Etiqueta: reino de Mallorca

  • Masacre de Almorávides cerca de Castelldefels

    Whilst the Count of Barcelona was pursuing the Course of his memorable and glorious Victory [the taking of Mallorca], with the greatest Success; his Joy was allay’d by the News of the Hagarens [Almoravids] having invaded his Lands, and having wasted them with incredible Fury, and had even laid Siege to Barcelona. He resolv’d to return to his own Countrey, in order to suppress the Pride of these Barbarians, tho’ with Intention to put an end afterwards to the Conquest [of the rest of the Balearics]. Mean while he recommended the Island to the Genouese; and to make surer of their Friendship, he honour’d them with the Arms of Barcelona, being the Red Cross of St. George on a White Field, and the Name of that Saint in Battel.

    Having landed betwixt Llobregat and Castle de Fels, (in Catalonia) he fell upon the Moors, who had now rais’d the Siege of Barcelona, and made such a Slaughter of them that the River Llobregat run with Blood as far as the Sea. Whilft the Count was overjoy’d with this good Success, there arrives a Saetia from Majorca, with Advice that the Genouese had sold and deliver’d up the City to the Moors. This oblig’d him to return to the Island; and once more he reduc’d them; so being loaded with Spoils, and particularly carrying along with him a Multitude of Christian Captives, he enter’d Barcelona victorious and triumphant.

  • Muere Pedro III de Aragón

    After Alfonso had left him, Peter III of Aragon, conscious that his illness was mortal, and anxious solemnly to exculpate himself from the guilt of the war carried on against the Pope, as Charles of Anjou had done on his death-bed from that of the war kindled by the Pope, summoned the Archbishop of Tarragona, with the Bishops of Valencia, Huesca, and other prelates and barons; and in their presence declared that it was not in hostility to the Holy See, but in pursuance of his rights that he had taken possession of the kingdom of Sicily; that he had not merited the excommunications of Martin, but had submitted to their observance as became a Christian; and now being about to appear before the judgment-seat of God, he asked absolution from the archbishop, promising that should he recover, (and here he again had recourse to equivocal expressions,) he would render obedience to the supreme Pontiff, according to right, and present himself before him either in person or by ambassadors. This he confirmed by an oath, and the archbishop granted him absolution. Having been admonished to forgive his enemies, he gave orders for the liberation of his prisoners, not including, however, those of high degree. He left unaltered the will which he had made in 1282, at Port Fangos. He confessed himself aloud to two monks, then with great difficulty he rose from his bed, trembling and scarce able to stand, dressed himself, and kneeling down, weeping and inwardly praying, received the eucharist. He was informed of the surrender of Gerona and of the arrival of Charles from Sicily when only a glimmering of consciousness yet remained to him, and was unable to utter a word in reply ; but he folded his arms in the form of a cross, raised his eyes to heaven, and expired on the 10th of November, 1285. [Conventional date and location are 2/11/1285, Vilafranca del Penedès]

    Such was the end of Peter of Aragon. He died at the age of forty-six, in the prime of mental and bodily vigour, and at the summit of his fortune; for he beheld the host of France dispersed; the King of Majorca humbled; Charles of Anjou, Philip the Bold, and Pope Martin departed this life ; the new King of Naples in his power ; that kingdom in confusion ; Sicily submissive and secure ; his fleet mistress of the Mediterranean; and his own power so much increased by the fame of victory, that he was able everywhere to keep in check even his own rebellious subjects.

  • Un privilegio real absuelve Barcelona de homenajear al rey de Mallorca

    Privilegio real a la ciudad de Barcelona: absolución a la ciudad de prestar homenaje al rey de Mallorca.

  • Intrigas antes de la invasión de Mallorca por Pedro IV

    The King of Majorca with his Queen came over to Barcelona, and lodged in the Monastery of the Minor Friars, who had raised a Bridge from the Sea as far as the Convent for their Entry. They were received by the King of Arragon with great Demonstrations of Respect. The Nuncio us’d all his Interest and Endeavours to reconcile these two Monarchs, but as Ambition and Malice sway’d the one, so Schemes laid for Peace, as they thwarted the Designs of Interest, could not take Effect.

    King Peter now had contriv’d another Crime of which he accused the King of Majorca; which was, That he and his Queen (Peter‘s own Sister) were to feign themselves Sick, and to desire the King of Arragon and his Uncle Peter, and James his Brother to come and visit them, his Design being to have them seiz’d as they enter’d by 12 Men that were to be placed there, and in case of any Noise, to kill or carry them off by the Bridge to his Gallies, (which lay then in the Harbour) and so to Majorca, where they were to be secured in the Castle of Alaron, till he of Arragon should acquit him and his Sucessors of the Fief. But it pleased God the Plot was discover’d. This is what was related by King Peter.

