Etiqueta: Marina Real Británica

  • La Royal Navy roba tres barcos del puerto bajo fuego sin sufrir pérdidas

    On the 9th of October, cruising off Barcelona, Captain Sayer despatched three boats under the direction of Lieutenant Richard Gittins, first of the frigate, assisted by master’s mate John Green and James Scanlan the boatswain, to cut out some vessels at anchor in the above port. As the boats approached the harbour, a heavy fire of round and grape was simultaneously opened upon them from three batteries, accompanied by musketry from them and the beach, to which the three schooners to be earned were moored head and stern. In spite of these obstacles, the British succeeded in boarding and bringing out the vessels; and, although exposed for an hour and a half to the fire above noticed, of the good direction of which the injury done to the materiel of the boats and prizes afforded proof, did not have a man hurt.