Etiqueta: Reino de Pamplona

  • Llega el embajador judío del califato de Córdoba en una misión de paz y comercio

    This year [328, ie 939/10/18-940/10/5] the Jewish secretary Hasdai bin Ishaq al-Israili … concluded a peace treaty with the Frank, Sunifred, son of [Wilfred], lord of Barcelona and surroundings, under what for al-Nasir li-Din Allah were satisfactory conditions. The latter sent Hasdai bin Ishaq to Barcelona to conclude the above treaty with its lord, Sunifred. It happened that the fleet, led by Ibrahim bin Abd al-Rahman al-Baggani, which had raised anchor in the harbour of Almeria at the end of Rajab [940/5/11], arrived in Barcelona on Sunday the 10th of Shawwal [940/7/19]. On arriving, Hasdai let them know that he had concluded peace with its lord, Sunifred. In this fashion they were spared war, and the fleet left the harbour of Barcelona the same day.

    Hasdai proposed to other notables [who found themselves in Barcelona] that they should submit to the suzerainty of al-Nasir li-Din Allah, and that they should conclude peace with him. Some of his kings [ie lords] accepted this, such as Hugh …, one of their leaders, who had his seat in Arles …, who had sent a delegation in his name to the capital [Barcelona], to request safe conduct, so that traders from his land who so wanted could go to al-Andalus. This was granted, and the treaty was sent to Nasr bin Ahmad, governor [alcaid] of Fraxinetum … and to the governors of the Balearics and other coastal harbours of al-Andalus. Thus was guaranteed to those from the lands of Hugh …, and those from other communities included in the peace treaty their lives and wealth, and also all contents of their ships in such fashion, that they could dispose of their trade as they saw fit. From that moment their ships arrived in al-Andalus with much profit.

    Riquilda, daughter of [Wilfred II] Borrell … and mistress of diverse Franks, followed the path of Hugh … regarding peace with al-Nasir li-Din Allah, and sent him a Jew … B.rnat al-Israili, her counsellor, with wonderful curiosities from various parts of her land. [When al-Nasir received them], he accepted them and presented her with others of even greater value, thereby honouring her envoys.

    Then, with everything resolved, the Jew Hasdai ben Ishaq left Barcelona to return to al-Nasir li-Din Allah towards the end of Dhu al-Qi’dah [940/9/6]. He was accompanied by Gotmar, envoy of Sunifred, in accordance with the conditions agreed. The first of these was that [Sunifred] would cease to provide help to any Christians whatsoever, who had not accepted the suzerainty of al-Nasir li-Din Allah, thus accepted his peace and seeking for his pleasure. In addition, he was forced to undo the relationship he had with Garcia, son of Sanchez …, lord of Pamplona, to whom Sunifred had married his daughter, a marriage that he annulled out of obedience to the Caliph.

    He also guaranteed that all neighbouring [lords] who depended on him would also participate in the peace. Al-Nasir kept his word to Sunifred and ordered the coastal governors and the commanders [alcaids] of the fleet to steer clear of his lands and to leave the people of his land in peace. Al-Nasir respected the treaties with Sunifred and maintained peace with him, with Sunifred … and with the sons of both for two whole years, and he bore solemn testament to this in his court on Wednesday the 12th of Dhu al-Hijjah [940/9/18].

  • Unión dinástica entre el Reino de Aragón y el condado de Barcelona, quedando Barcelona como socio rico pero subordinado y Ramón Berenguer IV como príncipe consorte de un bebé

    [Traducción del autor de los acuerdos de esponsales de Barbastro, 1137/08/11]:

    Yo Ramiro, hijo del rey Sancho, rey de los aragoneses, doy a tí Ramón, conde barcelonés, mi reino de Aragón, con mi hija, todo íntegramente, como lo dividió el rey Sancho el Mayor, abuelo de mi padre; y como lo dividí con el rey García Ramírez de los navarros, en Pamplona, exceptuadas las tenencias que el sobredicho rey Sancho [el Mayor] dio al rey Ramiro, mi abuelo, en Navarra […] Esto te doy y concedo a los hijos de los hijos tuyos que fuesen de generación de mi hija, por los siglos de los siglos. Tú, en cambio, convienes conmigo, en palabra de verdad, y pones tus manos entre mis manos, que no enajenes, ni hagas enajenar, este reino que te doy, durante la vida de los hijos de mi hija. […] Y que durante toda mi vida me tengas como padre y señor. […] Aunque te entregue el reino, sin embargo, no renuncio a mi dignidad.