9 de octubre de 1705 - Peterborough toma Barcelona para Carlos y rescata a una guapa de la multitud (369 + 365)

William Rayner, Barcelona taken by the Confederate Fleet & Army, October 20 1705, ye land forces under the command of ye Earl of Peterborough & Prince of Hesse Darmstadt & the fleet under that of ye Admirals, Shovel, Allemonde, Charles III. King of Spain, Emperour, being present & assisting at the whole. Imagen: ICC.

Then Peterborough directed his attention to the town below, reached the walls, and induced the governor, Velasco, to agree to surrender within four days, if not relieved. Relief was out of the question; and within the town the Austrian partisans were numerous and daring: bands of Miquelets, a sort of lawless association of Catalans, threatened to throw open the gates, and subject the whole city to fire, sword, and plunder; so that even before the time mentioned, Velasco was forced to capitulate, and to entreat the enemy to enter, and secure him and the respectable inhabitants from the fury of the Miquelets and the rabble of the town. Peterborough, like a preux chevalier, rode into Barcelona instantly with only a few attendants, and rescued from the rabble a beautiful lady, who proved to be the Duchess of Popoli, the wife of a grandee of Spain, who derived his title from a town in the Abruzzi. and who possessed, or, rather, had possessed, immense estates in the Neapolitan kingdom. He restored the fair lady to her lord: and, riding through a loose, mad fire of guns and pistols, and making use of persuasions and of the flat of his sword, he at last succeeded in reducing that rabble rout to order, and saved the lives of the governor and his officers.1 «The Spaniards,» says Voltaire, «were confounded at the sight of so much magnanimity in the English, whom the populace had taken for pitiless barbarians, because they were heretics.» Immediately after this remarkable achievement, the whole of Catalonia and every fortified place in it, with the exception of Rosas, submitted to Charles. But Peterborough was not the man to sleep under his laurels ; he flew in search of fresh exploits, and led his troops over the ground as fast as Spanish cabinet couriers traveled.

1 » The Earl of Peterborough, with Stanhope and other officers, rode about the streets to stop this fury, and to prevail with the people to maintain their articles of capitulation religiously; and in doing this, Stanhope said to me, they ran a greater hazard, from the shooting and fire that was flying about in that disorder, than they had done during the whole siege.»—Burnet.

The pictorial history of England

Comentarios del compilador

Me falta fuente decente.

Los ingleses ponen 20 de octubre porque usaban aún el calendario juliano.

Joan Amades, Històries i Llegendes de Barcelona (1984):

Schon im Juni 1706 war ein förmlicher Vertrag zwischen den Engländern und den Cataloniern geschloßen worden, in welchem jene eine Armee an die Küste zu werfen, und diese sich alsdann für Carl III., der dagegen ihre alten Fueros zu beobachten habe, zu erheben versprachen. Das Unerwartete, Abenteuerliche, so zu sagen die Romantik des Unternehmens, durch welches Lord Peterborough sich in Besitz von Barcelona feßte (9. October) fällt bei näherer Betrachtung weg; alles war durch geheime Uebereinkunst vorbereitet; aber dabei bleibt es doch wahr, daß Carl III., der nun sofort herbeikam, mit freudiger Beistimmung begrüßt wurde. Er versprach, die Fueros und Privilegien bis in die kleinsten Bestimmungen zu beobachten: unter dieser Bedingung warb er von Barcelona und den andern Communen des Fürstenthums anerkannt; auch in den übrigen Gebieten der aragonesischen Krone erhob sich die Bevölkerung zum Aufstand für ihn; im Februar 1704 konnte Peterborough im Triumph in Valencia einziehen.

Joseph Baretti, A journey from London to Genoa, through England, Portugal, Spain, and France (1770):

On the 9th of October King Charles entered the city in triumph, and was hailed by the inhabitants as their legitimate sovereign, and as their deliverer from the detested yoke of the Bourbons. Every measure was adopted to maintain this conquest, and spread the revolution through the neighbouring kingdoms of Murcia, Valencia, and Aragon. Barcelona was placed in a state of defence; the inhabitants enrolled and disciplined ; six native regiments were embodied; and numerous flying corps, composed of the enterprising mountaineers, at once maintained the tranquillity of the conquered district, and contributed to foment the spirit of insurrection in the adjoining countries.

Sin embargo [ref3623]:

Ils furent plus heureux devant Barcelone, qui se rendit le 4 octobre, la garnison prisonnière de guerre, excepté le vice-roi, le duc de Popoli et quelques officiers distingués. On voulut longtemps douter de cette nouvelle, et [de] beaucoup de cruautés exercées par les Allemands.

450.000 palabras sin publicidad ni subvención

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  • España (250)
  • Fueros de Aragón (11) En 1247, el rey Jaime I de Aragón convocó Cortes Generales del Reino en Huesca con la intención de continuar la obra legisladora de la Corona y compilar en un solo documento las normas que habían de regir la actividad privada y la administración de justicia.
  • Guerra de Sucesión Española (56) La Guerra de Sucesión Española fue un conflicto internacional que duró desde 1701 hasta la firma del tratado de Utrecht en 1713, que tuvo como causa fundamental la muerte sin descendencia de Carlos II de España, último representante de la Casa de Habsburgo, y que dejó como principal consecuencia la instauración de la Casa de Borbón en el trono de España.
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  • Sans (26)
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  • Valencia (36)
  • Voltaire (2) François-Marie Arouet (París, 21 de noviembre de 1694 – ibídem, 30 de mayo de 1778), más conocido como Voltaire, fue un escritor, historiador, filósofo y abogado francés que figura como uno de los principales representantes de la Ilustración, un período que enfatizó el poder de la razón humana, de la ciencia y el respeto hacia la humanidad.


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