El 1.º de noviembre, fiesta de todos los Santos, se distingua particularmente por un inmenso número de tiendas y mesas ambulantes cubiertas de una variada y prodijiosa cantidad de panecillos de mazapan á que llaman vulgarmente panellets; de los cuales como asi mismo de castañas hacen provisión generalmente todas las familias para celebrar en sus casas una especie de noche buena. En todo aquel dia y noche están llenos los cafés de un inmenso gentío, y adornados con ricas mesas cubiertas profusamente de hermosos ramilletes, y de un sin número de platos de dichos mazapanes, confituras, dulces y fiambres, de que se hacen continuas rifas. Por la tarde del siguiente dia, llamado de difuntos, acude mucha y muy lucida concurrencia á visitar el Cementerio general, extramuros de la Ciudad, monumento muy digno de verse por su estension, por la hermosura y variedad de sus nichos y epitafios, y sobre todo par su elegante y original Capilla, Obra del Sr. Ginessí, arquitecto de Florencia.
Mes: noviembre 1842
Una sublevación empieza con desórdenes en la puerta del Ángel
Desórdenes en la puerta del Angel que se propagan por la ciudad, siendo orígen de graves sucesos, que terminan con el bombardeo de la ciudad por el regente Espartero.
Masacre de militares por la población
Une simple querelle d’ouvriers et de douaniers aux portes de Barcelone vient de donner lieu à une insurrection terrible. Les corps des miliciens s’étant joints au peuple, la garnison, commandée par les généraux Van Halen, Zurbano et Zavala et forte, dit-on, de 15,000, s’est trouvée attaquée de tous côtés avec fureur. Le 15 novembre le combat devint général; on se battoit dans presque toutes les rues. Les miliciens et les habitans tirèrent sur les troupes duhaut des maisons. Des pierres, des meubles, de l’eau bouillante pleuvoient sur les soldats. A la fin les généraux ordonnèrent la retraite, et la garnison sortit des murs , en laissant, dit-on, 500 morts derrière elle. Le général Zavala est au nombre des prisonniers. Dans la nuit, les insurgés s’emparèront du fort de Ro. La citadelle fut également évacuée, et les troupes ne se maintinrent que dans le fort de Montjuich. Une junte fut formée à la hâte de personnes du peuple; le principal membre se nomme Juan-Manuel Garsy. La vraie cause de ce mouvement ne semble pas connue. Dans la proclamation publiée par la junte, on proclame la déchéance d’Espartero et de son gouvernement. La population de Barcelone depasse les 200,000 âmes. Les places de Vich, de Manreza, de Tarragone, de Reuss, de Gironne, etc. se sont prononcées en faveur du mouvement.
Sublevación civil contra el librecambismo de Espartero
Révolte à Barcelone, capitale de la Catalogne. Les habitans, unis à la milice urbaine, parviennent à vaincre la garni.
El ejército huye de Barcelona
La garnison de Barcelone évacue toutes les casernes de la ville et tous les forts, à l’exception de celui de Montjouy.
La junta insurgente pide la renuncia del gobierno de Espartero
La junte des Barcelonais insurgés décrète la déchéance d’Espartero et de son gouvernement.
Espartero sale de Madrid para acabar con la sublevación barcelonesa
Espartero quitte Madrid, pour aller réprimer la révolte de Barcelone.
Explicación de la sublevación por Washington Irving
An insurrection has taken place in Barcelona. This is the next city in importance to Madrid. It is the capital of the province of Catalonia, the most active and mdustrious province in Spain. The Catalans are to Spain what the New England people are to the United States. Wherever money is to be made, there is a Catalan. They are pushing, scheming, enterprising, hardy, and litigious. Catalonia is one of the most restless and insubordinate of the Spanish provinces, and frequently the seat of political disturbances. It borders on France, and is infested by half-robber, half-rebel bands, the remnants of the factions of the civil wars which lurk about the French frontiers. There is a small but busy party of republicans, also, at Barcelona, who would gladly pull down the present form of government, and establish a republic. Catalonia also has a strong manufacturing interest, having many cotton manufactories. This has taken the alarm at the rumor of a proposed commercial treaty with England for the introduction of her cotton goods at a lower rate of duties, so that there is a mixture of various motives in the present convulsion; and the whole has been thrown in a ferment by the intrigues of foreign agents, who seek the confusion of Spain and the downfall of its constitutional government. The present insurrection seems to have broken out suddenly and accidentally, some trifling affray with custom house officers having been the spark which has set the combustible community in a flame. There has been fighting in the streets, as in the famous «three days of Paris,» and the troops have been obliged to evacuate the city, but hold it closely invested. The Regent set off from Madrid some days since for the scene of action, and troops are concentrating upon Catalonia from every direction; in the mean time, Madrid is full of rumors and reports that insurrections are breaking out in other provinces, but I believe, as yet, the insurrection is confined to Barcelona, and I think it probable it will be suppressed without much difficulty.
The departure of the Regent was a striking scene. All the uniform companies, or national guard of Madrid, consisting of several thousand men, well armed, equipped, and disciplined, paraded in the grand esplanade of the Prado in the neighborhood of the Regent’s palace of Buena Vista. They really made a splendid appearance, and the air resounded with military music, several of the regiments having complete bands. It was a bright, sunshiny day. About two o’clock, the Regent sallied forth from Buena Vista, at the head of his staff. He is a fine martial figure, and was arrayed in full uniform, with towering feathers, and mounted on a noble gray charger with a flowing mane, and a long silken tail that almost swept the ground. He rode along the heads of the columns, saluting them with his gauntleted hand, and receiving cheers wherever he went. He stopped to speak particularly with some of the troops of horsemen; then, returning to the centre of the esplanade, he drew his sword, made a signal as if about to speak, and in an instant a profound silence prevailed over that vast body of troops, and the thousands of surrounding spectators. I do not know that ever I was more struck by anything, than by this sudden quiet of an immense multitude. The Regent then moved slowly backward and forward with his horse, about a space of thirty yards, waving his sword, and addressing the troops in a voice so loud and clear, that every word could be distinctly heard to a great distance. The purport of his speech was to proclaim his determination to protect the present constitution, and the liberties of Spain, against despotism on the one hand and anarchy on the other; and that, as on a former occasion, when summoned away by distant msurrection, he confided to the loyalty of the national guards the protection of the peace of the capital, and the safeguard of their young and innocent Queen. His speech was responded to by enthusiastic acclamations from the troops and the multitude, and he sallied forth in martial style from the great gate of Alcala.
I must note, to complete the scene, that just as Espartero issued forth from Buena Vista, and rode slowly down the Prado between the columns of the troops, a solitary raven came sailing down the course of the public promenade, passed immediately above him, and over the whole line of troops, and so flitted heavily out of sight. This has been cited, even in the public papers, as a bad omen ; and some of the superstitious say Espartero will never return to Madrid. I should not be surprised, however, if the omen had been prepared by some of the petty politicians with which this capital abounds, and that the raven had been let loose just at this opportune moment.
However, with this portentous circumstance I will close my letter, especially as I have just received despatches from Government, which, with the stirring events of the day, will cut out plenty of occupation for me.
With love to all, your affectionate brother,