Golpe de estado del capitán general de Cataluña, Miguel Primo de Rivera

El meu pare era cambonista, naturalment… I era, també com els seus semblants, un decidit partidari de l’ordre i l’autoritat. Durant la Setmana Tràgica, suposo que devia cridar: «Que vingui l’Exèrcit!» I a la primera canonada que ressonés al principal, deixaria anar: «Ara! Ara anem bé!» El general, l’Espadón, va ser una figura particularment estimada per la burgesia catalan. Podia dir-se, el general, Franco o Primo de Rivera, capità general de Catalunya, dictador a partir del 23 [sic] de setembre de 1923, aclamat per tothom. Tots ells van pujar enmig de grans «Gràcies a Déu!», fins que al cap d’un temps, sempre el mateix procés impetorbable, els burgesos s’exclamaven: «Aquest home és molt burro!» Un descobriment tardà, però inexorable. Amb Primo, amb Franco.


Una respuesta a «Golpe de estado del capitán general de Cataluña, Miguel Primo de Rivera»

  1. Avatar de Alberto Pernales
    Alberto Pernales

    En el St Petersburg Times leemos que la revolución de Primo de Rivera quiere poner fin a «las políticas inmorales» del Gobierno:

    Movement Under General Rivera Causes Great Concern Throughout Entire Country
    Leader Says His Object is to Relieve Country of Immoral Policies of the Government

    MADRID, Sept 13.–(By A.P.)–Spain is in the travail of a revolution. A military coup d’etat, originating in Barcelona has spread rapidly through various districts and provinces of the country and has aroused the deepest concern to the government.

    At the head of the movement is the captain-general of Barcelona, Primo Rivera, a man of strong influence and powerful associations. Behind him are the officers of the army, who have been chaffing for many months under the ignominy of the Moroccan campaign, and with the officers are the rank and file who seem ready to follow their leaders to the end.

    King Alfonzo is believed to be at San Sebastian. There are various reports as to his probable action in the crisis, and he may even now be on his way to Madrid to take up consideration of the threatening situation with Premier Alhucemas.
    [etc etc]

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