La tropa quiere rendirse, la administración negociar, la gente luchar

All the dispositions being made, Marshal Berwick opened the trenches on the night between the twelfth and thirteenth of July, on the east side, where the besieged did not expect to be attacked. The trenches were mounted by a Lieutenant-general, a Marshal de Camp, and two Brigadeers; ten battalions, and five hundred horse, besides two thousand five hundred pioneers to work in the night; and much the same disposition was made during the whole siege. The trenches were advanced within three hundred and eighty fathoms of the counterscarp: about two of the clock in the afternoon the besieged made a sally, being headed by their brave Matadors, several of whom were killed upon the spot, or were taken prisoners and hanged.

On the same day, the deputation sent a trumpet with dispatches for Mr. Bellefontaine, who
refused to receive them. The Marquis of Villaroël sent another, with a letter directed to the Marquis of Guerchy. The latter carried it unopened to Marshal Berwick, who returned it to the trumpet, and threatened to cause him to be hanged, if he returned any more to the camp; adding, that the rebels must only have recourse to the mercy of the King. A few hours after, some ladies from the town came to the camp, and presented themselves at the door of the General’s tent, in order to intreat him to grant them an asylum: but the Marshal would neither see nor hear them, and immediately sent them back to the town saying, that when he should be there, he would hear them. A Marshal de Camp, a Brigadeer, a Colonel, and five Captains, escaped from the town on the same day, and surrendered at discretion. They brought an account that the regular troops were disposed to surrender, but that the people were more obstinate than ever; that they were employed in throwing up a multitude of retrenchments, and declared that they would rather be buried in the ruins of their houses, than submit.


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