Un muerto y dieciocho heridos en la explosión de un coche bomba contra un puesto de la Guardia Civil en el puerto de Barcelona.
Año: 1987
Un transeúnte muerto y tres guardias civiles heridos por un coche bomba de ETA en la Meridiana
Un transeúnte muerto y tres guardias civiles heridos al estallar un coche bomba en la confluencia de la avenida Meridiana con la calle Biscaia de Barcelona.
Coche bomba de ETA en Pau Claris con Mallorca
Un coche bomba estalla en la confluencia de las calles Pau Claris y Mallorca de Barcelona y provoca cuatro heridos leves y daños graves.
Atentado contra la oficina de General Electric
At 12.53 a.m., a bomb exploded outside the office of General Electric. The office is situated in an area of the city which contains the offices of a number of multinational corporations. According to eyewitnesses, a man in a beige Renault was observed getting out of the car and placing a package in the entrance way of the building. The bomb (which contained no shrapnel) caused extensive damage to the first and second floors of the building. A previously unknown group called the Red Army for the Liberation of Catalonia (ERCA) claimed credit for the attack. Very little is known about the ERCA, and it is believed that the group consists of hard-line Marxist elements.
Bomba separatista fuera de las oficinas de Hewlett-Packard
At 12.45 a.m., a bomb consisting of two kilos of compressed powder inside an aluminum milk can exploded outside of the ground floor office window of Hewlett-Packard. The bomb caused minor damage and no injuries. It is not known if Hewlett-Packard was the intended target, since the building it occupies is also shared by several Spanish, Japanese, and American companies. The Red Army for the Liberation of Catalonia (ERCA) claimed credit for the attack.
21 muertos por un coche bomba de ETA en el Hipercor
Veintiuna personas pierden la vida y más de treinta resultan heridas en el atentado con coche bomba a Hipercor en Barcelona.
Bomba nacionalista-socialista en el Consulado General de EEUU
A bomb exploded in a building housing the American Consulate General, causing extensive damage and injuring eight people, none seriously. The bomb, which was inside a shopping bag, was placed on a stairwell outside the back entrance of the Consulate General, which occupies the fourth floor of an eight-story building. Of the eight people injured, two were Foreign Service nationals (FSNs) of the Consulate General. The bomb, which contained at least 5 kilos of explosive, caused extensive structural damage to the third and fourth floor stairwells of the building. Though the back and front doors of the Consulate General were destroyed, the interior did not suffer any damage. Two Catalan separatist groups, Terra LLiure (Free Land) and the Red Army for the Liberation of Catalonia (ERCA) claimed credit for the attack. It is believed that ERCA was responsible for the attack.
Un marinero estadounidense es asesinado por separatistas catalanes
At 6:20 pm (local time), unidentified individuals threw two fragmentation grenades into a public hallway leading to the main entrance of the United Services Organization (USO) facility… At the time of the attack there were 20 U.S. servicemen in the bar. The explosions fatally wounded one seaman and injured nine others. Two groups, Terra LLiure and the Red Army for the Liberation of Catalonia (ERCA), both claimed credit for the attack. This attack does not fit the modus operandi of Terra LLiure and it is believed that the ERCA was responsible.