In the suburb of Barceloneta, on the thirtieth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and six, before the Rev. Juan Pedrals, Presbyter and Commissary, and me Ignacio Ribes, Presbyter Notary, sworn to preserve secrecy, and perform faithfully our duties, appeared, according to summons, and made oath to declare the truth and preserve secrecy, Manuel Baxo, a native of the town of Blancas, in the bishopric of Gerona, aged sixtyfour years, and dwelling in Barceloneta, in the Calle del Sementerio.
Questioned, why he had demanded audience.
Answered, to give the following information to the Holy Office. Within about three years he had observed that his wife, named Cecilia Pruna, and vulgarly la Cileta, had, on many occasions, in his house, performed such practices as these. About ten or twelve o’clock at night, she took a sheep’s liver and put it in an earthen pot with a small quantity of water. This she boiled over the fire and kept piercing it with a nail set in the end of a stick, which he observing, she hid the stick and made use of a knife for this purpose. She practised divinations with cards to ascertain whether any person would be rich or poor, married or single, or whether any one arriving from America brought money or not. There was a ship which ran out to sea in the night, with the Collector of the Customs and some of his officers on board, and while the whole city was in suspense as to their fate, not knowing whither the ship had gone, she informed the second officer of the marine that he might be under no apprehensions, for they had arrived at Naples, without any injury, which in fact turned out to be the case. Furthermore, she used to gather dead men’s bones out of the graveyard, and burn them to powder, but what she did with this powder he did not know. She also made use of certain grains which she obtained at the Convent of Jesus, and observed that in order to be efficacious they should be gathered at the time when our Lord was in his tomb, and not suffered to touch the ground. These practices his wife had learned from a sailor of St Felio Guixots, named Pedro Torrent, according to what she had stated to a woman residing in the house. The deponent had made many exertions to persuade his wife to comply with the precept of the church, and attend mass, but she refused.
Questioned, what persons were present when these superstitious and necromantic deeds were done, what persons took part in them, what instruments were used, what words spoken, what ceremonies performed, and whether the whole was done seriously or in a jesting manner; whether she was rebuked by any one, and by whom; whether, after being rebuked, she continued the practices, and whether she was in her right mind.
Answered, that various persons were present on the above occasion, but their names and residences were unknown to him. Many persons likewise unknown had participated in the operations. As to the instruments used, they had been already described, as well as the manner and ceremonies; that it was not done in jest, and she was in her right mind; and finally, that he had often reproved her without effect.
Questioned, what was the age, personal appearance, and residence of the person in question.
Answered, that she was about sixty years of age, tall, of a swarthy complexion, and lived in his house.
Questioned, if he knew that any other person had said or done aught contrary to our Holy Catholic Faith, or against the proceedings of the Holy Office.
Answered, No.
The above being read to the deponent, he declared it to be correctly recorded, and that he had nothing to add or alter in relation to it; that it was the truth, and not uttered by him out of malice or ill will against his wife, but solely in obedience to his conscience. Secrecy was enjoined, which he promised, and added his signature.
JUAN PEDROLS, Commissary.
Before me — IGNACIO RIBES, Notary.