Sale vino blanco de la fuente de la Llotja para Carlos I e Isabel de Portugal

La ciudad celebra en la lonja un baile al cual convidó al emperador Cárlos, á la emperatriz, al príncipe y á la corte. Todos los dichos bailaron, se sirvió un espléndido refresco, y la fuente del patio en vez de agua arrojaba vino blanco.


Una respuesta a «Sale vino blanco de la fuente de la Llotja para Carlos I e Isabel de Portugal»

  1. […] On the day of yesterday in 1533 at a dance held down-town for Emperor Charles white wine spurted from the fountain. A repeat last night would have been a great news for troubled wine producers. Are they troubled? My favourite cheapo is doing fine, but he drinks so much of his stuff himself that the market remains a fairly vague concept. My favourite class act used to do a lot of business in the Far East, so prices may be coming down shortly. It is to be hoped that many of the discoverers of the merits oak chips soaked in donkey’s piss with poxy labels will perish. […]

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