Etiqueta: reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda

  • Se suprime una insurrección ultra-liberal con ayuda inglesa

    On the 4th of May, an insurrection broke out in the turbulent city of Barcelona; the governor-general, Parreno, supported by the troops of the line, and aided by the co-operation of several companies of English marines, who appeared with colours flying, in the streets, attacked the insurgents, consisting principally of the national guards, and dislodged them from some houses, into which they had thrown themselves, though not without a combat attended by very considerable loss of life. But the spirit of the ultra-liberals was not discouraged by this check, and without again resorting to open violence, they laboured steadily to disseminate their anarchical doctrines, and to enlist the surrounding towns and municipalities under the banner of revolt. They were so far successful, that various symptoms of sedition were displayed in different quarters of Catalonia, and even beyond the borders of that province. The national guards of six towns, including Girona and Rosas, signed an address to the queen, in which, premising their regret at the seditious conduct of the revolters at Barcelona, they told her majesty, that the occurrences in that city evidently proved, that the military agents in her service were but executioners, and that they could not behold without indignation, English soldiers, calling themselves allies, steeping their bayonets in the blood of Spaniards. » Those cruel auxiliaries had deserved the implacable hatred vowed against them by the national guards.» After proceeding in a strain of great violence, they » humbly begged of her majesty to replace the civil and military authorities of Barcelona, By men combining patriotism with humanity, and demanded, that the English vessels, stationed in that port, for the last two years and a half, might be immediately withdrawn ; or, at least, » that orders might be given forbidding a single man to be landed on the soil of Catalonia.» Meanwhile the two ringleaders of the late revolt, were seized, and one, Xandero, executed. But the city still continued in imminent peril, and General Parreno transmitted a melancholy statement of the condition and prospects of the place to the government. «The events of the 4th,» he wrote, » the favourable termination of which was solely due to the aid of the English corps from the Rodney, have so exasperated the people, that I apprehend at every instant the desertion of all my soldiers. I have already been abandoned by the national guard. The civil authorities though apparently wishing to second the measures I have taken to restore tranquility, are devoid of good feeling and courage. At the approach of night, they are no longer to be seen, and God only knows where to find them. Their example is followed by all the citizens, who have anything to lose.»

  • Batalla campal en un teatro barcelonés sobre la Primera Guerra Mundial, pero la guerra dice «Sí» a Barcelona


    Crowd in Barcelona Theatre Fights and Policeman is Wounded

    MADRID, Nov. 15, (Dispatch to the London Morning Post).) – The friends of France in Barcelona organized an entertainment in a theatre in aid of Belgian families. On the appearance in the theatre of the British, French, and Belgian Consuls there was a loud cry of «Long life to the Allies!» One spectator, however, shouted, «Long life to Germany!»

    This caused a violent riot, and there were serious collisions between the parties, with the result that a policeman was severely wounded by a bullet and many persons were arrested.

  • Intercambio de prisioneros de guerra alemanes y aliados en el puerto


    Entre los dos mil prisioneros de guerra, ingleses, norteamericanos y alemanes llegados a bordo de los buques «Gripsholm» y «Gradisca», figuran los generales Crammer y O’Caroll




    Inmediatamente después de descender los generales citados lo hicieron por parte del «Gradisca» un grupo de trece indios, el más viejo de ellos tiene sesenta años y se llama Said Mean, declarando que se sentía muy contento de volver a su casa en Calcuta. Todos pertenecían a la tripulación del buque «Devin», que fue torpedeado por un submarino alemán en el Océano Indico, y han permanecido prisioneros en un campo de concentración alemán durante tres años y diez meses.

    Por parte del «Gripsholm» los primeros en descender fueron unos soldados pertenecientes al Afrika Corps, y a la cabeza de ellos un mutilado que desde su camilla recibió con visible emoción un ramo de flores que le entregó la esposa del jefe del Partido Nacional Socialista alemán, quien le dio la bienvenida en nombre de todos sus compatriotas y del pueblo alemán.


    En el «Gradisca», y al mando del coronel médico de la Marina doctor Treü, llegaron 814 prisioneros británicos, 19 americanos, 20 civiles británicos, 67 civiles americanos y 101 enfermos en camilla, con un total de 1.021, De ellos 60 australianos con su característico chambergo, hechos prisioneros en Creta e internados en un campo de concentración de Breslau; 200 escoceses, tocados con sus típicos gorros de colores, hechos prisioneros hace cuatro años en Francia y que han permanecido en un campo de concentración de Polonia.

    También hay algunos neozelandeses y, como ya se ha dicho, trece indios. Todos los canjeados fueron hechos prisioneros en las campañas de Dunkerque, Dieppe, Creta, Grecia y norte de África.


    En el «Gradisca» llegó también el periodista norteamericano Larry Alex, de la Agencia Associated Press, corresponsal de guerra desde los primeros días da la conflagración en la Marina británica. Presenció todos los combates navales que se desarrollaron frente a las costas africanas, resultando su barco torpedeado en uno de ellos y siendo hecho prisionero por las fuerzas alemanas en Tobruk.

    Este periodista fue recibido por el director en España de la citada Agencia de información, señor Foltz, que ignoraba completamente su llegada a Barcelona.

    El señor Alex ha sido galardonado por su país con el premio Pulitzer de periodismo por sus reportes de guerra…