Año: 1165

  • Llega desde Navarra el gran viajero judío Benjamín de Tudela

    I first set out from the city of Saragossa and proceeded down the river Ebro to Tortosa.

    Two days journey brought me to the ancient city of Tarracona, which contains many cyclopaean and pelasgic remains, and similar buildings are found nowhere else in the whole kingdom of Spain; the city stands on the coast.

    Two days from thence lies Barcellona, in which place there is a congregation of wise, learned and princely men, for instance R. Shesheth, R. Shealthiel and R. Sh’lomo B. R. Abraham B. Chisdai o. b. m. The city though small is handsome and is situated on the seashore. Merchants resort thither for goods from all parts of the world: from Greece, from Pisa, Genoa and Sicily, from Alexandria in Egypt, from Palestine and the adjacent countries.