Misa y gran bombardeo para celebrar el cumpleaños de Berwick

All the time till the twenty fourth, was employed in carrying on the works to the covered way. On the twenty fifth, being the Marshal of Berwick‘s birth day, after having caused the mass to be said by the Vicar-general of the army, and the artillery to be blessed, he ordered a royal battery of seventy four pieces of cannon, and twenty four mortars to fire upon a long courtain, extending from the bastion of the new port to that of Santa Clara; at the same time that sixteen other cannons fired from two batteries upon a redoubt nigh the sea. So great a fire had the effect which might well be expected from it; the bullets did a great deal of mischief in the town, and frightned the inhabitants.

This occasioned a general assembly, wherein they resolved to persist in their revolt. Pinos, a gentleman, and one of the most obstinate of the rebels, spoke in that assembly in such a haughty manner, as intimidated those who were inclined to submit. The ravings of Basset, Grand-vicar of Cardinal Sala, Bishop of Barcelona, which he vented under the name of revelation’s, seduced others. They made a decree, which they distributed by their emissaries, who in the night easily went out, and returned on the sea-side. In this writing they gave notice to the rebels in the country of the condition to which the town was reduced, and of the danger with which it was threatened; they commanded all the inhabitants of towns and villages, who were above fourteen years of age, to take arms for the defence of their liberties, upon pain of being treated as enemies to their country. The Marquis del Poël, and the Chevalier Armengol, went throughout the whole country, to put this decree in execution. The Captains of the Miquelets had the insolence to accompany this writing with an order from them, expressed in such terms as the most famous and renowned Generals would have hardly used: they commanded all the inhabitants of the cities, towns, and villages of Catalonia, who were fourteen years of age, to take arms, and repair to them, under pain of being burnt in their habitations.


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