A.D. 1371, pestilence was rife at Barcelona; and on the 3th of June, imprecatory processions were instituted in each of the parishes of that place on account of the pestilence, which lasted for one year. A comet was seen this year.
Etiqueta: parís
Los burgueses y catalanes se preparan para defender la ciudad, los ingleses y holandeses el castillo de Montjuic
Some Paris letters advise from Spain, that the French and Spaniards have past the river Segar, in order to form the seige of Barcelona, tho with great losse.
The Dutch letters by way of Italy say they were twice repulsed, and that the allies did not doubt but to hinder their passing it till recruits came.
That the English and Dutch in Barcelona have undertaken to defend Fort Monjoui, and the burghers and Catalans the town.
That the priests and monks there are the feircest enemy the French have, and daily mount the guards.
That engineer Lapara, who is to command that seige, promises to reduce it in 12 dayes after the opening the trenches.
Letters from the Hague mention that monsieur Alegree, a French prisoner there, had produced letters of credence from monsieur Torcy, the French secretary, to make overtures for a peace; but he was told they would see this campagne first over, before they would hearken to any such proposalls.
Felipe V llega por sorpresa y pone sitio a Barcelona y Montjuic
Le roi d’Espagne étoit parti à la fin de février dans le dessein de réduire le royaume de Valence ; mais sur les ordres du roi, pour ne différer pas le siège de Barcelone, il changea sa marche et arriva le 3 devant Barcelone, où il trouva Legal arrivé de la veille avec toutes les troupes françaises, et tous nos bâtiments qui débarquoient tout ce qu’il falloit pour le siège ; d’autres bâtiments portèrent toute la garnison de Girone dans Barcelone avec toutes sortes de rafraîchissements, où plus de dix mille hommes animés de la présence de l’archiduc prirent les armes et se joignirent à la garnison. La tranchée fut ouverte la nuit du 5 au 6, par le marquis d’Ayetone, mais le canon ne tira que le 12, encore fort faiblement. Le duc de Noailles, qui devoit y servir de maréchal de camp, tomba malade de la petite vérole qui fut très heureuse, et qui acheva de le guérir de tous ses maux. Laparat, ingénieur principal, et le chef des autres depuis l’élévation de Vauban au bâton, étoit chargé de ce siège, et y fut tué le 15 avril en allant reconnoître des ouvrages qu’il vouloit faire attaquer.
On prétendit qu’on fit une grande faute d’avoir attaqué par le mont Joui ; que cette fortification séparée de celle de la ville seroit tombée avec la ville, au lieu que sa prise n’influoit point sur celle de la place. Quoi qu’il en soit, ce mont Joui dura le double de ce qu’on avoit cru, consuma beaucoup de nos munitions et coûta bien d’honnêtes gens, et Laparat même, qui y fut tué et qui fut mal remplacé. Les troupes qui faisoient le siège étoient peu nombreuses ; leur fatigue étoit continuelle ; il n’y avoit de repos que de trois nuits l’une, et fort souvent beaucoup moins. Les petits combats y étoient continuels avec les miquelets qui troubloient les convois, et qui assiégeoient tellement les assiégeants qu’il n’y avoit pas de sûreté à cent pas du camp, qui étoit exposé à des alarmes continuelles. Nuls rafraîchissements de France ni d’Espagne, tout à l’étroit pour tout. Les sorties étoient très fortes. Les habitants y secondoient la garnison, les moines étoient armés, et combattoient comme contre des Turcs et des hérétiques. Pendant ces sorties, le camp étoit attaqué par dehors, et c’étoit tout ce que les assiégeants pouvoient faire que de soutenir ces doubles attaques à la fois, par la vigueur des assiégés et le nombre et l’importunité des miquelets.
Cae Montjuic a los borbónicos, muriendo su ingeniero en jefe
Tessé envoya son fils porter la nouvelle que les ennemis avoient le 25 avril abandonné le mont Joui, lequel en fut fait maréchal de camp. La garnison sortit ensemble en plein jour, et entra dans Barcelone sans presque aucune perte.
Las tropas aliadas entran en la ciudad, supuestamente desembarcando en barcas de pescadores
Le soir même du jour que le roi avoit appris à son réveil la cruelle nouvelle de la bataille de Ramillies, M. le comte de Toulouse arriva à Versailles, et fut trouver le roi chez Mme de Maintenon, où il demeura fort longtemps avec lui, ayant laissé le maréchal de Cœuvres pour quelques jours encore à Toulon. Il s’étoit tenu mouillé devant Barcelone jusqu’au 8 mai. Les frégates d’avis qu’il avoit envoyées aux nouvelles de la flotte ennemie lui rapportèrent qu’elle approchoit, forte au moins de quarante-cinq vaisseaux de guerre. Notre amiral, grâce aux bons soins de Pontchartrain, n’en avoit pas une bastante pour les attendre. Lui et le maréchal de Coeuvres eurent, avant partir, une longue conférence avec le maréchal de Tessé et Puységur, et tout au soir levèrent les ancres. Ils rentrèrent le 11 mai à Toulon.
Le départ de notre flotte et l’arrivée de celle des ennemis à Barcelone y changea fort la face de toutes les choses. Les assiégés reprirent une vigueur nouvelle, les assiégeants rencontrèrent toutes sortes de nouveaux obstacles. Tessé, voyant l’impossibilité de continuer le siège et toute la difficulté de la retraite en le levant, persuada au roi d’Espagne de faire entrer le duc de Noailles dans toutes les délibérations qu’il avoit à prendre là-dessus. Noailles étoit tout nouveau maréchal de camp. Il n’avoit jamais fait quatre campagnes ; sa longue maladie l’avoit retenu les étés à la cour, et la petite vérole dont il avoit été attaqué en arrivant devant Barcelone, et de laquelle il ne faisoit que sortir, l’avoit empêché de servir de maréchal de camp à ce siège, et assez longtemps même de savoir ce qu’il s’y passoit, mais il étoit neveu de Mme de Maintenon, et comme tel bon garant pour Tessé. Tous les embarras où l’on étoit furent donc discutés en sa présence. Il se trouva que les ingénieurs étoient si lents et si ignorants, qu’il n’y avoit aucun fond à faire sur eux, et que par la vénalité que le roi avoit mise dans l’artillerie depuis quelque temps, comme je l’ai dit en son lieu, non seulement ces officiers vénaux n’y entendoient rien du tout, mais avoient perdu sans cesse en ce siège, et perdoient encore tout leur temps à remuer inutilement leur artillerie, et à placer mal leurs batteries, pour se mettre dans la nécessité de les changer, parce que de ces mouvements de canon résultoit un droit pécuniaire qu’ils étoient bien aises de multiplier. L’armée assiégée par dehors, et depuis longtemps uniquement nourrie par la mer, n’avoit plus cette ressource depuis la retraite de notre flotte et l’arrivée de celle des Anglois, et nulle autre d’ailleurs pour la subsistance journalière. Toutes ces raisons persuadèrent enfin le roi d’Espagne de la nécessité de lever le siège, quelque résistance qu’il y eût apportée jusqu’alors.
Vista de la ciudad, los encantos de la catedral, italianos en el teatro
As we proceeded to the stairs in the harbour, the first view of the city particularly struck us by its neatness, and the novelty of the houses contiguous to the port, the greater part of which are new. A large building, the Tribunal of Commerce, stands in front; and the whole scene is exceedingly pleasing, though it exhibits little or nothing of magnificence. The great quay, however, is a noble work, by far the grandest I have seen any where: it was crowded with people, whose cleanliness, bustle, and costume surprised and delighted us. The appearance here is really more striking than I can describe; every body is in motion, and industry busy in every street.
Having secured apartments at los coatro nationes [Las cuatro naciones], a new inn, we began our walk through the town. The cathedral is a small but venerable, Gothic building. The cloister planted with orange trees, and surrounded by chapels, many of which have old armour, swords, and shields, suspended over their altars, is a fit introduction to such an edifice. But the church itself with its spiral stalls, «chaunted mass,» gloomy aisles, and «dim religious light» struggling through a few rich windows, and resting at last upon the gilt traces of a high-wrought Gothic altar, carried me more forcibly than any thing I can remember into the darkest ages of monkish devotion. The Catholic ceremonies are fine only in their edifices; the effect of this altar to me, who had just landed from the tawdry «crimped Grecian» spectacles of Italy, the idea of its having remained in the same state for ages, and that it has never been profaned by French violence, struck me with a mingled sensation of reverence and satisfaction.
Hence we proceeded into the world again; and at the custom-house, a solid, handsome, though not architecturally beautiful building, were present at the examination of our trunks, which was performed with great civility by an officer who was well acquainted with the English, French, and Italian languages. He inspected all my books, one of which was the common prayer; he read the title page aloud and returned it to me. The bustle of business in the custom-house is very great; and the strictness with which the baggage of travellers is generally examined, has been much complained of.
In the evening we visited the theatre: as it begins as early as five o’clock, the Spanish comedy was over when we arrived; but we were in time for the ballet. The theatre is not very large: it is tolerably well constructed; but though neat in the extreme, is miserably deficient in decorations. It has three tiers of boxes and a gallery; a plain white curtain, festooned on a yellow ground; the stage boxes have pilasters adorned with brown arabesks; in the centre of the house is suspended a mean lamp; but the general effect, from its extreme neatness and cleanliness is not unpleasing. The exterior bears the date of 1776. We were best entertained with the ballet Matilda di Orsino, a bustling Spanish story. The scenery was new, well managed, and appropriate; the palace-view was better executed than any scene I have witnessed since I left Paris; the landscapes but indifferently. The dancers are all Italians; but the whole was conducted without extravagance or absurdity, after the French taste. We had only the gusto Italiano for five minutes at the end, when three twirling buffoons with white breeches made their appearance. The good taste which prevails in this department is owing to the first female dancer, La Perron, who received her education at Paris; she has considerable merit, and the actors are respectable. The orchestra is rather scanty. The house was by no means full; the company in the boxes were neatly dressed, and the audience in general quiet and well behaved: the whole performance was finished at eight o’clock.
Las villas de Barcelona, menos bonitas que las de Italia, sus carruajes anticuados
After riding through the lively village of St. Andreol, we found ourselves in the fertile and populous vicinity of Barcelona. The city, backed by Monjoich, has a pretty look on this side; and though it was impossible for us, whose eyes had been so lately feasted with the charms of Naples and Genoa, to be struck with the villas of Barcelona, yet returning from monastic solitude [they had been to Montserrat], they delighted us extremely. We hastened lest we should be too late for the gates, which are always shut at eight o’clock.
We found the Rambla (the parade of Barcelona) crowded by all the middle orders of the citizens ; men, women, priests, and monks. It was the double holiday of Whit-Monday and Saint Renpands. After the opera, about thirty carriages moved in procession: they were generally shabby, both as to the vehicle and the equipage; and many were of the ancient square form. The general’s (which was preceded by two dragoons) and that of the governor, were in the Parisian fashion: the harness of both was handsome, and decorated with silver; the latter had plumes on the horses’ heads. -
La fiebre amarilla mata a André Mazet, doctor francés
MAZET (André), médecin français, né en décembre 1793, a Grenoble, mort le 22 octobre 1821, à Barcelone. Il termina ses études médicales à Paris, y fut reçu docteur, et suivit en 1820 M. Pariset à Cadix, où venait d’éclater une contagion meurtrière. A peine de retour on France, il se présenta, muni des observations qu’il avait déjà faites, pour aller étudier et combattre de nouveau un fléau semblable qui désolait la Catalogne. Il fut un des cinq membres de la commission médicale envoyée à Barcelone par le gouvernement français. Arrivé dans cette ville, le 8 octobre 1821, il fut atteint presque aussitôt de la fièvre jaune, et mourut dans le même mois. Il a rédigé avec Pariset les Observations sur la fièvre jaune faites à Cadix en 1819 (Paris, 1820 …) et a fourni quelques articles au Journal complémentaire du Dictionnaire des Sciences médicales.
Corre agua del nuevo acueducto de Moncada en la fuente de Sta. Eulalia del Padró en el día de su martirio
Fuentes Públicas.
Antiguamente se abastecia la ciudad de las aguas superficiales del rio Besós, cuyo raudal no siendo seguro, precisó en los años de 1778 á 1782 á la construccion de una mina que cruza el alveo del mismo rio. Pero habiéndose aumentado la poblacion y en razon de la escasez que se esperimentaba de agua, S. M. concedió en el año 1825, el permiso para la construccion de otro acueducto á 1 ½ legua al norte de la ciudad que fué trazado y ejecutado por el arquitecto D. José Mas, el cual tiene mas de 10000 varas de estension y de unas dos varas de alto y cerca de una de ancho, cubierto de mamposteria y con una boveda de lo mismo, todo construido con la mayor solidez y propiedad. Dichas aguas empezaron á correr en la ciudad en la fuente de Sta. Eulalia del Padró, el 12 de febrero de 1826, á cuya funcion concurrieron las autoridades. Desde entonces se han construido nueve fuentes nuevas en los parages que mas se necesitaban, y se estan proyectando otras para mayor comodidad del público. Las que existen en el dia se hallan en los parages siguientes.
