En la noche de este dia fueron robadas las alhajas y los vasos sagrados de la capilla de la Diputacion.
Etiqueta: robo
La suerte del mossen Sort: decapitado con 70 años por la malversación de caudales públicos
Lo dit dia fou levat lo cap a mossen Sort per Sentencia lo dit dia li fou donade a Juy de promens.
Un ladrón honesto en las galeras
I am now in Barcelona; but the next Week I intend to go on through your Town of Valencia to Alicant, and thence you shall be sure to hear from me farther, for I make account to winter there. The Duke of Ossuna passed by here lately, and having got Leave of Grace to release some Slaves, he went aboard the Cape Galleys, and passng through the Churma of Slaves, he asked divers of them what their Offences were: Every one excused himself; one saying, That he was put in out of Malice, another by Bribery of the Judge, but all of them unjustly: Amongst the rest there was one little sturdy black Man, and the Duke asking him what he was in for; Sir, said he, I cannot deny but I am justly put in here; for I wanted Money, and so took a Purse hard by Tarragone, to keep me from starving. The Duke, with a little Staff he had in his Hand, gave him two or three Blows upon the Shoulders, saying, You Rogue, what do you do amongst so many honest innocent Men? Get you gone out of their Company. So he was freed, and the rest remained still in statu quo prius, to tug at the Oar.
I pray commend me to Signior Camillo, and Mazalao, with the rest of the Venetians with you; and when you go aboard the Ship behind the Exchange, think upon
Yours, J. H. Barcelona, 10 Nov. 1620.
Roban la caja fuerte de Santa María del Mar utilizando llaves falsas
Lunes primer día de Noviembre, robaron el archivo de Santa María del Mar: publicóse que el dinero importaba cinco mil escudos en oro efectivo, sin otras alhaxas, muchas de oro y plata. Abrióse con llaves falsas; prendieron muchos clérigos, publicáronse excomuniones, vistióse el altar mayor de luto, maledixóse la tierra, y al maldecirla tiraban piedras y a(pa)gavan velas por la iglesia los sacerdotes y tocavan las campanas, que causava horror: nada bastó, ni el hechar un bando perdonando dos vidas (como no fuese la principal) y dando duelen ducientas libras (Moneda imaginaria catalana, equivaliendo exactamente tres libras, á ocho pesetas… Las 200 libras del texto hoy equivalen … á 533’33 pesetas.) á quien descubriese los delinquentes, porque se supiera quién eran. Murmuróse que era gente de suposición, pero con fundamento nada se pudo averiguar.
Crimen de los Existencialistas
Americans Sentenced in Spain
BARCELONA, Spain (AP) – A Spanish civil court sentenced four Americans, a Spanish woman and a British girl to long prison terms today [1964/03/16] for the robbery-murder of a Barcelona furniture dealer.
- James Bell Wagner, 23, of Union Beach, N.J., 30 years;
- Mrs. Maria del Pilar Alfaro Velasco, 32, Spanish mother of two daughters, 23 years;
- John Joseph Hand, 40, Southfield, Mich., and James Stephen Johnston, 30, Bluejacket, Okla., 21 years each;
- Mrs. Nancy Karen Hand, 25, Detroit, Mich., 12 years and one day.
- Joan Douglas Bryder [Bryden?], 22, a British librarian, 6 years.
The prosecution had asked the death penalty for Wagner and the Spanish woman, 20 years for Hand and Johnston, 12 years for Mrs. Hand and six years for Miss Bryder.
Court attaches said the prison terms would be cut at least in half by an amnesty which Generalissimo Franco ordered upon the election of Pope Paul VI and a second amnesty expected April 1 in connection with the 25th anniversary of the end of the Spanish Civil War.
The six prisoners were arrested after the slaying Nov. 17, 1962, of Francisco Robirosa, 50, in his shop. The crime netted only $33 in loot.
Wagner admitted he entered Robirosa’s shop to rob the man. The prosecution contended the Spanish woman planned the crime and the others were accomplices.
BECAUSE OF THE defendants’ admissions of illict relations, of the use of drugs, and of other activities, the case was called by Spanish newsmen «The Trial of the Existentialists.»
The prosecutor described all six defendants as drifters who lived by their wits.
Wagner, a deserter from a U.S. Army Signal Corps battalion in Germany, and petite Maria del Pilar Alfaro escaped the death sentence – and execution by Spain’s garrote – because there was no proof of premedidation in Robirosa’s murder, the court indicated.
More than 1,500 persons jammed the old provincial courtroom to witness the sentencing.