Muere en el palacio episcopal D. Juan II, padre de Fernando el Católico.
Muere Juan II de Aragón, padre de Fernando II, víctima de una orgía litúrgico-musical en Nochebuena
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[ref1349] cuenta:
At ten o’clock on Christmas eve 1478, Juan II of Aragón, aged eighty and in poor health since a hunting trip earlier in the month, sat down with his court at the bishop’s palace in Barcelona and listened to his chapel singers perform some songs appropriate to the season – ‘algunes cansons honestes’, his chronicler Pere Miquel Carbonell later called them. The king stayed up all night, heard three masses at home in the morning, went to church, and stood in the cold for some hours greeting the public. His health never recovered: within two weeks he took a serious turn for the worse, and on 19 January 1479, he died.
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