Cae Montjuic a los borbónicos, muriendo su ingeniero en jefe

Tessé envoya son fils porter la nouvelle que les ennemis avoient le 25 avril abandonné le mont Joui, lequel en fut fait maréchal de camp. La garnison sortit ensemble en plein jour, et entra dans Barcelone sans presque aucune perte.


Una respuesta a «Cae Montjuic a los borbónicos, muriendo su ingeniero en jefe»

  1. Avatar de Alberto Pernales
    Alberto Pernales

    Pero la derrota y la muerte de Laparra, «Ingénieur & Lieutenant-Général des Armées du Roi», fueron eclipsadas para los ingleses por la unión entre Inglaterra y Escocia ([ref58]):

    From Paris, that their last accounts from Barcelona were kept private, but own their chief engineer Lapara was killed, and succeeded by brigadeer Villars. That the beseiged in a sally had cut off the regiment of Maine, and that provisions were dear in the camp, the Miquilets intercepting their foragers, and that they had taken the covert way of fort Montjoui, and erected a battery thereon.

    Thursday night the commissioners for England and Scotland agreed,

    That both kingdoms be united into one by the name of the kingdom of Great Brittain.

    To be represented by one parliament, which is to sitt here.

    To have the same successor to the crown.

    Equal communication of trade, and all other priviledges.

    And on Monday are to be upon taxes and impositions.

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