3 de August de 1909 - «Muchos extranjeros muertos, Ferrer también» (319)

Many French and Italians Reported Among Dead, Wounded, or in Prison.

LONDON, Aug. 3.–In a dispatch from Barcelona yesterday the correspondent of The Daily Telegraph says:
«Gen. Santiago has started sending out forces to restore order in the neighboring towns and villages. The officers have been ordered to take swift and vigorous measures, but Gen. Santiago thinks that no serious resistance will be offered the troops.

«Replying to a note sent him by the foreign Consuls stating that in the event of foreigners being endangered the Consuls would ask for warships, Gen. Santiago said that such a step would be needless, as he had sufficient forces to maintain order. He has wired Madrid that he needs no further reinforcements, and accordingly the brigades now under arms intended for Barcelona, will be diverted to Melilla.»
The Daily Telegraph’s Madrid correspondent, in a dispatch sent by way of Biarritz, asserts that many foreigners, especially Frenchmen and Italians, are among the dead. The correspondent adds that it is reported that among those killed in the fighting was Señor Ferrer, former Director of the Modern School of Barcelona, who was regarded as the instigator of the bomb outrage upon King Alfonso and Queen Victoria in the Calle Mayor on the royal wedding day. Ferrer was arrested for complicity in the outrage, but was acquitted.

Another Barcelona dispatch says order is almost completely re-established in Barcelona proper, but the trouble continues on the outskirts of the city, and that among the victims of the military courts-martial are two members of the Chamber of Deputies and eight Aldermen of Barcelona.

At 1 o’clock in the afternoon life in the city and its suburbs was again normal. The newspapers were being published and work generally had been resumed. At the solicitation of the authorities, the employers have agreed to offer a premium of a week’s wages to every person coming back to work.

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Tags y explicaciónes

  • Barcelona (1604)
  • España (250)
  • Francia (145)
  • Francisco Ferrer Guardia (8) Francisco Ferrer Guardia (en catalán: Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia; Alella, 10 de enero de 1859-Barcelona, 13 de octubre de 1909) fue un pedagogo libertario y librepensador español.
  • Guerra de Melilla (16) Se llama Guerra de Melilla al conflicto que enfrentó a tropas españolas con las cabilas rifeñas en los alrededores de la ciudad de Melilla entre julio y diciembre de 1909.
  • Guerra del Rif (7) La Guerra del Rif, también llamada la Segunda Guerra de Marruecos o, simplemente, Guerra de África, fue un enfrentamiento originado en la sublevación de las tribus del Rif, una región montañosa del norte marroquí, contra las autoridades coloniales española y francesa, concretada en los Tratados de Tetuán (1860), Madrid (1880) y Algeciras (1906), completado este con el de Fez (1912), que delimitaron los protectorados español y francés, cuya vida administrativa y geográfica se inició en 1907, conflicto en que participaron también tropas francesas, pese a haber afectado principalmente a las tropas españolas.
  • Imperio español (11)
  • Italia (64)
  • Marruecos (4)
  • Semana Trágica (España) (20) Se conoce con el nombre de Semana Trágica a los sucesos acaecidos en Barcelona y otras ciudades de Cataluña entre el 26 de julio y el 2 de agosto de 1909.


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