Una persona curiosa nos ha proporcionado los siguientes datos que no dejarán de ofrecer algun interés para cierta clase de personas. «En Londres manan las fuentes públicas el equivalente á once cuartillos diarios por habitante, en Paris pasan de sesenta y tres, en Lisboa catorce, en Madrid siete, en Barcelona veintiuno.
Disturbios en Barcelona
London, October 17. [published October 20]
Information has been received through Paris this afternoon, of some serious disturbances which had occurred in the neighbourhood of Tortosa, and at Barcelona. Some towns of Andalusia are also said to have exhibited symptoms of revolt, and had required the interference of the military. This news is derived from a very respectable quarter, and deserves some credit. It appears that a body of between six and 700 men had collected themselves in the vicinity of Barcelona, and had entered the place, where they had been joined by a considerable number of the lower order of inhabitants. They broke into the House of the Mayor, entered the Custom House, and after committing other outrages retired in possession of a considerable booty. The French garrison was at some distance in the country, having left the town, fearing an infection which usually makes its appearance at this period of the year. -
Washington Irving: los encantos de las torres de Gracia, etc.
[To Mrs. Paris.]
BARCELONA, July 28,1844.
To-morrow I embark in a Spanish steamer for Marseilles, on my way to Paris. I leave this beautiful city with regret, for my time has passed here most happily. Indeed, one enjoys the very poetry of existence in these soft southern climates which border the Mediterranean. All here is picture and romance. Nothing has given me greater delight than occasional evening drives with some of my diplomatic colleagues to those country seats, or Torres, as they are called, situated on the slopes of the hills, two or three miles from the city, surrounded by groves of oranges, citrons, figs, pomegranates, &c., with terraced gardens gay with flowers and fountains. Here we would sit on the lofty terraces overlooking the rich and varied plain; the distant city gilded by the setting sun, and the blue sea beyond. Nothing can be purer and softer and sweeter than the evening air inhaled in these favored retreats. -
Barcelona en 1847: la Rambla, comparación con Marsella, edificios públicos, la catedral, Colón
The Rambla and the People on Promenade—Theophile Gautier—Marseilles and Barcelona contrasted—Public Buildings—The Cathedral—Christopher Columbus
The Rambla, a wide and pleasant promenade, runs from the outer edge of the city, to the water. The trees along its sides had not taken the coloring of spring, and the weather was raw and gusty, but it was a half-holiday, and gentle and simple were taking their noon-day walk. The wealthier classes wore plain colors universally: the men enveloped in their cloaks, the women in rich, black mantillas, the lace of which just flung a shadow on their faces. The poorer people, as in all countries, furnished the picturesque. Full of leisure and independence, for the moment, they went sauntering up and down; the women with gay shawls drawn high around their heads, and their long silver or gold ear-rings, with huge pendants of topaz glancing in the sun; the men in long caps of red or purple, and striped and tasseled mantles, making lively contrast with the rich and various uniforms of the soldiers who were on the stroll. Now and then among the crowd you might discover the peaked hat so general in the south, bedecked with velvet trimmings, and tufts of black wool upon the brim and crown. Accompanying it, there would be a short fantastic jacket, with large bell buttons dangling, while the nether man was gorgeous in breeches of bright blue, with black leggings, and the everlasting alpargata, or hempen sandal. «Who are those troops?» I inquired of an old man, as a squad passed us, half-peasant, half-soldier in costume, their long, blue coats with red facings fluttering loose behind them. » They are the mozos de la escuadra,» he replied. «What is their branch of service?» «To keep the province clear of thieves.» «Are there, then, thieves in Catalonia?» «O! si senor! los hay, creo, en todas partes, como vmd. sabra» («Oh yes, sir, there are some every where, I think, as your worship may know,») said the old rascal, with a knowing leer.
Theophile Gautier, in his pleasant «Voyage en Espagne,» has sufficient gravity to say that Barcelona has nothing of the Spanish type about it, but the Catalonian caps and pantaloons, barring which, he thinks it might readily be taken for a French city, nay, even for Marseilles, which, to his notion, it strikingly resembles. Now it may be true, as Dumas says, that Theophile professes to know Spain better than the Spaniards themselves; a peculiarity, by-the-by, among travelers, which the Spaniards seem to have had the luck of; but I must be pardoned upon this point, for knowing Marseilles better than he, having been there twice, for my sins, and too recently to be under any illusions on the subject. Dust from my feet I had not shaken off against that dirty city, because dust there was none, when I was there, and the mud, which was its substitute, was too tenacious to be easily disposed of. Yet I had sickening recollections of its dark and inconceivably filthy port, through all of whose multiplied and complicated abominations—solid, liquid, and gaseous—it was necessary to pass, before obtaining the limited relief which its principal but shabby street, «la Cannebière afforded. In the whole city, I saw scarce a public building which it was not more agreeable to walk away from than to visit. What was worth seeing had a new look, and with the exception of a sarcophagus or two, and the title of «Phocéens,» assumed by the Merchant’s Club, in right of their supposed ancestors from Asia Minor, there was really nothing which pretended to connect itself, substantially, with the past. Every thing seemed under the influence of trade—prosperous and ample, it is true, but too engrossing to liberalize or adorn.
In Barcelona, on the contrary, you look from your vessel’s deck upon the Muralla del Mar, or sea-wall, a superb rampart, facing the whole harbor, and lined with elegant and lofty buildings. Of the churches, I shall speak presently. Upon the Rambla are two theaters : one opened during my visit, and decidedly among the most spacious and elegant in Europe; the other of more moderate pretensions, but tasteful and commodious, with an imposing facade of marble. In the Palace Square, the famous Casa Lonja, or Merchants’ Hall, stands opposite a stately pile of buildings, erected by private enterprise, and rivaling the beauty of the Rue Rivoli of Paris, or its models, the streets of Bologna, where all the side-walks are under arcades. On the other side of the same Plaza, the palace, a painted Gothic, fronts the Custom-house, which, overladen as it is with ornament, has yet no rival in Marseilles. Toward the center of the city, in the Square of the Constitution, you have on one side the ancient Audiencia, or Hall of Justice, whose architectural relics bring back remembrances of Rouen, while on the other side is the Casa Consistorial, or House of the Consistory, associated in its fine architecture and name, if not its present uses, with the days when the troubadour and the gaye science were at home in Barcelona, under the polished rule of the Arragonian kings. Every where throughout the city, you see traces of the past, and of a great and enterprising people who lived in it. Instead of the prostration and poverty which books of travel might prepare you to expect as necessary to a Spanish city, you find new buildings going up, in the place of old ones demolished to make room for them; streets widened; domestic architecture cultivated tastefully (as, indeed, from the ancient dwellings, it would seem to have always been in Barcelona), together with all the evidences of capital and enterprise, made visible to a degree, which Marseilles, with its vastly superior commerce and larger population, does not surpass.
Nor, even as to the people, are the caps and trowsers the only un-French features. The Catalan, of either sex, is not graceful, it is true, or very comely. The women want the beauty, the walk, the style of the Andalusians. The men are more reserved in manner, less elegant and striking in form, more sober in costume and character than their gay southern brethren. But they are not French men or women, notwithstanding. Imagine a Marseillaise in a mantilla! «Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown»—even if it be but the crown of a bonnet; and it is impossible for one who has been bred to the use of those great equalizers of female head-carriage, to realize, much less to attain, the ease of motion, the fine free bearing of the head, neck, and shoulders, which the simple costume of the Spanish women teaches, and requires to make it graceful. Where, in the mincing gait on the trottoirs, will you find the proud, elastic step which the Spanish maiden is born to, even if it be her only inheritance? And where (to speak generally) among the loungers of cafes, and readers of feuilletons, or the proverbially brutal populace about them, do you see the parallel of that all-respecting self-respect, which it is a miracle not to find in the bearing of a Spaniard, be he high or low? It is an easy thing, M. Gautier, to condense a city into a paragraph!
From the Rambla, we went down, along the sea-wall, to the Palace Square, where we found our way into the Lonja. The chambers of the commercial tribunals were in excellent taste. In each, there hung a portrait of the Queen, and, as all the likenesses were very much alike, I fear that they resembled her. We were shown through a gallery of bad pictures and statues—not very flattering testimonials of Catalonian art. During one of the recent revolutions, some indiscriminating cannon-balls had left these melancholy manifestations untouched, and had done a good deal of damage to the fine Gothic hall of the merchants. None but bullets fired in a bad cause could have conducted themselves so tastelessly. I would fain believe, however, that the more judicious Barcelonese have satisfied themselves, that the practical, not the ideal, is their forte, inasmuch as the extensive schools in the Lonja which are supported by the Board of Commerce, are all directed with a view to usefulness. Those of drawing and architecture are upon a scale to afford facilities, the tithe of which I should be happy to see gratuitously offered to the poor, in any city of our Union.
An attractive writer (the author of the «Year in Spain») tells us that » the churches of Barcelona are not remarkable for beauty.» Externally, he must have meant, which, to a certain extent, perhaps, is true; but as to their interior, it is impossible to understand such a conclusion. The Cathedral and Santa Maria del Mar are remarkable, not only as graceful specimens, in themselves, of the most delicate Gothic art, but as resembling, particularly, in style, in the color of their dark-gray stone, and in their gorgeous windows, the very finest of the Norman models. Indeed, the great prevalence of this similarity in the churches of the province, has induced the belief, among approved writers, that the Normans themselves introduced the Gothic into Catalonia. Santa Maria del Mar reminds you, at a respectful distance, of St. Ouen, in the boldness and elevation of its columns and arches, and the splendor of its lights. It has an exquisite semi-circular apsis, corresponding to which is a colonnade of the same form surrounding the rear of the high altar; a feature peculiar to the Barcelonese churches, and giving to their interior a finish of great airiness and grace.
From Santa Maria, we rambled up to the Cathedral, through many by-streets and cross-ways, passing through the oldest and quaintest portion of the city, and occasionally creeping under a queer, heavy archway, that seemed to date back almost to the days of Ramon Berenguer. Fortunately, we entered the church by one of the transept doors, and thus avoided seeing, until afterward, the unfinished, unmannerly facade. It would not be easy to describe the impression made on me by my first view of the interior of this grand temple, without the use of language more glowing, perhaps, than critical. When we entered, many of the windows were shaded; and it was some time before our eyes, fresh from the glare of outer day, became sufficiently accustomed to the gloom, to search out the fairy architecture in it. But, by degrees, the fine galleries, the gorgeous glass, the simple and lofty arches in concentering clusters, the light columns of the altar-screen, and the perfect fret-work of the choir, grew into distinctness, until they bewildered us with their beautiful detail. What treatises, what wood-cuts, what eulogies, should we not have, if the quaint carvings, of which the choir is a labyrinth, were transferred to Westminster, and the stalls and canopies of the Knights of the Golden Fleece were side by side with those of Henry the Seventh’s far-famed chapel! The same dark heads of Saracens which looked down on us from the «corbels grim,» had seen a fair gathering of chivalry, when Charles V., surrounded by many of the gallant knights whose blazons were still bright around us, held the last chapter of his favorite order there! Perhaps—and how much more elevating was the thought than all the dreams of knighthood !—perhaps, in the same solemn light which a chance ray of sunshine flung down the solitary nave, Columbus might have knelt before that very altar, when Barcelona hailed him as the discoverer of a world ! Let us tread reverently ! He may have pressed the very stones beneath our feet, when, in his gratitude, he vowed to Heaven, that with horse and foot he would redeem the Holy Sepulcher! «Satan disturbed all this,» he said, long after, in his melancholy way, when writing to the Holy Father; «but,» then he adds, «it were better I should say nothing of this, than speak of it lightly.» May it not have been, even in the moments of his first exultation, that here, in the shadow of these gray and awful aisles, he had forebodings of hopes that were to be blighted, and proud projects of ambitious life cast irretrievably away?
