Disturbios en Barcelona

London, October 17. [published October 20]
Information has been received through Paris this afternoon, of some serious disturbances which had occurred in the neighbourhood of Tortosa, and at Barcelona. Some towns of Andalusia are also said to have exhibited symptoms of revolt, and had required the interference of the military. This news is derived from a very respectable quarter, and deserves some credit. It appears that a body of between six and 700 men had collected themselves in the vicinity of Barcelona, and had entered the place, where they had been joined by a considerable number of the lower order of inhabitants. They broke into the House of the Mayor, entered the Custom House, and after committing other outrages retired in possession of a considerable booty. The French garrison was at some distance in the country, having left the town, fearing an infection which usually makes its appearance at this period of the year.


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