El día 9 de diciembre de 1598 recibieron los cónsules de Tarragona una carta de los diputados en la que se les decía que necesitando cuatro columnas para la portalada y teniendo noticia de la existencia de algunas en Tarragona, pedían que se las cedieran.
Barcelona pide cuatro columnas del foro provincial romano de Tarragona para el palacio de la Generalidad
Una respuesta a «Barcelona pide cuatro columnas del foro provincial romano de Tarragona para el palacio de la Generalidad»
Hay un sitio dedicado a José Sánchez Real aquí. La atribución de la piedra por Jordi López cum suis @ el Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica a las pedreras de Tróade me cuesta – no se parece para nada. Pero mientras no tenga closeups del palacio para demostrar lo contrario, he aquí más info de Lorenzo Lazzarini, Marmor Troadense in the province of Ezine, Western Turkey:
Known to the Roman as Marmor Troadense [aka granito violetto/granito troadense], this granitoid rock is found in the Troas on the slopes of Mount Çigri, province of Ezine. It was already in use as a building material during the Archaic-Hellenistic period in the city of Neandria, situated on that mountain, and its use continued into the Hellenistic-Roman Age, in nearby Alexandria Troas (now Dalyan). From there, Marmor Troadense spread all over the Mediterranean, with particularly broad expansion from the second century A.D. on. In fact, columns made of this rock were exported throughout the ancient world. They have been found at Palmyra and at Baalbeck in the east, at Arles and Tarragona in the west, and very large sections were used in Asia Minor, for instance in agoras of Smyrna and Ephesus, and in Italy, in Rome, Ravenna and Aquileia. During the Middle Ages and Renaissance, columns of Marmor Troadense were frequently reused in mosques, churches, and palaces. Some instances of this adaptation to italian monuments are the churches of Bari, Troia, Trani, and Canosa in Apulia, the Broletto in Brescia, Saint Mark’s Basilica in Venice, the churches of S.Vitale and S.Prassede in Rome, etc. Today however, in many buildings the columns made of this stone show such great deterioration that their support function is seriously hindered.
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