Misa en la catedral, Domingo de Resurrección. Una cabalgata a Gracia y Montjuic. La «Compañia Anglo-Americana» en la plaza de toros. Apertura del gran teatro del Liceo de Isabel II: el Liceo, bonito, las mujeres, feas
High Mass on Easter Sunday
Our first enterprise, on Easter Sunday, was to endeavor to mount one of the Cathedral towers, and to have, as it was a bright day, a bird’s-eye view of the city and its environs. In prosecution of our plan we entered the body of the church, about half an hour before high mass had ended. The aisles which we had seen all lonely the day before, were crowded with zealous worshipers—the high altar was blazing with a multitude of soft lights; the ceremonial and vestments were very rich; the choir was full, and a fine orchestra (for Barcelona is very musical) aided the sweet-toned organ. High over all, the morning sun streamed through the painted windows, and you could see the incense which was fragrant hefore the altar, curling around the capitals, and clinging to the arches. The whole was deeply impressive, and I could not but observe the contrast of the congregation, in its silent and attentive worship, with the restless, and sometimes noisy devotions of which I had seen so much in Italy. Here were no marchings to and fro; no gazing at pictures; no turning of backs upon the altar; no groups, for conversazione, round the columns; nothing to mar the solemnity of the occasion, or break the echoes of the majestic music, as they swept along the lofty roof, seeming almost to stir to motion the old pennons that hang above the altar, so high, and now so much the worse for time, that their proud quarterings are visible no more. At last, the service came to its end, and the people went their ways to—buy tickets for the theater. At all events, we met a considerable portion of the congregation, thus occupied, when we went down the street soon after. The sacristan would not allow us to ascend the tower without a permit, which it was then too late to procure, so that after straying a little while through the beautiful cloisters, where fine orange and lemon-trees and bright, fragrant flowers charmed away the sadness of the worn gray stone, we returned to our Fonda, to seek the means of visiting some of the environs.
A ride to Gracia—Montjuich
After we had waited for an hour, a fellow made his appearance in the court-yard, driving a huge lumbering vehicle, covered with green and gold, very square and peculiar in shape, but, on the whole, sufficiently coachiform, and drawn by a pair of long-tailed blacks, with collars, on which jingled many bells. We made our bargain, and were cheated, of course, as we afterward found; horse and coach-dealing being, here as elsewhere, greatly subversive of moral principle. Away we went, up the Rambla, at a great pace, to the astonishment and apparent amusement of the crowd. Once outside the walls, our coachman gave us the benefit of slow jolts over a rough road to Gracia, a little village some two miles from the city, which is surrounded, and in some degree formed, by country-houses and their appurtenances. No doubt, in the summer season, this excursion may be a pleasant one, but the cold driving wind which came down from the mountains as we took it, made it bleak enough to us. Hedges of roses, it is true, were in luxuriant bloom, and the fertile fields of the Pla (plain) were as green as spring could make them. The aloe and the prickly-pear too, did their best to look tropical, but it was a useless effort, for the wind beat and battered them rudely, and they and the painted torres (towers), or country-boxes, looked uncomfortably out of place, naked, desolate, and chilly. To turn our backs upon the breeze, we directed our driver to carry us to Montjuich, which, as I have said, is a commanding eminence to the southwest, on the left hand as you enter the harbor. Creeping slowly around the outside of the city walls, which are heavy, strong, and well guarded, we passed by the quarter where the forest of tall chimneys indicated the business hive of the manufacturers, and then, crossing a fertile plateau beautifully irrigated and in high cultivation, we were set down at the foot of Montjuich. Up the hill we toiled, faithfully and painfully, on foot. Ford calls it a «fine zig-zag road.» I will testify to the zig-zig—but as to the fineness must beg leave to distinguish. At last we reached the fortress, which sits impregnable upon the summit, and to our chagrin were quietly informed by the sentinel at the postern, that we could not enter, without a permit. This we had not provided, through ignorance of its necessity, and we accordingly put in our claim to their politeness, as strangers. The sentinel called the corporal, the corporal went to his officer, the officer hunted up the governor, and by the same gradations a polite message descended to us, to the effect, that, as we were strangers, the usual requisitions would be waived, if we knew any body in the castle by name, whom we could go through the form of asking for. We knew no one, and being reasonable people, went on our way in ill humor with no one but ourselves. Not being, any of us, military men, which in a company of three, from our land of colonels, was quite a wonder, we persuaded ourselves that we had not lost much, for from the base of the fortress we had a charming view of the white city; its fine edifices, public and private, with their flat roofs and polygonal towers; the harbor, with all its festive banners streaming; the green valley, carrying plenty up into the gorges of the hills; and the sea, rolling far as eye could reach, a few dim specks of canvas here and there whitening its bosom.
The Plaza de Toros, and Yankee Company
Returning to the city, we crossed to the Garden of the General, a sweet little spot, prettily laid out, and planted with box and innumerable flowering shrubs, which were in delicious fragrance and bloom. There were fountains and aviaries there; fish-ponds, duck-ponds, and even goose-ponds, and all manner of people, of all sorts and ages. This garden, with a little walk beside it, is the last of a series of beautiful promenades which lead into each other, traversing the whole city, from the groves upon its outskirts to the splendid terraces along the shore.
By this time we were well-nigh fatigued enough, but there was still an exhibition to be witnessed, which it did not become us, as good patriots, to neglect. The Plaza de Toros, or bull-amphitheater, was the gathering-place of the whole population; not, however, to behold the fierce combats peculiar to its arena, for with such things the tumultuous burghers of Barcelona were not to be trusted. A harmless substitute there was, in the shape of the «Compañia Anglo-Americana,» or Yankee company, who were delighting the sons of the troubadours with their gymnastics. Every body remembers the remoteness of the regions, into which the Haytien dignitary had the assurance to say that our estimable countrymen would follow a bag of coffee. Here was a parallel case. As we entered, Jonathan was performing a hornpipe, on stilts, much more at his ease (it being Sunday) than if he had been at home within sight of Plymouth Rock. He then gave them a wrestling match, after the manner which is popularly ascribed to «the ancients;» afterward, a few classical attitudes, with distortions of muscle, according to the Michael Angelesque models, and, finally, made his appearance as a big green frog, so perfectly natural, both in costume and deportment, that in Paris he would have run the risk, scientific and culinary, of having his nether limbs both galvanized and fried. We paid him the respect of our presence and applause for a little while, and lingered to witness the excitement of the immense assemblage, so strange and picturesque, and to hear their wild cries and saucy jests. The afternoon then being quite well advanced, we were trundled home, in due magnificence, to a worse dinner than we had earned.
Opening of the Great Opera House—Social Habits of the Barcelonese—Musical Tastes
About seven in the evening, a kind gentleman of the city called, by arrangement, to conduct me to the opening of the new Opera-house, the Liceo de Ysabel Segunda. There was a crowd around the entrances, and we found it difficult to make our way in, so that I had time enough to see that the façade, which looked paltry by day-light, was no better with the benefit of the grand illumination. The front, however, and some few of the minor arrangements of the interior, were all that could be reasonably found fault with; for the establishment is really magnificent, and full of the appliances of taste and luxury. Its cost was one hundred and fifty thousand dollars; and the stockholders had no doubt of being able to realize the interest of this large sum, and more, from the rent of the elegant shops upon the ground floor. I mention this fact, as an evidence both of enterprise and prosperity. The grand circle of the theater is larger, by measurement, than that of the San Carlo at Naples, or the Scala of Milan; and being finished, like the Italian Opera-house at Paris, with balconies, or galleries, in front of the boxes and slightly below their level, it has a far more graceful and amphitheater-like effect than the perpendicular box-fronts of the Italian houses, and especially the close, dingy walls of the Scala. The ornaments, though abundant, are neither profuse nor tawdry. The magnificent gas chandelier, aided by a thousand lesser lights, developed all the beautiful appointments of the boxes, with their drapery of gold and crimson, and the fine seen, cry, dresses, and decorations of the stage. I had seen nothing but the Italiens of Paris to rival the effect of the whole picture. The boxes of the lower tier are private property belonging to the contributors, or members of the Lyceum. My intelligent companion informed me that this is a species of property in very general request, there being scarcely a respectable family without a box, or, at all events, some special accommodations of its own, in some one of the theaters. The rights of the owners, he told me, are the subject of litigation almost as often as those relating to real property. They (the boxes and the law suits) descend from father to son.
Each box in the Liceo has two apartments, as usual in Europe. In the outer one, which you enter from the lobby, and which is a sort of retiring room, you leave your cloak and hat, and perhaps meet those members of the family you visit, who are not interested in the performance and prefer a quiet chat. The inner boxes, of course, open on the body of the theater, and every one was in them on the evening of my visit. The assemblage was immense, and it would not be easy to find, any where, one indicating good taste and refinement more decidedly. The gentle sex must pardon me, however, for admitting that, to my eye, beauty was the exception that night, rather than the rule. I had expected more, for M. de Balzac had said somewhere of the Catalonian women, that their eyes were composed of «velvet and fire;» but I soon discovered that the remark had less foundation in fact, than in that peculiarity of the French imagination, which is so fond, in the descriptive, of mingling fancy with fancy-goods. I may be wrong, it is true, for the Imperial Frederick, seven centuries ago, in his best Limousin, declared—
«I love the noble Frenchman,
And the Catalonian maid.»And yet, I should not wonder if both the Gaul and the fair Catalan have undergone a change since those days.
I learned, in the course of conversation in the evening, that the theater has much to do with the social enjoyments of Barcelona. Morning visits form the principal intercourse of ladies in their own houses. Evening parties are very rare, and it is only at the theaters that the higher classes meet, with freedom and frequency. The usages of etiquette are very easy and pleasant. If you are a friend, you drop in sans façon, and drop out when you like. If you are a stranger, you are presented to the lady of the box, and that formality gives you the freedom of the circle, and of all the conversation that goes round it—imposing the payment of no tribute but that of your best bow to each and all, when it pleases you to retire. There is no knowing what a quantity of pleasant business you can attend to during the progress of a long opera—making your pilgrimage to many shrines. Neither is it easy to calculate how much aid and comfort you may find from a solo or an orchestral movement, in those pauses of conversation, which, under ordinary circumstances, are so often uncomfortable, if not melancholy. It is difficult to discover whether fondness for music produced this custom in Barcelona, or whether the custom produced the fondness. One thing, however, is very certain: the Barcelonese are good musicians, and generally keep an excellent company. My friend the marquis, who was himself a director of an opera at home, informed me, that they pay so liberally for good artists, as to take a great many of the best second-rate performers from Italy. Their musical predilections are of long standing. A gentleman who knew, told me, in proof of it, that some of the earliest republications of Metastasio’s works were made at Barcelona. The prices of admission to the theaters are very low—so much so, that there is scarce a laborer too poor to find his way to the opera, on Sundays or feast days. By the returns of the ticket-offices, as published in the journals, the day after Easter, there were four thousand six hundred spectators at the opening of the Lyceum; over one thousand attended the Teatro nuevo; and between nine hundred and one thousand were at the Teatro principal. As music is what they generally hear, it will not seem strange that the humblest of them should be fond of it, and generally fair judges of its quality. This last, however, is more than I can honestly profess to be; and, therefore, I was rather pleased than otherwise that they had selected a historical play, for the opening of the Lyceum. It was by Ventura de la Vega, a living poet of considerable reputation and merit, and was founded on the popular and noble story of Ferdinand the First of Aragon, called «He of Antequera.» The piece of itself is full of fine passages, with excellent dramatic situations and effect, and was gotten up with great brilliancy. The part of Ferdinand was by the famous La Torre, considered the first master, and one of the best performers in Spain. He is a quiet actor, of fine personal appearance; something like Charles Kemble in his style, and, unhappily, a good deal like him in his voice, for he is growing old. His reading and articulation were admirable, but a great deal was lost, the house being too large for any thing but opera, ballet, or spectacle.
Ceremonias y costumbres del año nuevo
Buen principio de año te conceda Dios, benévolo lector, que en ganar las albricias no queremos ser menos que tu criado, ni que tus vecinos, ni que tu limpia-botas, ni que el mozo del café en que acostumbras pasar algunos ratos. Vamos á empezar nuestra tarea y á cumplir nuestra solemne promesa de ponerte al corriente de todas las costumbres buenas y malas de nuestra ciudad, porque has de saber que en Barcelona hemos nacido, aunque nada te importe saberlo. En el presente dia como en todos los demás puedes hacer cuanto te venga en gana, pero es justo te digamos lo que podrás hacer si pretendes ser tan curioso como lo hemos sido nosotros por espacio de un año.
En primer lugar no puedes ignorar si eres católico (porque puedes ser judío ó protestante), que el primer dia del año es fiesta de precepto, puesto que celebramos el aniversario de la circuncision del Señor.
Puedes asistir á los divinos oficios que celebra la parroquia de Sta. María del mar cantados por la música de la capilla. El cuerpo municipal asiste á la funcion, y la parroquia regala á los regidores que asisten un roscon ó tortell.
Al salir de esta funcion puedes felicitar los dias á alguno de tus conocidos que se llame Manuel, y sino, te viene á pedir de boca la inmediacion de la muralla del mar para ir á tomar el sol. Dirás tal vez, si eres forastero, ¿qué mas da ir á la muralla del mar que á otra parte cualquiera? Vas á saberlo. Cógete del brazo, y mientras llegamos estáme atento.
Si la índole de un pueblo forma sus costumbres, á nuestro cargo tomamos el probar hasta la evidencia que nó sin fundamento se ha hecho proverbial la laboriosidad de los barceloneses. Vedlo aqui sino; que como no sea domingo ó fiesta de guardar no hay para qué cansarse, lo mismo asomarémos por los paseos que por los cerros de Úbeda. ¿A qué irse á holgazanear todos los dias? Cada cual tiene sus quehaceres y no nos reluce aqui tanto el pelo; pero llega nuestra hora en un domingo ó disanto y salimos entonces los barceloneses á lucir nuestros dijes y preseas de manera que pocos pueblos nos llevan ventaja en ello, y allá se las aviene el que se lo quita al cuerpo para buscar con que ataviarlo.
