Santa Madrona vs la sequia

Solemne procesion llevando el cuerpo de santa Madrona desde su iglesia de la montaña de Monjuich á la catedral. Se hizo á causa de la sequía, y llovió á los tres dias.


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  1. Avatar de Trevor


    The drought of 1562-68 was especially serious on the Mediterranean coast. Over wide areas, one, and even two cereal crops were lost, and the drought even affected the supply of hydraulic power for the flourmills. (Mariano Barriendos (2009). Climate and culture in spain. Religious responses to extreme climatic events in the Hispanic kingdoms (16th-19th centuries). En Behringer, Lehmann, Pfister (Eds.), Kulturelle Konsequenzen der “kleinen Eiszeit”. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.)

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