Categoría: Montreal Gazette

  • Un policia asesinado y cinco sardanistas heridos por anarcosindicalistas

    Five Merry-makers Wounded – Government Moves to Cope With Strike Threat

    Madrid, January 24 – A policeman was killed and five merry-makers wounded as the Government posted military and police forces to cope with a threatened general strike tomorrow intended to establish a proletarian dictatorship.

    The policeman was killed in a fight with Communists in a suburb of Barcelona. Two children, a woman and two men were wounded in a plaza of Barcelona itself when police charged a crowd of laborers who had sought to break up a native dance.

    Publication in the official Gazette of the new decree dissolving the Jesuit order in Spain and giving the Jesuits ten days to disband their chapters seemed to soothe the left-wing spirits.

    The Government was hopeful that its display of force would forestall any serious movement tomorrow, but was taking no chances.

    Right-wing factions said the anti-Jesuit decree was a political manoeuvre on the part of the Cabinet to pacify the extremists, who have agitated for a «workers’ republic.» The Government denied this, saying it was merely complying with the new constitution in dissolving the Jesuit order, which was established in Spain nearly 400 years ago, and in confiscating the Jesuit property.

    Troops and police, meanwhile, were busy in the major cities of the Catalonian, Andalusian, Galician and Valencian regions ferreting out leaders of the Anarchist-Communist-Syndicalist movement. Authorities in the Basque and Navarre provinces watched closely for a possible repercussion from the anti-Jesuit decree because of strong Catholic and Monarchist feeling there.

    From the Catholic right wing the decree has been termed «another attack against our belief and traditions to add to others already received from the Government.» (The new Spanish constitution separated Church and State.)

    Many persons have been arrested in connection with the strike threat and thirty awaited deportation today to the Canary Islands. The mayor of Manresa warned that any workers missing from their jobs tomorrow would be deported.

  • El Estatuto de 1932 en la prensa norteamericana

    Spain Tries New Experiment, Creating New Nation
    Fifty-Year-Old Battle for Autonomy Is Finally Won
    (Special Cable to the New York Times and Montreal Gazette.)
    Madrid, September 8.-After the practical rounding out of Spain’s constitution in a period of more than 18 months, the Cortes tonight finished its task of creating a new nation by voting the last article of the Catalan autonomy statute.

    For 50 years the Catalan problem has caused unceasing strife in Spanish political circles and innumerable government crises. The Spanish Republic is turning away from the intense centralization, which has been the tendency of the other European nations recently, and is offering the world an experiment in a new way of dealing with minorities.

    The statute has been passed by the Republic despite obstructionism and one rebellion after another. It has been passed, however, with the Right-wing press suppressed by a governmental edict and with the jails full of its opponents.

    In Catalonia, where it is regarded as victory in a century-long struggle, it was greeted with wild joy. In many quarters, however, it is viewed as destructive of Spain and her unity, which began wiht the crusades of Ferdinand and Isabella. Whether good or bad, it shows Spain has built on new internal principles.

    The statute will be formally voted in its entirety tomorrow, along with the land-reform bill. It will become effective on January 1, which will allow time to get the new state’s structure in working order. The Cortes will adjourn until October 1.

    It is possible that on readjournment the Socialists will leave the Government and new national elections will be called.

    [Cataluña es una región autónoma, etc etc]

    Under the statute not only can the old red-and-yellow-striped banner with which [Roger de] Flor stormed Istanbul when Catalonia was a great Mediterranean power float side by side with the Spanish flag, but Catalan is declared like Spanish, to be the official language. Translation into Spanish always will be demanded for whatever purpose.

    [Devolución de educación, orden público regional, fiscalidad, etc etc]