Suponte que amanece en nuestra ciudad uno de aquellos dias en que el termómetro de Reaumur marca cuatro ó cinco grados sobre cero, que es lo regular, brillando el sol en una atmósfera serena y pura, uno de aquellos dias en que la mar que tenemos á la vista mueve apenas su azulada superficie y con suave murmullo juguetea entre las rocas. ¿Quién no va entonces á la muralla del mar, liceo de la elegancia, emporio de las galas, museo de la coqueterías y punto de reunion en los dias festivos de invierno? ¡Cuánta gente, qué bullicio, qué conjunto tan heterogéneo! Allí un sombrerito, acá una mantilla, allá un frac á la inglesa, acullá un gaban parisiense, un casacon del siglo de Luis XIV, un peinado á lo Villamediana, unas barbas de turco, unas botas marroquíes, un albornoz árabe, el aire español, y en los labios nuestro acento con que parodiamos la lengua de los Berengueres. Todos nos cercan y cercamos á todos, y nos codeamos unos con otros, y nos pisamos y los miramos y nos saludan, y con ganas ó sin ellas hay que corresponder á sus cortesías.
La dificultad consiste en hallar el principio de ese círculo vicioso. ¿Cómo dar la preferencia á un grupo sobre los demás cuando todos nos parecen bien y nos ofrecen alguna particularidad? Alto, señores, pare la rueda: nada, no hacen caso; pues entonces emprendamos la marcha desde un estremo del paseo, y por aqui cortemos el hilo de esta enredada madeja, y caiga en quien caiga la suerte de ser el primero en verse espuesto al lente ustorio de nuestras observaciones. Preséntase desde luego una robusta mamá cogida del brazo de un barrigudo papá, y mas adelante sus dos pimpollitos de doce á catorce años: lindas muchachas; prometen mucho. Síguenles la pista dos jovencitos que empiezan á hombrear y con quienes coquetean, como que los conocen de verlos muy á menudo en la puerta del colegio. Ya se esconden los dos mozuelos de la vista de los papás, ya vuelven de improviso á la carga, y pasan y repasan y se empujan y disputan y dan suelta á palabras que no es bien que aqui se digan.
¿Qué voces son esas? ¿hay quienes se hablan de uno al otro lado del paseo? ah! es una comitiva de jóvenes de ambos sexos. Ellas, á cual mas alegre, pizpereta y vivaracha. ¿Riñen acaso? nó señor, ¡qué quiere V.! la fuerza del acento del pais.
Cuán tiesa y espetada se viene aquella! cuántas joyas, cuánta pedrería, cuánta blonda! parece una imágen que se ha salido del altar. A pedir de cogote sentara aqui bien mutatis mutandis lo de nuestro poeta Moreto.
Mucho moño y arracadas,
Valona de canutillos
Mucho collar, mucho afeite,
Mucho lazo, mucho rizo
Y verás qué mala estás.No es nada lo engalanado que se viene el que la lleva del brazo: novios deben de ser segun las dulces miradas con que mutuamente se corresponden. Pasemos de largo no se los estorbe y háganse á pesar de los ojos envidiosos que lo noten y de las malas lenguas que lo ridiculicen los arrumacos que les vengan en gana.
¡Ola, secretitos hay! ¡qué tendrán que decir esas elegantes que vuelven la cara para mirar á los novios! Con corta diferencia deben de decir lo que aquellas del otro lado, y las que se vienen hácia acá y las que nos vienen siguiendo: si el sombrerito es de moda, si el vestido le va bien ó mal, si es bonito ó feo el aderezo, si el prendido es de bueno ó mal gusto, con otras cosas sobre el casamiento y la dote y la boda que no queremos decir, porque ya estan al alcance del lector.
Adieu mon cher, addio carissimo. ¿En dónde estamos? ¿son franceses, italianos ó españoles? son tres pisaverdes, enfáticos de sobra, y por demás lenguaraces. No son amores callejeros los que sacan á corro; aventuras de otra calaña los entretienen. En todas ellas han hecho el papel de protagonistas, y es bien creerlo porque ellos lo dicen, si bien no salgo fiador de la veracidad de sus palabras, porque como por despejo y no por mengua se tienen semejantes aventuras, á trueque de ser reputados en mucho es forzoso mentir á rienda suelta. Sígalos oyendo aquel á quien mayor curiosidad le aguijonee, y como eche el resto á su credulidad, de seguro va á dar al traste con las mejor sentadas reputaciones.
Llegamos en esto al estremo del paseo y es fuerza dar la vuelta, y nos hallamos con la singularísima novedad de tener que saludar al que cinco minutos antes saludamos, y de sonreirnos á la que se sonrió, y llegamos luego al sitio en donde principiamos nuestras observaciones, y es preciso desandar lo andado, y vuelta á hacer lo mismo que hemos hecho antes y que harémos despues y un poco mas tarde, y hasta que den las dos, á cuya hora no todos los estómagos barceloneses resisten algunas vueltas de mas en la Rambla por via de apéndice al paseo de invierno.
Seamos de los aficionados á este apéndice y verémos como las gentes que han paseado se dirigen á sus casas á celebrar la fiesta con una buena comida, quizás en compañía de algunos parientes ó amigos. El turron y sobre todo los barquillos son los postres necesarios de la de este dia. El parroquiano viejo de Sta. María del mar no abandona por mucho que le contradiga la generacion que debe sucederle, la antigua costumbre de comer sopa de fideos aderezados con azúcar y canela, y no se olvida de acudir por la tarde á su parroquia á oir el rosario y los villancicos alusivos á la festividad que canta la capilla.
Los teatros dan funcion tarde y noche, costumbre que continúa todos los domingos y disantos del año, y otros dias que no lo son, y que en su lugar correspondiente señalarémos.En este dia se inauguran los bailes de máscara en el salon grande ó en el gran salon (albarda sobre albarda, y perdone el que se crea culpado) de la casa Lonja. Se empieza á la hora que señalan los anuncios, y se paga de entrada la cantidad que se fija, pero no se admiten cuartos ni moneda que deba pesarse. No dirémos aqui lo que es este baile; su vez le llegará, que ya va haciéndose pesado el articulillo. Hay tambien baile en la Patacada, y hablarémos de él el dia 8 de diciembre en que suelen comenzarse.
Una advertencia harémos, y es, que no crea el buen lector que el paseo de la muralla del mar que hemos descrito, sea una particularidad del dia presente, puesto que es costumbre de todos los festivos de la estacion en que nos hallamos, con tal que el tiempo lo permita.
En los cuatro primeros dias del año las cuarenta horas estan en la Catedral, despues pasan otros cuatro á Sta. María, y van turnando en las otras iglesias, aunque nó de un modo igual en todos los años. Hasta la Pascua de Resurreccion estan en cada iglesia cuatro dias, desde la Pascua en adelante solo tres. En la Semana Santa no las hay en ninguna iglesia. Las horas de esposicion varian segun las estaciones. Los periódicos dicen todos los dias la iglesia en que se hallan, y además cada semestre se vende un impreso en que se lee todo lo que conviene saber acerca de este punto.
Fiesta de la Inmaculada Concepción
El sol de este dia es saludado por los fuertes de la plaza con las salvas de ordenanza, justo homenage rondido á la patrona de España y de sus Indias la Vírgen santísima en su inmaculada Concepcion.
En la catedral se celebra la fiesta de la reina de las reinas con la solemnidad y pompa debidas, cantando la música de la capilla los divinos oficios á los cuales asiste el cuerpo municipal. Hay sermon que suele encargarse á un predicador de nota. Terminados los oficios hay procesion en que es llevada en triunfo la imágen de la Vírgen: sale por la puerta principal, recorre has calles del Obispo, Libretería, bajada de la cárcel, plaza del Rey, calle de los condes de Barcelona y regreso á la iglesia. A la una del dia se reza una misa en la capilla de la Vírgen. Haste el ano 1846 inclusive estuvo el altar de la Vírgen en el lado del claustro de la catedral donde está la puerta de la Piedad, y se cubrian con tapices los arcos del claustro, mas en dicho año se abolió esta costumbre, trasladándose el altar y la imágen al sitio donde hoy se halla. El concurso de gentes que acude á esta funcion es grande. En las calles que circuyen la catedral se ven colocadas en línea una infinidad de mesas donde se venden figurillas de barro, montañas y casas de corcho para los nacimientos: y si bien no es este el género esclusivo de la feria, es el mas abundante. Al salir de los oficios divinos es de rúbrica ir, si el tiempo lo permite, á lucir las galas en la muralla del mar, pues aunque se concurre á ella antes de este dia, el de la Vírgen es el verdadero punto de la elegancia. El grande tragin de las modistas, y la tardanza de la llegada de los figurines que la moda se empeña en que han de venir de Paris, son causa de que no se empiecen á lucir los trages hasta este dia. La elegante que puede vanagloriarse de ser la primera en lucir el trago de última moda, nada en un mar de felicidades; y ay de la modista que por causa liviana ó grave aplaza para otra festividad el estreno del flamante vestido! el menor retardo disminuye en tercio y quinto el mérito de la pieza y el de la modista de cuyo taller ha salido. Mas de cuatro parroquianas han desertado de la modista sin mas causa que esta.
Antiguamente era permitida en este dia la entrada al castillo de Monjuich, pero ahora Monjuich piensa de otra manera, y los barceloneses lo miran con distinto gesto. Tales calaveradas han hecho él y ellos.
En este dia algunas cererías suelen adornar las capillas de la Vírgen que en ellas tienen, porque la proclaman por su abogada.
Tambien en este dia se inaugura en Barcelona el carnaval. A las 7 de la noche empieza el primer baile en las casas de D. Antonio Nadal, travesía de la calle del conde del Asalto, y se recibe gente media hora antes, y no se admiten cuartos ni moneda que deba posarse. Sin embargo sobra el aviso, porque el baile es de calderilla. Este baile lleva vulgarmente el nombre de baile de la Patacada, nombre alto, sonoro y significativo, nombre que para el que conoce el habla del pais, deja pot sí solo entender todos los lances y aventuras que pueden cometerse en aquel recinto. Esta circunstancia coloca el tal baile en la esfera de aquellas cosas, que siendo comunes á todos los paises no son un rasgo característico de ninguno, como no lo es el tener narices aunque las tengan los unos mas largas que los otros; y hé aqui la razon por que no hemos de tomarnos el trabajo de hacer del susodicho baile un análisis circunstanciado. Basta saber que en él se baile todo lo bailable inclusos los castañeteados balls rodons del pais, y la bulliciosa bolangera. Salva una que otra escepcion, no suele alterarse allí el órden, es decir el órden de un baile de tal calaña ; y los bandos de policía se observan hasta el punto en que pueden observarse en un pais donde tantos se publican. A las 12 de la noche concluye el baile nó sin haber los concurrentes sacado todo el jugo que pueden dar de sí los cuatro reales que cuesta la entrada.
Este baile tiene lugar todos los domingos, y además lo hay en ciertos dias marcados, que se apuntarán en su lugar correspondiente.
Feria de Barcelona
Dia famoso, dia en que se gasta on Barcelona muchísimo dinero, dia en que se prepara un atroz degüello, dia en que rabian muchos padres y maridos, y se rien abogados, procuradores, escribanos y otros que reciben en aguinaldo pavos y patos y volátiles de todos tamaños y categonian; dia en que se celebra feria en esta inclita ciudad de los condes, flor y nate de toda España por man que murmuren lenguas.
A ver la feria de Barcelona, á gastar en ella y á vender para ella vienen á lo menos un tercio de los habitantes del pla, que no son por cierto los que menos brillo y alegría dan al dia de la tal feria. Si nos preguntaran en dónde y cuándo se celebró la primera feria, diríamos francamente que ni lo hemos averiguado ni pensamos averiguarlo; pero que las ferias son antiguas es indudable. Del tiempo de nuestro recuerdo y de un poco antes podemos asegurar que en las ferias se ha vendido, comprado, trocado y gitaneado, aunque nó en todas se han comprado, vendido, trocado y gitanado los mismos géneros. Es preciso pues tener conocimionto de tales diferencias para no ir algun dia á perder el tiempo á una feria en la cual no se venda ni se compre lo que uno trate de vender ó de comprar. En las Borjas de Urgel se venden muchísimos borricos, y la mayor parte de ellos rabones, de lo que se deja entender que es pais de burros pero nó de rabos, de donde cada uno puede á su sebor deducir lo que mas bien le parezca. En Verdú se venden en abundancia animales de pelo, quiere decir que es tierra de animales; y lo mismo sucede en Cervera, aunque hasta ahora haya podido parecer una anomalia la abundancia de animales en un pueblo donde ha habido Universidad regia y pontificia. En Figueras se venden animales de pelo y de lana; buena feria para la gente que come á dos carrillos, de quienes suele decirse que hacen á lana y á pelo. En el Arbós se venden sederías, muñecas, juguetes, y sobre todo esos serones que se acomodan sobre las albardas de los jumentos de los que van á ella. La feria de san Cugat del Vallés es reputada por la primera feria de cochinos; lo que prueba que el territorio es bueno para criar y engordar puercos; de lo cual podrán citarse ejemplares irrecusables. En Vich se encuentra ganadería, y estan abundantes los libros viejos, cuyo último género prueba que ó bien van á parar allá los libros viejos de otros puntos, ó que los actuales hijos de Vich se venden los libros de sus abuelos.