    King Peter sends for the Queen of Majorca, upon pretence of finding out this Piece of Treason; and he ordered if her Husband was not willing to let her come, to carry her away by Force, which in effect was done. This occasioned King James to charge the King of Arragon with a Violence, and a breach of the safe Conduct.

    It was evident to every Body that this new charge against the King of Majorca was false and ridiculous, and that it proceeded from the hatred his Brother-in-law conceiv’d against him, and the design he had upon his Estates.

    The King of Arragon order’d his Brother the Infante James, and other Officers to the Frontiers of Rousillon; and in the mean while fitted out a Fleet to pass over to Majorca. At the same time he ordered some Horse and Foot to invade Cerdagn; which they did, and took Cuevas, a strong Pass, and the Possession of which made the Entry into Cerdagn, and the Valey of Ribas easy.

    Before he embark’d, he concluded the Process against the King of Majorca, and declared that if he did not appear within a Year all his Estates should be confiscated and joined to his Dominion, and protested that by this Sentence he did not mean any Prejudice to others who had formed, or were to form any Process against the King of Majorca, and those that favour’d him.

    Queen Sancha, second Wife to King Robert of Naples, and Aunt to the King of Majorca, sent the Bishop of Gaeta, and Ramon Flota, Captain of Aversa, Embassadors to the King of Arragon, to desire him to suspend his Designs against the King of Majorca, or to remit the Cause to Referees. But King Peter excused himself and dismissed the Embassadors.

    King Peter writes in his History, that the King of Majorca had laid many Taxes on his Subjects, and had mightily oppress’d them. But be that as it will; they began to grow Cool in their Duty to their Prince. The Commonalty tenderly feel Impositions, are fond of Novelty and Change, to try if possible thereby to remedy their Fortune, and do not care for a War at their own Cost, but love Money more than their Life or Sovereign. It was represented to the Majorcans, how happy they should be under the Power of the King of Arragon, who would not be so ready to oppress them as the other who had not so rich Estates.

    King Peter embark’d the 10th of May 1343, and waited at Lobregat for his Fleet, which consisted of 116 Sail, of which Number 30 were Gallies. He set sail on the 18th, and arriv’d at Palomera on the 23rd, they resolv’d to Land at Peguera.

  • Salen cuatro frailes en romería a Santiago para detener la peste; huida y vuelta de las instituciones

    En 1507 hubo peste en Barcelona, como se colige de la partida de 4 Frayles que salieron en romeria á 15 de Marzo para Santiago de Galicia, y de haber los Concelleres con este motivo nombrado Cabos de ronda para resguardar la Ciudad… A 16 de Julio por haber cesado la peste, los Concelleres mandaron depusiesen sus bastones los Cabos de ronda: y á 18 del mismo se hizo una solemne procesion de gracias como la del Corpus…

    En el Diario de Ramon Vila se dice:

    Fueron las muertes de este año tan grandes, que en el mes de Febrero murieron en la Ciudad 86 personas: en el de Marzo 635: en el de Abril 736: en el de Mayo 1595: en Junio 396, y acabaron en Julio; pero subieron en Noviembre de 90 hasta 100.

    En 14 de agosto…, los Concelleres escribieron cartas al Gobierno de Sicilia, de Mallorca y de otras partes, como la peste habia ya cesado en Barcelona, y que la Real Audiencia, y los Nobles se habian restituido á la Ciudad.

  • Un alboroto mallorquín impide la celebración del Día de Todos los Santos en Santa María del Mar

    Los mallorquines también el día de Todos Santos por la mañana, año de 1622, en la calle de los Escudilleros, empezaron á mover un ruido con los paisanos, unos gritando viva la tierra, otros viva Mallorca y bien que se sosegó allí; pero después á la tarde bolvióse á mober la brega, y espada en mano se entraron á cuchilladas en Santa María del Mar, de calidad que hubieron de dejar los oficios de difuntos que se cantavan: desviados de allí, se fueron los mallorquines á la Merced y entraron en la iglesia con las mismas voces, y á cuchilladas mataron un platero; llegó la noticia al Virrey, que mandando salir dos jueces de corte por la ciudad, con parte de su guardia, se hicieron los mallorquines á la marina, escondiéndose entre barcos y barracas; pero prendiéronse muchos, bien que después de muchos días de cárcel salieron bien, porque los padrinava el conde de Sevalla (Zavellá) que interponiéndose con el de Alcalá, virrey, les consiguió la libertad.