Principal Bands Rounded Up in Barcelona and Killed or Captured.
MADRID, July 29. — It was officially announced to-night that the cavalry engaged at Barcelona succeeded in driving into St. Martin Square the principal bands of revolutionists, against whom the artillery opened fire, causing great losses. The survivors surrendered.
The official statement further says that it now remains only to master small groups of revolutionists in the villages in the vicinity of Barcelona.
Thus, according to official advices, the insurrection has been checked, but at a great sacrifice of life. After fighting desperately and successfully for a long time behind barricades the principal mobs were gradually driven to St. Martin’s Square, where they found themselves entrapped.
Heavy detachments of artillery and cavalry came up and surrounded them. The artillery opened fire, mowing down the revolutionists, who sought to escape, but were met at every point with shot and shell.
Those of the insurgents who were not killed or seriously wounded threw down their arms and surrendered.
The insurrection continues in the neighbouring villages, where the troops are proceeding. The commanders of the soldiers are under orders to spare none who attempts to resist.
New from Barcelona, the centre of the revolutionary outbreaks, is exceedingly meagre and unsatisfactory. From refugees at Lisbon comes the report that the revolutionists are using bombs and that 100 persons were killed and 200 wounded during the earlier stages of the conflicts.
Premier Maura announced to-night that he had received more favorable reports from Barcelona, where the situation, according to this official statement, is slightly ameliorated.
«The arrival of reinforcements,» said the Premier, «will permit the repression of outbreaks.»
Throughout the day, however, advices received from various quarters indicated that the disturbances in Catalonia were quite as serious yesterday, although the Government has succeeded in getting troops through to certain of the disaffected points. The lines of communication, which had been cut everywhere in Catalonia, have in part been repaired.
Premier Maura May Resign
The report that a provisional Government has been established at Barcelona and that the civil Governor has been assassinated is unconfirmed, but rumors are persistent that Premier Maura will resign and that a military dictatorship will be set up in Madrid. However, reports that King Alfonso would form a military Cabinet, presided over by Gen. Weyler, are officially denied.
[Situación malísima en Marruecos, movilización general del ejército, posición de las finanzas del estado]
Señor Lacierva, the Minister of the Interior, announced to-day that any newspaper printing reports disagreeing with official information would be prosecuted and its editions suppressed. Since the declaration of martial law throughout Spain yesterday, the censorship over news has been more severe.
PARIS, July 29. – […]
Advices received at Hendaye from a conservative and exceptionally well-informed source in Madrid depicts the situation, both exterior and interior, as being more critical than at any time since the Cuban war.
Although the Spanish Government seeks to create the impression that the movement in Catalonia is anarchistic and simply a protest against the war in Morocco and the policy of Premier Maura, there are the gravest reasons for believing that it is a general and widespread revolutionary outbreak, which a combination of Republicans and Social-Revolutionaries have been secretly and effectively preparing for a long time.
A dispatch to the Journal from Madrid says that the revolution at Barcelona, it is alleged, was arranged by former Deputy Leroux, chief of the Republicans at Barcelona, who returned recently to Spain from Buenos Ayres.
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