De otras muchas ferias podríamos dar noticias, pero viniéndonos á la de la capital decimos: que si todos los catalanes supiesen lo que es la feria de Barcelona, á bandadas dejarian sus pueblos para venirse á ella. Ya se ve, en Barcelona todo es grande, todo es bueno, todo sorprendente, y no habia de ser menos la feria, de la cual en imposible dar una idea exacta. Pero á fin de que los que no pueden gozan de este grande espectáculo huelan á lo menos alguna cosa, les indicarémos los puntos capitales, que son como si dijéramos la mesa de este gran congreso.
Desde la puerta nueva á la de san Antonio, desde la del mar hasta el portillo de Isabel II, Barcelona es una feria durante los cuatro dies que preceden al de Navidad, y en ella todo su vende, desde la alhaja de mas valor hasta al mas tosco cacharro. En primer luger verás, benévolo lector, las paredes esteriores de las tiendas cubiertas de toda clase de géneros y artefactos, mostrando en ello sus dueños mas prodigalidad y esmero que en el resto del año. Lo mismo puede llamarte la atencion la tienda de un calderero con sus sartas de braseros, peroles y esquilones, que el mostrador de una platería con sun sortijas, sus cadenillas y candelabros. Espectadores tienen la tienda de mantas y gorros colorados, como no le faltan á la de muselinas, batistas y merinos. En la plaza de santa María del mar se reproducen las ferias de la Concepcion y santa Lucía; y como en aquellos puestos de juguetes el chiquillo se hace ojos, en las tiendas del Call y Platerías se le hace la boca agua á la elegante que sale á lucir sus gracias en la feria. Los grupos colocados enfrente de las tiendas obstruyen el paso, y te pisará este, y te empujará el otro, y tropezerás con prójimos que llevan cebados pavos y capones que la gratitud de un favorecido ofrece á su bienhechor, ó la male fe de un usurero al cómplice en su peculado. Rabiarás mil vcces y lo echarás todo á la diabla otras tantas, y sin embargo con risueños ojos, si en que perteneces al sexo feo, dejarás el paso libre á la comitiva de payesas, entre la coal es fácil que te encuentres como por sorpresa. Qué hijo de Adan no se rinde ante esas donosas y desembarazadas lugareñas que produce el suelo á seis leguas á la redonde de Barcelona, bien luciendo su garbo arrebujadas en sendos pañolones, sin mas tocado que un pañuelito de seda, bien dejen ver su esbelto talle embrazando con donaire ligera cesta de mimbres? Ah! por desgracia desaparece entre el fárrago de modas de Paris el airoso trage de esas niñas. Vaniadlo en buen hora, pero no dejeis vuestra saya semicorta, ni la mantilla blanca, ni sobre todo vuestras chinelas.
Deja, lector, las payesas, sube de punto tu catalejo, y fija la atencion en las jóvenos de buen tono que se dirigen al paseo, porque has de saber que las barcelonesas renuncian en el dia de hoy á su costumbre dominguera, y con ser dia de labor salen á solazarse. El paseo en dia de feria, cómo pasarlo por alto? cuenta pediríales Dios de haber desperdiciado semejante ocasion. El objeto de este paseo es la feria rústica que su halla establecida en la esplenada, á donde acuden dos mil pavos y pavas, gallos, capones, gallinas, pollos, ánades, patos y conejos, dos centenares de señoras, y cuatrocientos hombres, y todo anda allá revuelto por mas que sea muy distinto el objeto con que están allí todos esos vivientes. Unos estan para ser vendidos, poquísimos para comprar, muchísimos para ver y todas para ser vistas. Allí acude la elegancia, allí corren las niñas y las que no lo son al olor de los petimetres, y estos al ojeo de las niñas y de las otras: allí se gallean muchos que no pasan de pollos, y hasta las misman pollas gallean. Corred allá lectores nuestros, y veréis pavos y pavas y pollos y pollas y gallos y capones y otras cosas tan sabrosas por lo menos como las dichas.
Podeis luego dirigiros á la rambla de los estudios y hallaréis la misma escena de pavas y pavos, pero echaréis menos las elegantes: y si pasais por las plazas de la Constitucion y del Angel veréis mil puestos donde se venden cosas que si no se comen sirven para comer, porque no parece sino que no se ha comido en todo el año y quiere la gente desquitarse, segun lo afanados que todos andan para buscer con que regalar el estómago. No hay para qué describir uno por uno los tales puestos. Loza en este, cucharas de palo en el otro, loza en el de mas allá, cacharros acullá, loza otra vez, cacerolas de hoja de lata, de nuevo loza, y loza aqui, y loza en el del lado, y casi todos los punton son de loza y cristalería, y casi todos sus dueños son valencianos que han improvisado una estantería y un mostrador con los cajones en que han conducido el géneno; y ¡oh miseria humana! los cacharros no tienen el honor de verse colocados en estantería, ni merecen ser vendidos siquiera en un simulacro de mostrador, sino que yacen esparcidos en el duro suelo ocupando un ancho espacio! Hé aqui, puedes esclamar, la plebe de la parte mas frágil del casero menage! Déjalos descansar, y líbrelos Dios de los perros transeuntes y de los pilletes.
Llega la noche y no decae la animacion un solo punto, antes bien se iluminan las tiendas de géneros, y los puestos de las plazas, calles y Rambla, cada cual segun su posicion y circunstancias.
En algunos salones hay bailes de payeses. La entrada es por convite.
Las empreses de los teatros consultando el gusto de los forasteros y calculando sus provechos dan comedias y bailes de grande espectáculo, ú óperas cuya fama sea mas popular.
Barcelona, la París de España: la Rambla, la catedral, los gremios, la Barceloneta, la sociedad, los teatros, una corrida de toros, moros y cristianos, el cementerio de Pueblo Nuevo, las bullangas, la playa de Pekín y sus pescadores y gitanos
Early in the morning I was awoke by music; a regiment of soldiers, stretching far and wide, were marching towards La Rambla. I was soon down [dormía en la Fonda del Oriente], and in the long promenade which divides the town into two parts from Puerta del Mar, from the terraced walk along the harbour, to Puerta Isabel Segunda, beyond which the station for Pamplona lies. It was not the hour for promenading, it was the early business time. There were people from the town and people from the country, hurrying along; clerks and shopkeepers’ assistants on foot, peasants on their mules; light carts empty, wagons and omnibuses; noise and clamour, cracking of whips, tinkling of the bells and brass ornaments which adorned the horses and the mules; all mingling, crying, making a noise together: it was evident that one was in a large town. Handsome, glittering cafes stood invitingly there, and the tables outside of them were already all filled. Smart barbers’ shops, with their doors standing wide open, were placed side by side with the cafes; in them soaping, shaving, and hairdressing were going on. Wooden booths with oranges, pumpkins, and melons, projected a little farther out on the foot-paths here, where now a house, now a church wall, was hung with farthing pictures, stories of robbers, songs and stanzas, ‘published this year.’ There was much to be seen. Where was I to begin, and where to end, on Rambla, the Boulevard of Barcelona?
When, last year, I first visited Turin, I perceived that I was in the Paris of Italy; here it struck me that Barcelona is the Paris of Spain. There is quite a French air about the place. One of the nearest narrow side streets was crowded with people, there were no end of shops in it, with various goods—cloaks, mantillas, fans, brightcoloured ribands, alluring to the eyes and attracting purchasers; there I wandered about wherever chance led me. As I pursued my way, I found the side and back streets still more narrow, the houses apparently more adverse to light; windows did not seem in request; the walls were thick, and there were awnings over the courts. I now reached a small square; a trumpet was sounding, and people were crowding together. Some jugglers, equipped in knitted vests, with party-coloured swimming small-clothes, and carrying with them the implements of their profession, were preparing to exhibit on a carpet spread over the pavement, for they seemed to wish to avoid the middle of the street. A little darkeyed child, a mignon of the Spanish land, danced and played the tambourine, let itself be tumbled head over heels, and made a kind of lump of, by its half-naked papa. In order to see better what was going on, I had ascended a few steps of the entrance to an old dwelling, with a single large window in the Moorish style; two horse-shoe-formed arches were supported by slender marble pillars; behind me was a door half-open. I looked in, and saw a great geranium hedge growing round a dry dusty fountain. An enormous vine shaded one half the place, which seemed deserted and left to decay; the wooden shutters hung as if ready to fall from the one hinge which supported each in their loose frames: within, all appeared as if nothing dwelt there but bats in the twilight gloom.
I proceeded farther on, and entered a street, still narrow, and swarming with still more people than those I had already traversed. It was a street that led to a church. Here, hid away among high houses, stands the Cathedral of Barcelona: without any effect, without any magnificence, it might easily be passed by unheeded; as, like many remarkable personages, one requires to have one’s attention drawn to them in order to observe them. The crowd pressed on me, and carried me through the little gate into the open arcade, which, with some others, formed the approaches to the cathedral, and enclosed a grove of orange-trees, planted where once had stood a mosque. Even now water was splashing in the large marble basins, wherein the Musselmen used to wash their faces before and after prayers.
The little bronze statue here, of a knight on horseback, is charming; it stands alone on a metal reed out in the basin, and the water sparkles behind and before the horse. Close by, gold fishes are swimming among juicy aquatic plants; and behind high gratings, geese are also floating about. I ought perhaps to have said swans, but one must stick to the truth, if one wishes to be original as a writer of travels.
The horseman of the fountain, and the living geese, were not much in accordance with devotion; but there was a great deal that was ecclesiastical to outweigh these non-church adjuncts to the place. Before the altars in the portico, people were kneeling devoutly; and from the church’s large open door issued the perfume of incense, the sound of the organ, and the choral chant, I passed under the lofty-vaulted roof; here were earnestness and grandeur: but God’s sun could not penetrate through the painted windows; and a deep twilight, increased by the smoke of the incense, brooded therein, and my thoughts of the Almighty felt depressed and weighed down. I longed for the open court outside the cathedral, where heaven was the roof—where the sunbeams played among the orange-trees, and on the murmuring water; without, where pious persons prayed on bended knees. There the organ’s sweet, full tones, bore my thoughts to the Lord of all. This was my first visit to a Spanish church.
On leaving the cathedral, I proceeded through narrow streets to one extremely confined, but resplendent with gold and silver. In Barcelona, and in many Spanish towns, the arrangement prevalent in the middle ages still exists, namely, that the different trades—such as shoemakers, workers in metal, for instance—had their own respective streets, where alone their goods were sold. I went into the goldsmiths’ street; it was filled with shops glittering with gold and splendid ornaments.
In another street they were pulling down a large, very high house. The stone staircase hung suspended by the side of the wall, through several stories, and a wide well with strange-looking rings protruded betwixt the rubbish and the stones; it had been the abode of the principal inquisitor, who now no longer held his sway. The inquisition has long since vanished here, as now-a-days have the monks, whose monasteries are deserted.
From the open square, where stand the queen’s palace and the pretty buildings with porticos, you pass to the terrace promenade along the harbour. The view here is grand and extensive. You see the ancient MONS JOVIS; the eye can follow the golden zigzag stripe of road to the Fort Monjuich, that stands out so proudly, hewn from and raised on the rock: you behold the open sea, the numerous ships in the harbour, the entire suburb, Barcelonetta, and the crowds in all directions.
The streets are at right angles, long, and have but poor-looking low houses. Booths with articles of clothing, counters with eatables, people pushing and scrambling around them; carriers’ carts, droskies, and mules crowded together; half-grown boys smoking their cigars, workmen, sailors, peasants, and all manner of townsfolk, mingled here in dust and sunshine. It is impossible to avoid the crowd; but, if you like, you can have a refreshing bath, for the bathing-houses lie on the beach close by.
Though the weather and the water were still warm, they were already beginning to take down the large wooden shed, and there only now remained a sort of screening wooden enclosure, a boarding down from the road; and it was therefore necessary to wade through the deep sand before reaching the water, with its rolling waves, and obtaining a bath. But bow salt, how refreshing it was! You emerged from it as if renewed in youth, and you come with a young man’s appetite to the hotel, where an abundant and excellent repast awaits you. One might have thought that the worthy host had determined to prove that it was a very untruthful assertion, that in Spain they were not adepts at good cookery.
