29 de junio de 1529 - Paz de Barcelona entre Clemente VII y Carlos I (592)

It is now time to look awhile on foreign history. Our last narration left the Count de St. Pol in Italy, where (1528.) he had quarter’ that part of the soldiers which remain’d of that year’s wars, in their winter garrisons; but the spring being come, he took divers places on this side the Tesino, and at last join’d his forces with the Duke of Urbin, General of the Venetians, and Francisco Sforza. Yet, whether that he durst not attempt the city of Milan, which Antonio de Leyva strongly defended, or that the Count de St. Pol affected more the enterprise of Genoa, their army march’d to Landriano, June 21. 1529. Of which Antonio de Leyva being advertis’d, us’d that diligence, that he (June, 1529.) surpris’d the Count de St. Pol when part of his army was march’d before, and wholly defeated the rest, taking him prisoner.

This while the emperor equipp’d a great fleet for Italy, with intention to be crown’d there, having first (for the more ample furnishing of himself with money) pawn’d the Molucca’s to the King of Portugal for 350,000 ducats.

The pope hearing of these great preparatives at the same season that the defeat of St. Pol (succeeding that of Lautrech in Naples) had wholly disabled the army of the confederates, resolv’d to comply with the times. So that, before the news thereof could easily be convey’d to the emperor, he endeavour’d his own peace, for this purpose employing one Antonio Musetolor a Neapolitan ; who prevail’d so far, as he concluded a league at Barcelona, June 29. to this effect.

  1. That the peace betwixt them should be perpetual.
  2. That the imperial army which was in Naples should have secure passage through the pope’s territories.
  3. That the emperor should give Donna Margarita (his natural daughter) in marriage to Alessandro de Medicis son of Lorenzo, and that he should invest him in the state of Florence, with the title of duke.
  4. That Cervia, Ravenna, Modena, Reggio, should be restor’d to the apostolick see by the emperor’s power.
  5. That the pope should give unto the emperor a bull, with the title of the kingdom of Naples, to be held in fee from the pope, upon payment every year of a horse or a Hackney white.
  6. That the pope should in all ecclesiastical affairs, enjoy his accustom’d right.
  7. That the pope and emperor should see one another in Italy.
  8. That the emperor should assist the pope against the Duke of Ferrara.
  9. That justice should be done to Francisco Sforza Duke of Milan, and that the emperor commit his cause to indifferent judges.
  10. That the emperor and his brother Don Fernando and the pope join together to reduce the Lutherans, either by fair or foul means to the Roman Catholick faith

All which articles (and perhaps some private ones concerning the affairs of England now in agitation) were (July 3.) sworn to on both sides upon the great altar of the cathedral church of Barcelona.

And thus did the pope renounce all his former designs, and betake himself intirely to the emperor, at the same time when the two cardinals sat on their commission in England. So easie was it for the pope to forget both the injuries receiv’d from the imperialists, and the good turns from all his confederates, when a readier way was open’d him for regaining his cities, and revenging himself on the Duke of Ferrara and the, Florentines, who, during his late captivity, had expuls’d the family of Medicis out of the city.

The history of England under Henry VIII

450.000 palabras sin publicidad ni subvención

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  • Antonio de Leyva (1) Antonio de Leyva, I príncipe de Áscoli, I marqués de Atela y I conde de Monza (Leiva, La Rioja, 1480 – Aix-en-Provence, 7 de septiembre de 1536), fue un militar español destacado en las guerras italianas.
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