberg, Bashan, Attal, A History of the Jews in North Africa)
Fernando II de Aragón (31) Fernando II de Aragón, llamado «el Católico» (Sos, 10 de marzo de 1452-Madrigalejo, 23 de enero de 1516), fue rey de Aragón (1479-1516) , de Castilla (como Fernando V, 1474-1504), de Sicilia (1468-1516) y de Nápoles (como Fernando III, 1504-1516).
Imperio otomano (22) El Imperio otomano, también conocido como Imperio turco otomano (en otomano: دولت عالیه عثمانیه Devlet-i Âliye-i Osmâniyye; en turco moderno: Osmanlı Devleti o Osmanlı İmparatorluğu) fue un Estado multiétnico y multiconfesional gobernado por la dinastía osmanlí.
Jeireddín Barbarroja (5) Jeireddín Barbarroja (en turco otomano خير الدين بربروس; Lesbos, 1475 – Estambul, 1546) fue un almirante otomano, así como un corsario turco que sirvió bajo las órdenes del sultán otomano Suleimán I. Apodado Barbaros («Barbarroja» en español) —concretamente el nombre de Barbarossa se lo otorgaron los italianos por su barba roja— , así como Barbaros Hayrettin Pasha (خير الدين, Jayr al-Din) por los turcos, su verdadero nombre en turco era Hızır bin Yakup, y este procedente del árabe Jidr ʾibn Yaʿqub.
Pedro Navarro (1) Pedro Navarro (¿Garde?, Navarra, h.
Piratería berberisca (16) Los piratas berberiscos, también a veces llamados corsarios otomanos, fueron piratas y corsarios musulmanes que actuaron desde el Norte de África (la "Costa berberisca"), donde tenían sus bases.
Reconquista (6) Se denomina Reconquista al proceso histórico en que los reinos cristianos de la península ibérica buscaron el control peninsular en poder del dominio musulmán.
Comentarios del compilador
The conquest of Tripoli in 1510 brought a large number of Jewish slaves to Sicily. It is reasonable to suppose that a certain number converted, as is illustrated by a halakhic responsum of Rabbi David ben Abi Zimra. The leaders of a Jewish community in Egypt wished to have his opinion concerning the identity of a man who claimed that as a boy he was captured during the conquest of Tripoli, sold as a slave in Palermo and converted. When he was about thirty-five, wishing to return to his faith, he left Sicily and came to Egypt to join his family; his own father, however, refused to acknowledge him. How could anyone recognize a mature man with a black beard, when they only knew him as a beardless boy of seven? (Zeldes, «The former Jews of this kingdom»)
During the forty years of Christian rule in the city of Tripoli (1510-1551), there seems to have been no major Jewish community there. According to a tradition recorded later, 800 Jewish families fled in 1510 from Tripoli to Tajura, an oasis on the Mediterranean coast, east of Tripoli, and to Jebel Gharyna in the interior of the country. Some of the refugees of 1510 (or other Jews) seem to have subsequently returned to Tripoli. (Hirschberg, Bashan, Attal, A History of the Jews in North Africa)