Early in the evening we repaired to the fashionable promenade—the Rambla. It was filled with gay company: the gentlemen had their hair befrizzled and becurled; they were vastly elegant, and all puffing their cigars. One of them, who had an eye-glass stuck in his eye, looked as if he had been cut out of a Paris ‘Journal des Modes.’ Most of the ladies wore the very becoming Spanish mantilla, the long black lace veil hanging over the comb down to the shoulders; their delicate hands agitating with a peculiar grace the dark spangled fans. Some few ladies sported French hats and shawls. People were sitting on both sides of the promenade in rows on the stone seats, and chairs under the trees; they sat out in the very streets with tables placed before them, outside of the cafes. Every place was filled, within and without.
In no country have I seen such splendid cafes as in Spain; cafes so beautifully and tastefully decorated. One of the prettiest, situated in the Rambla, which my friends and I daily visited, was lighted by several hundred gas lamps. The tastefully-painted roof was supported by slender, graceful pillars; and the walls were covered with good paintings and handsome mirrors, each worth about a thousand rigsdalers. Immediately under the roof ran galleries, which led to small apartments and billiard-rooms; over the garden, which was adorned with fountains and beautiful flowers, an awning was spread during the day, but removed in the evening, so that the clear blue skies could be seen. It was often impossible, without or within, above or below, to find an unoccupied table; the places were constantly taken. People of the most opposite classes were to be seen here—elegant ladies and gentlemen, military of the higher and lower grades, peasants in velvet and embroidered mantles thrown loosely over their arms. I saw a man of the lower ranks enter the cafe with four little girls. They gazed with curiosity, almost with awe, at the splendour and magnificence around them. A visit to the cafe was, doubtless, as great an event to them as it is to many children for the first time to go to a theatre. Notwithstanding the lively conversation going on among the crowd, the noise was never stunning, and one could hear a solitary voice accompanied by a guitar. In all the larger Spanish cafes, there sits, the whole evening, a man with a guitar, playing one piece of music after the other, but no one seems to notice him; it is like a sound which belongs to the extensive machinery. The Rambla became more and more thronged; the excessively long street became transformed into a crowded festival-saloon.
The usual social meetings at each other’s houses in family life, are not known here. Acquaintances are formed on the promenades on fine evenings; people come to the Rambla to sit together, to speak to each other, to be pleased with each other; to agree to meet again the following evening. Intimacies commence; the young people make assignations; but until their betrothals are announced, they do not visit at each other’s houses. Upon the Rambla the young man thus finds his future wife.
The first day in Barcelona was most agreeable, and full of variety; the following days not less so. There was so much new to be seen—so much that was peculiarly Spanish, notwithstanding that French influence was perceptible, in a place so near the borders.
During my stay at Barcelona, its two largest theatres, Principal and Del Liceo, were closed. They were both situated in Rambla. The theatre Del Liceo is said to be the largest in all Spain. I saw it by daylight. The stage is immensely wide and high. I arrived just during the rehearsal of an operetta with high-sounding, noisy music; the pupils and chorus-singers of the theatre intended to give the piece in the evening at one of the theatres in the suburbs.
The places for the audience are roomy and tasteful, the boxes rich in gilding, and each has its ante-room, furnished with sofas and chairs covered with velvet. In the front of the stage is the director’s box, from which hidden telegraphic wires carry orders to the stage, to the prompter, to the various departments. In the vestibule in front of the handsome marble staircase stands a bust of the queen. The public green-room surpasses in splendour all that Paris can boast of in that portion of the house. From the roof of the balcony of the theatre there is a magnificent view of Barcelona and the wide expanse of sea.
An Italian company were performing at the Teatro del Circo; but there, as in most of the Spanish theatres, nothing was given but translations from French. Scribe’s name stood most frequently on the play-bills. I also saw a long, tedious melodrama, ‘The Dog of the Castle.’
The owner of the castle is killed during the revolution; his son is driven forth, after having become an idiot from a violent blow on the head. Instinct leads him to his home, but none of its former inmates are there; the very watch-dog was killed: the house is empty, and he who is its rightful owner, now creeps into it, unwitting of its being his own. In vain his high and distinguished relatives have sought for him. He knows nothing of all this; he does not know that a paper, which from habit he instinctively conceals in his breast, could procure for him the whole domain. An adventurer, who had originally been a hair-dresser, comes to the neighbourhood, meets the unfortunate idiot, reads his paper, and buys it from him for a clean, new five-franc note. This person goes now to the castle as its heir; he, however, does not please the young girl, who, of the same distinguished family, was destined to be his bride, and he also betrays his ignorance of everything in his pretended paternal home. The poor idiot, on the contrary, as soon as he sets his foot within the walls of the castle, is overwhelmed with reminiscences; he remembers from his childhood every toy he used to play with; the Chinese mandarins he takes up, and makes them nod their heads as in days gone by; also he knows, and can show them, where his father’s small sword was kept; he alone was aware of its hidingplace. The truth became apparent; protected by the chamber-maid, he is restored to his rights, but not to his intellects.
The part of the idiot was admirably well acted; nearly too naturally—there was so much truthfulness in the delineation that it was almost painful to sit it out. The piece was well got up, and calculated to make ladies and children quite nervous.
The performances ended with a translation of the well-known Vaudeville, ‘A Gentleman and a Lady.’
The most popular entertainments in Spain, which seem to be liked by all classes, are bull-fights; every tolerably large town, therefore, has its Plaza de Toros. I believe the largest is at Valencia. For nine months in the year these entertainments are the standing amusements of every Sunday. We were to go the following Sunday at Barcelona to see a bull-fight; there were only to be two young bulls, and not a grand genuine fight: however, we were told it would give us an idea of these spectacles.
The distant Plaza de Toros was reached, either by omnibus or a hired street carriage taken on the Rambla; the Plaza itself was a large, circular stone building, not far from the railroad to Gerona. The extensive arena within is covered with sand, and around it is raised a wooden wall about three ells in height, behind which is a long, open space, for standing spectators. If the bull chooses to spring over the barrier to them, they have no outlet or means of exit, and are obliged to jump down into the arena; and when the bull springs down again, they must mount, as best they can, to their old places. Higher above this open corridor, and behind it, is, extending all round the amphitheatre, a stone gallery for the public, and above it again are a couple of wooden galleries fitted up in boxes, with benches or chairs. We took up our position below, in order to see the manners of the commoner class. The sun was shining over half the arena, spangled fans were waving and glittering, and looked like birds flapping their bright winga. The building could contain about fifteen thousand persons. There were not so many present on this occasion, but it was well filled.
We had been previously told of the freedom and licence which pervaded this place, and warned not to attract observation by our dress, else we might be made the butts of the people’s rough humour, which might prompt them to shout, ‘Away with your smart gloves! Away with your white city-hat!’ followed by sundry witticisms. They would not brook the least delay; the noise increased, the people’s will was omnipotent, and hats and gloves had to be taken off, whether agreeable to the wearers or not.
The sound of the music was fearful and deafening at the moment we entered; people were roaring and screaming; it was like a boisterous carnival. The gentlemen threw flour over each other in the corners, and pelted each other with pieces of sausages; here flew oranges, there a glove or an old hat, all amidst merry uproar, in -which the ladies took a part. The glittering fans, the gaily-embroidered mantles, and the bright rays of the sun, confused the eyes, as the noise confused the ears; one felt oneself in a perfect maelstrom of vivacity.
Now the trumpet’s blast sounded a fanfare, one of the gates to the arena was opened, and the bull-fight cavalcade entered. First rode two men in black garments, with large white shirt fronts, and staffs in their hands. They were followed, upon old meagre-looking horses, by four Picadores, well stuffed in the whole of the lower parts, that they might not sustain any injury when the bull rushed upon them. They each carried a lance with which to defend themselves; but notwithstanding their stuffing, they were always very helpless if they fell from their horses. Then came half a score Banderilleros, young, handsome, stage-clad youths, equipped in velvet and gold. After them appeared, in silken attire, glittering in gold and silver—Espada; his blood-red cloak he carried thrown over his arm, the well-tempered sword, with which he was to give the animal its death-thrust, he held in his hand. The procession was closed by four mules, adorned with plumes of feathers, brass plates, gay tassels, and tinkling bells, which were, to the sound of music, at full gallop, to drag the slaughtered bull and the dead horses out of the arena.
The cavalcade went round the entire circle, and stopped before the balcony where the highest magistrate sat. One of the two darkly clad riders—I believe they were called Alguazils—rode forward and asked permission to commence the entertainment; the key which opened the door to the stable where the bull was confined was then cast down to him. Immediately under a portion of the theatre appropriated to spectators, the poor bulls had been locked up, and had passed the night and the whole morning without food or drink. They had been brought from the hills fastened to two trained tame bulls, and led into the town; they came willingly, poor animals! to kill or be killed in the arena. To-day, however, no bloody work was to be performed by them; they had been rendered incapable of being dangerous, for their horns had been muffled. Only two were destined to fall under the stabs of the Espada; to-day, as has been mentioned, was only a sort of sham fight, in which the real actors in such scenes had no strong interest, therefore it commenced with a comic representation—a battle between the Moors and the Spaniards, in which, of course, the former played the ridiculous part, the Spaniards the brave and stout-hearted.
A bull was let in: its horns were so bound that it could not kill any one; the worst it could do was to break a man’s ribs. There were flights and springing aside, fun and laughter. Now came on the bull-fight. A very young bull rushed in, then it suddenly stood still in the field of battle. The glaring sunbeams, the moving crowd, dazzled its eyes; the wild uproar, the trumpet’s blasts, and the shrill music, came upon it so unexpectedly, that it probably thought, like Jeppe when he awoke in the Baroness’s bed, ‘What can this be! What can this be!’ But it did not begin to weep like Jeppe; it plunged its horns into the sand, its backbones showing its strength, and the sand was whirled up in eddies into the air, but that was all it did. The bull seemed dismayed by all the noise and bustle, and only anxious to get away. In vain the Banderilleros teased it with their red cloaks; in vain the Picadores brandished their lances. These they hardly dared use before the animal had attacked them; this is to be seen at the more perilous bull-fights, of which we shall, by-and-bye, have more to say, in which the bull can toss the horse and the rider so that they shall fall together, and then the Banderilleros must take care to drive the furious animal to another part of the arena, until the horse and its rider have had time to arise to another conflict. One eye of the horse is bound up; this is done that it may not have a full view of its adversary, and become frightened. At the first encounter the bull often drives his pointed horn into the horse so that the entrails begin to well out; they are pushed in again; the gash is sewed up, and the same animal can, after the lapse of a few minutes, carry his rider. On this occasion, however, the bull was not willing to fight, and a thousand voices cried, ‘El ferro!’
The Banderilleros came with large arrows, ornamented with waving ribands, and squibs; and when the bull rushed upon them, they sprang aside, and with equal grace and agility they contrived to plunge each arrow into the neck of the animal: the squib exploded, the arrow buzzed, the poor bull became half mad, and in vain shook its head and its neck, the blood flowed from its wounds. Then came Espada to give the death-blow, but on an appointed place in the neck was the weapon only to enter. It was several times either aimed at a wrong place, or the thrust was given too lightly, and the bull ran about with the sword sticking in its neck; another thrust followed, and blood flowed from the animal’s mouth; the public hissed the awkward Espada. At length the weapon entered into the vulnerable spot; and in an instant the bull sank on the ground, and lay there like a clod, while a loud ‘viva’ rang from a thousand voices, mingling with the sound of the trumpets and the kettle-drums. The mules with their bells, their plumes of feathers, and their flags, galloped furiously round the arena, dragging the slaughtered animal after them; the blood it had shed was concealed by fresh sand; and a new bull, about as young as the first, was ushered in, after having been on its entrance excited and provoked by a thrust from a sharp iron spike. This fresh bull was, at the commencement of the affray, more bold than the former one, but it also soon became terrified. The spectators demanded that fire should be used against him, the squib arrows were then shot into his neck, and after a short battle he fell beneath the Espada’s sword.
‘Do not look upon this as a real Spanish bull-fight,’ said our neighbours to us; ‘this is mere child’s play, mere fun!’ And with fun the whole affair ended. The public were allowed, as many as pleased, to spring over the barriers into the arena; old people and young people took a part in this amusement; two bulls with horns well wrapped round, were let in. There was a rushing and springing about; even the bulls joined the public in vaulting over the first barrier among the spectators who still remained there; and there were roars of laughter, shouts and loud hurrahs, until the Empressario the manager of that day’s bull-fight, found that there was enough of this kind of sport, and introduced the two tame bulls, who were immediately followed by the two others back to their stalls. Not a single horse had been killed, blood had only flowed from two bulls; that was considered nothing, but we had 6een all the usual proceedings, and witnessed how the excitement of the people was worked up into passionate feelings.
