21 de mayo de 1348 - Sus vecinos matan a 20 judíos por la Peste Negra sin intervención de las autoridades y con una respuesta bastante tardía por parte de Dios (413 + 85)

315. And it came to pass, in the year five thousand one hundred and eight, which is the second year of King Philip, there was a great plague, from the rising of the sun unto the going down thereof; and there was no city which was too high for it, as it is written in the book of Emek Rephaim of Rabbi Chaim Galipapat. And there was a great cry from one end of the world unto the other, the like whereof never was. In the city which went out by a thousand, there were but one hundred left; and of that which went out by one hundred, only ten were left, at that time; and for one who died or was sick of the Jews, there died and sickened one hundred of the people of the land. And they clothed themselves with jealousy.

316. In those evil days, there was no king nor prince. Were it not that the Lord was with us, there would not have been left of the Jews in the kingdoms of Aragon and Catalonia one spared or remaining. And they wickedly accused them with wrong accusations, and said, «Because of the wickedness of Jacob was this. They have brought the deadly poison into the world: from them came this great evil upon us.» And it came to pass, when they said this horrible thing, that the Jews feared greatly, and afflicted their souls with fasting, and cried unto God. And it was a time of misery, of grief, and of rebuke, unto the house of Jacob in that year. And it came to pass on the Sabbath-day, at evening, that they arose against them at Barcelona, and killed of them about twenty souls, and laid hands on the prey, and there was none to say, «Leave off.» While they were fighting, the Lord caused it to thunder and to rain an overwhelming shower and flames of fire; and our adversaries were amazed: the Lord confounded their speech. And the nobles and the great men of the city went and saved the rest from their hand; but did not retain strength to save them from the thunder and rain; for they were many who rose up against them, and said, «Let us destroy them from being a nation. The Lord do good unto those that are good, and as for such as turn aside unto their crooked ways, may the Lord lead them forth with the workers of iniquity!» Amen.

, The Chronicles of Rabbi Joseph Ben Joshua Ben Meir, the Sphardi (1835).

Comentarios del compilador

José María Gironella, 100 españoles y Dios (1969) da la misma fecha: Alboroto contra los judíos del Call, muchos de los cuales son muertos.

Se trata de la pandemia dos años antes de la muerte de Felipe VI de Francia, no dos años tras empezar su reinado. El autor documenta masacres posteriores in Sirbira (Cervera), Tarigah (Tàrrega), Solsonah (Solsona), Salkonah (?), Monson (Monzón), Lerida, e Iviskah (Ibiza).

450.000 palabras sin publicidad ni subvención

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  • Antisemitismo (4)
  • Barcelona (1604)
  • Cataluña (147)
  • Cervera (2)
  • Consejo de Ciento (80) El Consejo de Ciento (en catalán Consell de Cent) era la institución de autogobierno municipal de la ciudad de Barcelona entre los siglos XIII y XVIII. Recibe dicho nombre porque lo formaba una asamblea de cien ciudadanos: los llamados «jurados», que asesoraban y supervisaban a los magistrados municipales, y los consejeros de Barcelona.
  • Corona de Aragón (94) La Corona de Aragón (en aragonés: Corona d'Aragón; en catalán: Corona d'Aragó; conocida también por otros nombres alternativos) englobaba al conjunto de territorios que estuvieron bajo la jurisdicción del rey de Aragón, de 1164 a 1707.[8]​[9]​ El 13 de noviembre de 1137, Ramiro II el Monje, rey de Aragón, en la conocida como renuncia de Zaragoza depositó en su yerno Ramón Berenguer el reino (aunque no la dignidad de rey), firmando éste en adelante como Conde de Barcelona y Príncipe de Aragón.
  • Crisis de la Edad Media en España (193) La Baja Edad Media es el último período de la Edad Media.
  • Felipe VI de Francia (1) Felipe VI de Valois (en francés: Philippe VI de Valois), llamado el "rey encontrado" (Fontainebleau 1293 - Nogent-le-Roi, Eure-et-Loir, 22 de agosto de 1350), rey de Francia (1328-1350), nieto de Felipe III el Atrevido, sobrino de Felipe IV el Hermoso e hijo del conde Carlos de Valois y de Margarita de Anjou y Maine.
  • Ibiza (2)
  • Judío (17)
  • Lérida (8)
  • Lluvia (19)
  • Monzón (4) El monzón es un viento estacional que se produce por el desplazamiento del cinturón ecuatorial.
  • Pedro IV de Aragón (17) Pedro IV de Aragón, llamado el Ceremonioso o el del Punyalet ('el del puñalito', debido a un puñal que solía portar), II de Valencia y de Ampurias, I de Mallorca y Cerdeña y III de Barcelona (Balaguer, 5 de octubre de 1319 - Barcelona, 5 de enero de 1387), rey de Aragón, Valencia y conde de Barcelona (1336-1387); rey de Mallorca (1344-1387), duque de Atenas (1380-1387) y Neopatria (1377-1387) y conde de Ampurias (1386-1387), hijo de Alfonso el Benigno.
  • Peste negra (25)
  • Principado de Cataluña (31)
  • Reino de Aragón (22)
  • Solsona (3)
  • Tárrega (2)
  • Tormenta (12)
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