Etiqueta: Protectorado español de Marruecos

  • La situación en Barcelona vista desde Francia

    CERBERE, France, July 27. — Travelers just arrived here report the situation at Barcelona grave. The civil Governor, when ordered to proclaim martial law, resigned his office. A regiment of infantry has arrived in the city from Tarragona to reinforce the garrison.

    Many deserting reservists are fleeing across the frontier. They say they are deserting because the war against the Riff tribes is solely in the interest of Spanish mining speculators.

    A train which arrived at the frontier this evening from Barcelona, escorted by soldiers, was attacked and stoned at Figueras…, where the rails have been restored. The troops fired into the attacking party, wounding serveral. The railroads have been cut between Gerona and Barcelona.

  • España al borde de una guerra civil

    » Down with King!» Cry Mobs in Barcelona — Martial Law Throughout Kingdom.
    Refuse to Fire on Mobs and Disobey Officers at Front in Morocco.
    Gen. Pintos and Other Officers Killed — Casualties Exceed 200 — Severe Previous Losses Reported.

    Special Cable to THE NEW YORK TIMES.

    LONDON, July 28. — Martial law has been declared throughout the whole of Spain, and in Catalonia, where the troubles are clearly revolutionary in character, the severest measures of repression will be enforced.

    The seriousness of the situation is sufficiently indicated by official dispatches which have passed the censorship, and which doubtless do not emphasize the worst features.

    The riots at Barcelona have assumed the character of civil war. The rioters’ barricades have been destroyed by artillery, churches have been burned, bridges blown up, and railways dynamited. News of serious losses to the Spanish arms at Melilla will add fresh fuel to the domestic conflagration.