It was here, in this arena, in 1833, that the revolutionary movement in Barcelona broke out, after they had commenced at Saragossa to murder the monks and burn the monasteries. The mass of the populace in the arena fired upon the soldiers, these fired again upon the people; and the agitation spread abroad with fiery destruction throughout the land.
Near the Plaza de Toros is situated the cemetery of Barcelona, at a short distance from the open sea. Aloes of a great height compose the fences, and high walls encircle a town inhabited only by the dead. A gate-keeper and his family, who occupy the porter’s lodge, are the only living creatures who dwell here. In the inside of this city of the dead are long lonely streets, with boxlike houses, of six stories in height, in which, side by side, over and under each other, are built cells, in each of which lies a corpse in its coffin. A dark plate with the name and an inscription is placed over the opening. The buildings have the appearance of warehouses, with doors upon doors. A large chapel-formed tomb is the cathedral in this city of the dead. A grass plot, with dark lofty cypresses, and a single isolated monument, afford some little variety to these solemn streets, where the residents of Barcelona, generation after generation, as silent, speechless inhabitants, occupy their gravechambers.
The sun’s scorching rays were glaring on the white walls; and all here was so still, so lonely, one became so sad that it was a relief to go forth into the stir of busy life. On leaving this dismal abode of decay and corruption, the first sound we heard appertaining to worldly existence was the whistle of the railway; the train shot past, and, when its noise had subsided, was heard the sound of the waves rolling on the adjacent shore; thither I repaired.
A number of fishermen were just at that moment hauling their nets ashore; strange-looking fishes, red, yellow, and blueish-green, were playing in the nets; naked, dark-skinned children were running about on the sands; dirty women—I think they were gypsies— sat and mended old worn-out garments; their hair was coal-black, their eyes darker still; the younger ones wore large red flowers in their hair, their teeth was as glittering wbite as those of the Moors. They were groups to be painted on canvas. The city of the dead, on the contrary, would have suited a photographer, one picture of that would be enough; for from whatever side one viewed it, there was no change in its character: these receptacles for the dead stood in uniform and unbroken array, while cypress trees, here and there, unfolded what seemed to be their mourning banners.
Galdós: recuerdos de la Barcelona revolucionaria del 68; la Rambla, la Muralla del Mar y el Jardín del General; el guerracivilismo de los españoles; su primera novela
Al salir de Barcelona [en 1903] el maestro Galdós ha enviado á EL LIBERAL en Barcelona una notable impresión, cuyo especialísimo tono local no le resta mérito alguno fuera de la ciudad condal.
Sobriamente evoca Galdós los sucesos de Septiembre del 68, y la antigua ciudad.
Es éste un documento muy interesante, además, por lo que cuenta de Los Episodios nacionales.
Dice así:
Sr. Director de EL LIBERAL.
Me pregunta usted si es antiguo mi conocimiento de Barcelona, y cuántas veces he visitado á esta ciudad. Más fácilmente que puntualizar las visitas, puede mi memoria dar á usted noticia de la primera tan remota, que ahora me parece, como quien dice, perdida en la noche de los tiempos. Ello fué en días inolvidables, de los que marcados quedaron en la Historia patria como días de buena sombra, resultando también de feliz agüero en la vida individual, particularmente en la mía. En Barcelona pasé las dos últimas semanas de Septiembre de 1868, y el memorable día 29, fechas, como usted sabe muy bien, de las más famosas del siglo nuestro, que es el pasado, todo él bien aprovechado de crueles guerras, mudanzas y trapisondas.
Ya ve usted si son de largo tiempo mis amistades con la capital de Cataluña. El prodigioso crecimiento de esta matrona, nadie tiene que contármelo, porque lo he visto y apreciado por mí mismo, un lustro tras otro. En Septiembre del 68, rota ya la cintura de murallas que oprimían el cuerpo de la histórica ciudad, empezaba ésta, por una parte y otra, á estirar sus miembros robustos nutridos por sangre potente. La he visto crecer, pasando de las moderadas anchuras á las formas de gigante que no cabe hoy en las medidas de ayer, ni ve nunca saciadas sus ansias de mayor vitalidad y corpulencia.
A mediados de Septiembre vine de Francia con mi familia, pasando el Pirineo en coche, pues aun no había ni asomos de ferrocarril entre Perpiñán y Gerona. Recuerdo que por falta de puente en no sé qué río, la diligencia se metía en las turbias aguas, atravesándosas de una orilla á otra sin peligro alguno, al menos en aquella ocasión. De Figueras, conservo tan sólo una idea vaga. En cambio, Gerona, donde pasé un día con su noche, permaneció en mi mente con impresiones indelebles… [Gerona y los Episodios Nacionales]
Barcelona fúe para mí un grato descubrimiento y un motivo de admiración, aun viniendo de París y Marsella. Me sorprendían y cautivaban la alegría de este pueblo, la confianza en sí mismo, y el ardor de las ideas liberales que entonces flameaban en todas las cabezas, aquel ingénuo sentimiento revolucionario, ensueños de vida progresiva y culta, tras de la cual corrían con igual afán los que conocían el camino y los que ignoraban por dónde debíamos ir para llegar salvos. En aquellos hermosos días de esperanza y fe, tenía la Libertad millones de enamorados, y lo que llamábamos Reacción había caído en el mayor descrédito. El sentimiento público era tan vivo, que las cosas amenazadas de muerte se caían solas, sin que fuera menester derribarlas.
La principal hermosura de Barcelona era entonces su Rambla, rotulada con diferentes nombres, desde Santa Mónica hasta Canaletas. Viéndola hoy [1903], paréceme que nada ha cambiado en ella, y que su animación bulliciosa de hace treinta años era la misma que actualmente le da el contínuo trajín de coches y tranvías. La Rambla es de esas cosas que, admitiendo las modificaciones que trae el tiempo, no envejecen nunca, y conservan eternamente su frescura risueña y la sonrisa hospitalaria.
El paseo más grato era entonces la Muralla de Mar, á la que se subía por la rampa de Atarazanas, y se extendía por lo que es hoy paseo de Colón. El paseante iba por el alto espacio en que se mecen hoy las cimas de las palmeras, y por un lado dominaba el puerto, en el cual hacían bosque los mástiles de los buques de vela, por otro podía curiosear el interior de los primeros pisos. Ya se hablaba de demoler la muralla, y los viejos se lamentaban de la destrucción de aquel lindo paseo, como de la probable pérdida de un sér querido; tan arraigada estaba en las costumbres la vuelta diaria por el alto andén en las tardes placenteras de verano. Los jóvenes la vierno desaparecer, y ya no se acuerdan de lo que fué uno de los mayores encantos de la vieja Barcelona.
El ensanche estaba ya bosquejado, y en el Paseo de Gracia iban tomando puesto las magníficas construcciones, que eran albergue y vanagloria de los ricos de entonces. Aun faltaba mucho para que se pudiera admirar la parada de casas con que el citado Paseo, la Rambla de Cataluña, la Granvía y otras nos deslumbran y fascinan, pasándonos por los ojos la vida fastuosa y un tanto dormilona de los millionarios de hoy. De jardines públicos no recuerdo más que el llamado del General, más allá de la Lonja, hacia el Borne. Era tan chico y miserable que si hoy existiera lo miraría con burla y menosprecio la más menguada plazuela de la moderna ciudad. Más allá se extendía la trágica Ciudadela, odiada del pueblo, que anhelaba destruirla, y casi casi anticipaba la demolición con sus maldiciones y anatemas.
Me parece que estoy viendo al conde de Cheste, en aquellos días de Septiembre, recorriendo la Rambla, seguido de los mozos de escuadra. Su arrogante estatura se destacaba entre el gentío, que le veía pasar con respeto y temor. Del último bando que publicó, conservo en mi memoria retazos de frases que denunciaban su carácter inflexible, su adhesión á la causa que defendía, así como sus gustos literarios, propendiendo siempre á cierto lirismo militar, muy propio de los caudillos de la primera guerra civil. No recuerdo bien si fué el 30 ó el 31 cuando empezaron á correr las primeras noticias de la acción de Alcolea. Fueron rumores, que más parecían ilusiones del deseo. Primero, secreteaba la gente en los corrillos de la Rambla; después, personas de clases distintas soltaban el notición en alta voz; y los crédulos y los incrédulos acababan por abrazarse… Lo que pasó luego en la ciudad no lo supe, porque mi familia tuvo miedo, creyendo que se venía el mundo abajo, y como habíamos de salir para Canarias, se resolvió abandonar la fonda de las Cuatro Naciones, y buscar seguro asilo á bordo del vapor América, que había de salir en una fecha próxima. Aquella noche, tertuliando sobre cubierta mi familia y otras que también huían medrosas, vimos resplandor de incendios en diferentes puntos de la población. El pueblo, inocente y siempre bonachón, no se permitía más desahogos revolucionarios, después de tanto hablar, que pegar fuego á las casillas del fielato.
Viajeros pesimistas, que iban con nosotros, auguraban asolamientos y terribles represalias que ponían los pelos de punta; pero nada de esto pasó, al menos por entonces. El pueblo, aquí como en el resto de España, rarísima vez ha sido vengativo en las conmociones puramentes políticas. Se ha contentado con un cambio infantil de los nombres y símbolos de las cosas, así como los primates apenas han sabido otra cosas que erigir nuevas columnas en la Gaceta, llenas de ineficaz palabrería.
Tengo muy presente al segundo de á bordo, catalán de acento muy cerrado, sujeto entrado en años, locuaz, ameno y de feliz memoria. Monstrándome el edificio de la Capitanía general, que tras la Muralla del mar desde el vapor se veía, me contó con prolijas referencias de testigo presencial la horrible muerte de Bassa, como lo arrojaron por el balcón, como lo apuñalearon, y echándole una cuerda al cuello, arrastraron por las calles su acribillado cuerpo. Poco sabía yo de estas cosas. De la dramática historia del siglo sólo conocía las líneas generales, y eran vagamente sintéticas mis ideas sobre las sanguinarias peleas por los derechos de dos ramas dinásticas, sin que en tan estúpìda y fiera lucha haya podido ninguno de los dos bandos demostrar que su rama valía más que la otra.
Naturalmente, no pensaba yo así en aquel tiempo, pues mis conocimientos de la historia patria eran cortos y superficiales, y del libro de la experiencia había pasado muy pocas hojas. Los frutos de la verdad son tardíos. Vienen á madurar cuando maduramos; pero en nuestro afán de vivir á prisa, comemos verde el fruto, y de aquí que no nos haga todo el provecho que debemos esperar… Como digo, yo sabía de estas cosas menos de lo que hoy sé, que no es mucho, y mis inclinaciones hacía la novela eran todavía indecisas por estar la voluntad partida en tentativas y ensayos diferentes. La Fontana de oro, primer paso mío por el áspero sendero, no estaba aún concluída. Ín diebustillis [In diebus illis: en días aquellos], cuando por primera vez estuve en Barcelona, llevaba conmigo dos tercios próximamente de aquella obra, empezada en Madrid en la primera del 68, continuada después en Bagneres de Bigorre, luego pasada por Barcelona y las aguas del Mediterráneo para que se refrescara bien, y concluída por fin en Madrid andando los meses.
El vapor América salió para Canarias, y á mí me dejó en Alicante.
Dispénseme usted, señor director… Las horas vuelan, y está cerca ya la de mi partida de Barcelona.
Quédese la continuación para el año próximo.
B. Pérez Galdós.
Barcelona 8 de Agosto de 1903.
Descripción del espectáculo «Buffalo Bill’s Wild West», con unas consideraciones antropológico-literarias; desembarcan mareados, y se embarcan hambrientos
[Información zoológica sobre los búfalos]
Barcelona tuvo el gusto de ver pieles-rojas de la gran familia americana en 1493 cuando Cristóbal Colón regresó de su primer viaje, siendo recibido en nuestra ciudad por los reyes católicos.
Pero en cuanto á bisontes bien se puede asegurar que no vio aquí el primero hasta hace unos doce años, cuando vino el domador Bidel en sus buenos tiempos, trayendo una rica y variada colección zoológica en la cual había un hermoso ejemplar de aquellos indivíduos de la espacia bovina.
A pesar de que en 1493 vinieron caribes á Europa, Barcelona que ha visto trabajar en sus teatros árabes, senegaleses, tártaros, mongoles, etc… no había visto aún en su verdadero traje á los hijos da las praderas norte-americanas hasta el día de ayer en que les vio aparecer con sus túnicas de piel de antílope adornado con púas de puerco espín y sus típicos mocasines, con el rostro pintarrajeado á la usanza de su país y llevando también sus propias armas y arreos de la vida nómada.
Los indios de la América del Norte, algo distintos de los fueganos y sud-americanos, como también de los toltekas de la región central, pertenecen en su mayoría á la numerosa tríbu da los Siux, y hablan la lengua narcotah que algunos sabios comparan al dialecto de los tártaros manchues. Lo cual puede probar que an épocas remotas los hijos del Asia invadieron las llanuras del Alaska, pasando el estrecho de Bering.
