Masacre de Almorávides cerca de Castelldefels

Whilst the Count of Barcelona was pursuing the Course of his memorable and glorious Victory [the taking of Mallorca], with the greatest Success; his Joy was allay’d by the News of the Hagarens [Almoravids] having invaded his Lands, and having wasted them with incredible Fury, and had even laid Siege to Barcelona. He resolv’d to return to his own Countrey, in order to suppress the Pride of these Barbarians, tho’ with Intention to put an end afterwards to the Conquest [of the rest of the Balearics]. Mean while he recommended the Island to the Genouese; and to make surer of their Friendship, he honour’d them with the Arms of Barcelona, being the Red Cross of St. George on a White Field, and the Name of that Saint in Battel.

Having landed betwixt Llobregat and Castle de Fels, (in Catalonia) he fell upon the Moors, who had now rais’d the Siege of Barcelona, and made such a Slaughter of them that the River Llobregat run with Blood as far as the Sea. Whilft the Count was overjoy’d with this good Success, there arrives a Saetia from Majorca, with Advice that the Genouese had sold and deliver’d up the City to the Moors. This oblig’d him to return to the Island; and once more he reduc’d them; so being loaded with Spoils, and particularly carrying along with him a Multitude of Christian Captives, he enter’d Barcelona victorious and triumphant.


Una respuesta a «Masacre de Almorávides cerca de Castelldefels»

  1. Avatar de Trevor

    Some sources give late April, some early May, so why not May 1?


    Acabem de veure la dura condició dels pobladors medievals, que veien limitada la seva activitat marítima per les imposicions dels senyors feudals. A aquests problemes s’afegia puntualment la guerra, com passà a principis del segle XII, quan els almoràvits atacaren els regnes cristians tot trencant una pau que durava des de finals del segle X. A Catalunya, les ofensives tingueren lloc els anys 1107, 1108, 1114 i 1115. En aquesta darrera ocasió, devastaren el Penedès i arribaren fins a Barcelona, que assetjaren durant vint dies. El comte Ramon Berenguer III, que era d’expedició a Mallorca (en un primer intent fallit de conquesta) va haver de tornar precipitadament. Amb l’ajut de narbonesos i llenguadocians, va rebutjar els invasors en el Pla de Barcelona, després d’un gran combat en el qual els sarraïns tingueren 700 morts, lliurat a finals d’abril o inicis de maig del 1115.

    La famosa Crònica de Bernat Desclot indica que el desembarcament i la batalla tingueren lloc prop de Castelldefels: «lo chomte (…) ab sos cavallers e ab sa gent (…) preseren terra entre.l cap de Lobregat e el Castel de Fels; e devalaren en terra, éls e lurs cavals (…) e. l s sarraÿns, qui eren sens nombre, no.s pogren gandir a la host del chomte (…) e axí moriren-ne aquí tants, que l’aygua de Lobregat n’era tota vermella fins a la mar».

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