Esta raza que no nos ha hecho ningún mal y que tan bien acogió á los primeros europeos, causa verdadera tristeza á los hombres pensadores al verla destinada á fundirse ante los rayos de la civilización moderna que de día en día va extendiendo sus conquistas hacia el Lejano Oeste como denominan los yankees á la extensa pradera americana.
Mañana no quedará como recuerdo de su pasada existencia más que aquel triste poema conocido en los Estados Unidos por Las Memorias de Tanner el cual tan bien los retrata en su vida íntima por haber participado de ella durante 30 años.
Y luego como nota de brillante colorido, las populares descripciones del conocido autor de Los cazadores de caballeras y La Jornada de la Muerte, también recordarán á esos desgraciados pieles rojas, condenados á perecer en la especie. Estas obras encierran el principio y fin de aquellos desdichados hijos del desierto, crueles con la raza blanca, desde el día en que ésta les pagó su hospitalidad con la más negra de las ingratitudes.
Saludemos pues benévolamente á los últimos descendientes de un pueblo que fué, y de cuyas dos ramas Aztecas y Delavares ya no queda ni un solo individuo; y vamos á describir la fiesta de ayer.
El espectáculo
El espectáculo «Búfalo Bill’s Wild West», puede considerarse dividido en tres partes: presentación de costumbres de los habitantes del Oeste de los Estados Unidos, agitación y ejercicios de tiro.
En la primera, que no importa decir es la más instructiva, se presentan escenas sumamento pintorescas, y que si bien no producen una ilusión completa, trasladan al espectador con un pequeño esfuerzo de imaginación á las praderas americanas del Oeste.
La segunda es una demostración brillante del dominio que sobre el caballo tiene el ginete americano, tanto el indio como el blanco.
Y la tercera, es una prueba de la habilidad que en el tiro de pistola, revólver y carabina, tienen los norteamericanos y especialmente el coronel Cody.
Constituía el primer número del programa de ayer el desfile de toda la compañía. Presentóse el grupo de los indios Arrapahos, con sus trajes de colores, la cabellara suelta, casi tendidos sobre sus caballos, á la carrera, formados en línea, dando aullidos, blandiendo sus armas, y después de dar una vuelta al redondel detuviéronse en medio, todos á una y con precisión admirable. Allá á lo lejos se vio aparecer á su jefe Black Heart (Corazón Negro), que fué recibido con gritos de júbilo por sus subordinados, y después de dar también una vuelta á la pista se detuvo junto á ellos.
Al mismo tiempo aparecía un grupo de vaqueros americanos seguidos del rey de los vaqueros, Buck Taylor, y practicaron la misma maniobra.
Así fueron desfilando el grupo de indios Brulé; su jefe Little Chiot; el grupo de la tribu de indios Cut Off; Bave Bear (Oso valiente), otro grupo de vaqueros mejicanos; el de indios Cheyenne; Eagle Horn (Cuerno de águila), su jefe; un grupo de muchachas del Oeste de los Estados Unidos; el vaquero más pequeño del mundo llamado Bennia Irving; los Boys Chiete, pequeños jefes del pais de los Siux; las banderas española y norte-americana; el grupo ds indios Ogallala Siux; su jefe Low Neck (Cuello Corto); Rockey Rear (Oso Rojizo) médico hechicero del pais de los Siux, según rezan los programas, Red Shirt (Camisa Roja) jefe guerrero del pais de los Siux, y por último el arrogante Buffalo Bill, ó sea el coronel Cody, que después de dar, montado en su brioso caballo, la vuelta de ordenanza á la pista, se paró de repente ante la presidencia y saludó quitándose el sombrero airosamente.
Mientras duró el desfile no cesaron ni un punto los gritos de los indios, que, con sus multicolores trajes, su rostro pintarrajeado, sus cabellos completamente negros y sueltos formaban un conjunto abigarrado y en extremo pintoresco.
Los aplausos del público demostraron el buen efecto que la había producido el desfila.
Una carrera de caballos entre ua mejica-no, un vaquero y un indio, y una pantomima en que se ponía á la vista el modo de conducir el correo en las regiones fronterizas de los Estados Unidos antes de la construcción de los ferrocarriles constituyeron los dos números siguientes.
Aunque en Barcelona estamos cansados de ver hábiles tiradores, arrancó aplausos con sus ejercicios de una precisión admirable, la señorita Annie Oakley.
Daba gusto ver á aquella niña, pues aspecto de niña tiene desde lejos, colocarse á seis ó siete pasos de la carabina; echar á correr al mismo tiempo que se le arrojaba al aire un objeto, cojer la carabina, disparar y convertir en cien pedazos el blanco.
El ataque, por los indios, de un tren de emigrantes es un cuadro que impresiona por su acción verdaderamente dramática, y que tiene por remate una nota elegante y sumamente agradable. Las chicas del Oeste y los vaqueros, para demostrar la alegría que les ha producido el haber derrotado á los indios, bailan á caballo los rigodones conocidos con al nombre de Virginia Reel.
Tiene también interés dramático, aunque hay que confesar que todas estas escenas en que se presentan episodios, tienen mucho de espectáculo, y por lo tanto la ilusión dista bastante de ser completa, el desafío de «Búffalo Bill» con Yellow Hand en presencia de las tropas ds los Estados Unidos y de las fuerzas de los indios rebeldes, después de haber andado á tiros unos y otros. Esta pantamima se refiere á un acontecimiento histórico en que fué principal actor el mismo «Búffalo Bill.»
La escena que en nuestro concepto tiene más sabor local, si así puede decirse, es la primera de las que en el programa son llamadas «Pasatiempos de los vaqueros». Consiste en tirar el lazo á una manada da caballos que figuran ser salvajes y que corren como flechas. En las otras escenas se ve más la hilaza, ó sea el estudio y la preparación, pero de todas maneras tienen gran mérito. Montan aquellos ginetes increíbles sobra los caballos indomables, se agarran fuertementa de piernas á los lomos, clavan las espuelas en los ijares, y ya puede botar, y encabritarse, y arrojarse al suelo, y revolcarse, el caballo: permanece el ginate pegado al animal y llega por fin á dominarlo por completo. Sucede á veces que el ginete cogido fuertemente á la cuerda es arrastrado por el caballo; otras en que cae debajo de este, herido, y sus compañeros tienen que levantarlo.
Otro de los números curiosos es el ataque de la diligencia Deadwood, por los indios y su derrota por las avanzadas y los vaqueros almando da «Búffalo Bill».
El vehículo que sa presenta, completamente desvencijado y en el que subieron varios señores del público y dos cow-boys, es célebre por los muchos asesinatos que en él se han cometido y por las celebridades que en él han viajado.
Según el programa, dos presidentes de los Estados Unidos, cuatro reyes y todas las personas reales que asistieron al Jubileo da la reina Victoria en Londres, se han sentado en este carruaje.
Produce verdadera emoción la carrera á caballo de dos mujeres indias. Montan á horcajadas como los hombres, se agarran como ellos fuertemente á los lomos y salan disparadas. El caballo no lleva silla, ni estribos, y sin embargo, aquellas amazonas parecen adheridas al bruto.
Sosos y monótonos, si se quiere, son los bailes del trofeo, de cabellera y de guerra que dan á conocer los indios; pero como son reproducciones exactas de las mismas danzas que se bailan en el Fart-vest, ó mejor las mismas, tienen todo el sabor local que se puede pedir.
La caza del búfalo, no obstante ser uno de los números más llamativos del programa, no resulta, á nuestro parecer, a mucho efecto. Casi es tan sosa como las danzas.
El joven tirador Johnne Bake, el tiro de pistola y de revolver y las carreras á caballoentre chicas americanas fronterizas, no ofrecen ninguna novedad, pero tienen extraordinario mérito por la precisión.
En cambio «Buffalo Bill» tirando montado á galope y con precisión suma, es una de las cosas más notables que darse pueden.
El ataque de un rancho fronterizo tiene también mucho de convencional; pero da una idea bastante exacta del sigilo y la audacia son que llevan á cabo los indios sus golpes de mano.
Termina el espectáculo con el desfile desordenado de tedos los indios, vaqueros y mejicanos. Formando tres círculos concéntricos, corren los ginetes en opuestas direccionas con rapidez vertiginosa, lanzando ahullidos salvages. Es de ver flotando al aire las plumas y las cabelleras de los indios, entremezclándose los brillantes colores de los trages, á los pálidos rayos del sol muriente. Parece imposible que no haya la más leve confusión, que puedan dar vueltas con la seguridad de una rueda sin que uno interrumpa un solo instante el paso del otro. Por fin, en informe pelotón regresan á las cuadras, sobresaliendo entre todos la varonil y gallarda figura de Búffalo Bill.
Al salir del cireo la concurrencia se desparramó por los campamentos para ver de cerca los indios que se mantenían encerrados en sus tiendas, asomando da vez en cuando la cabeza con el cebo de un cigarrillo.
A la puerta del hipódromo vimos vendedores de caña dulce y en el interior unos vendedores ambulantes ofrecían otro dulce preparado con granos de maíz y miel.
Un chiquillo piel roja que discurría entra la gente, tomaba los céntimos que le ofrecían con el mismo desenfado de un piel blanca. Por lo visto estos salvajes ya están fuera de la edad de ia permuta y comienzan á familiarizarse con la moneda.
Producía extraño efecto aquel campamento indio del Far-West trasladado á la izquierda del ensanche, y uno no sabía convencerse de que con tanta tranquilidad pudiéramos permanecer sin peligro al lado de los terribles cazadores de cabelleras.
La concurrencia que asistió al nuevo Hipódromo fue numerosa. No bajaría de siete mil personas.
La revolución, ¿ganando en Cataluña?
Fighting Continues and Reinforcements Are Blocked by Strikers.PARIS, July 29. — Spanish couriers from Barcelona arriving at Cerbere on the frontier report that artillery is battering the barricades, behind which the insurgents are fighting desperately. Heavy fighting is in progress on the Rambla, in San Anne Square, and the Calle del Espino.
The gutters are running with blood. The number of dead and wounded cannot be estimated, but it is believed to be heavy.
Attempts on the Captain General continue as he disposes the position of the troops.
The Military Governor of Barcelona published a decree to-day ordering the inhabitants of the city to return to their homes. After twenty-four hours any one found in the streets is liable to be shot on sight.
Many instances of soldiers refusing to fire on the mobs are reported. A Lieutenant of infantry threatened to shoot a policeman who was about to fire his revolver into the crowds.
The Government forces, failing to make headway, ahve been obliged to act on the defensive, attacking only when absolutely compelled by the menacing position of the revolutionists.
The situation is further complicated by the spread of the general strike ordered by the labor organizations of Barcelona two days ago. The indications are that the strike will spread to the provinces of Lerida, Gerona, and Tarragona, but no definite news has been received from these points.
The terror-stricken people are fleeing from the larger towns to the open country and the small villages, where there is less exposure to danger.
Five convents and several private residences have been burned at Llanza, where the excitement is growing.
Grave events are expected at Figueras… Comparative calm had been restored when orders were issued to the recruits to report for duty. The entire population is preparing to resist. The Portbou express left Figueras this morning, but stopped at Llanza, where the track had been blown up by dynamite.
At Junquera … telegraph poles have been chopped down. All places where public funds have been deposited are guarded by the military. Business is at a complete standstill. The merchants are panic stricken and are placing their funds in foreign banks for safekeeping.
Advices from Granollers … state that two convents have been burned to the ground.
At Cassadelaselva the civil guard was disarmed by the mob and imprisoned in the barracks. The call to the colors of the reservists of 1906 and 1907, who are on leave, was without result, not a single reservist reporting for duty.
The situation in Barcelona is rendered desperate by the absence of a sufficient military force capable of putting down the revolutionists. This condition results from the dispatch of all available troops to Melilla. The garrisons throughout Catalonia have thus been reduced to 6,000 men, while the revolutionists at Barcelona and adjacent towns far exceed that number.
The Government forces are also scattered by the need of quelling outbreaks at many detached points. The isolation of the province, owing to the destruction of railways, gave the revolutionary element and strikers forty-eight hours to make uninterrupted preparations to cut off the arrival of reinforcements. They are thus masters of the situation.
The line from Madrid to Barcelona is a scene of desolation. Trenches many feet wide have been cut across the railway embankments in the country districts. The small bridges spanning the streets in several towns have been pulled down.
The arrival of reinforcements, so urgently needed by the Government forces, is retarded by the destruction of railroads and the avenues of communication leading to the city. The revolutionists are heavily armed with muskets, knives, and revolvers. They have an effective organization and hospital equipment which promptly looks after the dead and wounded.
The Government is now seeking to relieve the city by sea, as the land communications are interrupted. All available ships are being hurried to Barcelona.
Whethere there is an ulterior political purpose behind the revolutionary uprising throughout Catalonia is not yet clear. Outwardly the movement is thus far a protest against the Government’s war policy in Morocco and its levy of large reserve for war purposes.