Etiqueta: Judaísmo

  • Disputa entre el rabbi Nahmánides y el fraile y judío apóstata Pablo Christiani

    Avia el Rey á instancias del ardiente zelo de San Raymundo fundado Academias para que los Ecclesiasticos aprendiessen la lengua Hebrea para la conversion de los judios, floreciendo en este Santo Instituto Ilustres Varones de Barcelona: siendo los mas celebrados Fr. Pablo Christíano, Fr. Arnaldo Sagarra, Fr. Ramon Martin, San Raymundo, y otros de las Ordenes de Predicadores, y Menores; que clarines de la Divina palabra, Angeles del nuevo Testamento confundían los Sequazes de la Ley antigua de Moysen: era el Maestro, y Caudillo de todos los Sequazes un judio natural de Gerona llamado Moysen, el qual por sus escritos, y comentarios sobre Job, y sobre el Penthateuco, le davan el primer lugar entre todos sus Antiguos, y Modernos: Viendo el Santo Obispo de Gerona Don Berenguer, que de la reducción deste docto judio, pendia la conversion, ó confusion de los demás, embió á Barcelona á buscar a Fr. Pablo Christiano para que le convenciesse publicamente en su sinagoga: executólo el Religioso, y quedó á la luz de la verdad, rendido el Rabino erudito; pero como los otros judíos que se hallavan en Cataluña, convenciéndoles dezian, que su Maestro respondería por ellos, embióle á llamar el Rey, y señaló día para publica disputa en su Real Palacio, y fue también convencido como en Gerona, siguiéndole otro docto judio que se llamava Bonastruç, el qual fue desterrado con Real sentencia por las blasfemias que avia publicado contra nuestro Dios, y Señor Iesu-Christo, siendo publicamente quemado su infame libro: (I) estas eran las fiestas, y descanço de nuestro Magnánimo Rey.

    (I) Real Archivo de Barcelona, historia del año 1263, letra T folio 120 y columna 264.

  • Un fraile carmelita dice que la peste y el hambre no son culpa de los judíos, sino de los consejeros por especular en trigo

    The famines of 1333, remembered later as «the first bad year,» caused riots in Barcelona against municipal councilmen, not against the Jews. When the Carmelite friar Bernat Puig preached on Christmas Day 1333, instead of «sowing peace» and «inducing the populace, as he ought, to endure the high wheat prices patiently,» he said only that the city councillors had caused the famine by hoarding grain, and that «it was fitting that God should give the city tribulations and anguishes, because of its evil government.»

  • Expulsión de los judíos impenitentes

    En 1492 se fueron todos los judíos que no quisieron convertirse al cristianismo. Su marcha fue recogida de la siguiente manera en el Dietario de la Diputación del General:

    1492. Agost. Dijous a II. Jueus. Entraren e surgiren en la plaia de Barchinona una gran nau de Rodes […] e una galeassa grossa de França e VIII entre nauetes e galeons, totes carreguades de juheus que exien de Aragó, de València e de Cathalunya e eren·se enbarchats part en Tortosa e part en Tarragona, exints de dites terres per manament de la maiestat del senyor rey. Restaren·ne en Barchinona circa de XX qui·s faheren christians; los altres ab dites fustes se·n anaren la via de Levant e entre tots eren passats deu mil juheus entre homens, dones e enfants.

  • Montjuic, con vistas de Barcelona y el Llobregat, la fundición de cañones, el tribunal de comercio

    The fortress of Monjoich, which lies to the south of the city, is remarkably strong, particularly on the side towards Valentia; but it is believed that the principal object of the government in building it, was to keep the free spirit of the Catalans in subjection, by commanding the chief town of the principality: it would require three thousand men to defend it against an enemy. The view of the city from the walls of the fortress is very complete. I cannot by any means allow that it contains a hundred and fifty thousand inhabitants; two-thirds of that number accords better with its general appearance, and even then perhaps the amount would be over-rated. There is nothing of magnificence in this prospect; any one who can imagine a pretty white town with a few ugly steeples rising out of it, backed by a range of hills which are sprinkled over with little pleasure-houses, will have an accurate idea of the general view of Barcelona. The prospect from Monjoich towards the south, is a fine plain, rich beyond description, through which the Llobregat flows into the sea, which it discolours to a great distance.

    This plain is terminated by hills; and through an opening of these Montserrat is plainly discovered. The west side of the fortress is bounded by the sea, which washes the foot of the precipice on which it stands. In descending Monjoich, while we were meditating on its name, we observed a stone by the road-side, which had the remains of an Hebrew inscription; but I could neither learn its history, nor that of the mountain. At the inn we found the master of the mules; with whom we agreed for two good beasts and an attendant, to carry us to Montserrat on the following day. We are to pay four dollars for going, and the same for returning, for two mules; and three dollars a day for the time we choose to remain there.

    The cannon-foundry at Barcelona is a magnificent establishment; and as the workmen are kept constantly in employ, the store of artillery must be immense. An officer of the engineers shewed us the furnace with the brass prepared which is to be melted tomorrow: and afterwards carried us into the workshop, where the operations of boring, scraping, polishing, and ornamenting the cannon, were going on with great alacrity. Another officer conducted us to the magazine of fire arms, sufficient for a 150,000 men; all are well kept, and shutters are making to preserve them still more carefully. We were next shewn the department where gun-carriages, artillery-carts, &c. are manufactured: a considerable number of persons were preparing wood and iron for these purposes. This superb cannon-foundry is inferior only to that of Seville. When the king was here, several cannon were cast in his presence. We observed in the principal workshop an image of the Virgin, placed in a conspicuous station, with candles before her; and the common prints of St. Francis and St. Anthony pasted upon almost every part of the walls of the manufactory.

    The palace of the Tribunal of Commerce has precisely the appearance of an English town-hall, or sessions-house of the last century: the architecture, consisting of a front of four half-columns, and a pediment with the royal arms, is regular and neat, but perfectly insipid; it is the chief building in Barcelona. In its court are placed statues of Neptune, and the four quarters of the world, which are greatly admired in this city: the first is awkward in the design, and indifferently executed; the others are a most ludicrous confirmation of what we heard yesterday, that no women are suffered to be studied as models in the academy of Barcelona.

  • Los judíos y la Olimpiada «Popular» que no se celebró

    Le 22 juillet 1936 doivent se dérouler dans [Barcelona] des «Olympiades du sport et de la culture», conçues comme une réplique démocratique à la tenue des Jeux Olympiques dans l’Allemagne nazie. Participent à l’évènement des délégations sportives des syndicats et partis antifascistes, principalement communistes, du monde entier. Les associations juives ouvrières, très actives en Pologne, en France et en Belgique notamment, s’y sont engagées à fond. Avante même l’arrivée de tous les athlètes en Espagne, éclate le putsch des généraux, de sorte que ces Spartakiades sont annulées. Elles fourniront les premiers volontaires étrangers quis se soient portés au secours de la République. Alors, 6 000 Juifs résident sur le territoire ibérique.

  • Carta del Congreso Mundial Judío a Fortunato Benarroch comunicándole el permiso del gobierno franquista para abrir una sinagoga

    Lisbonne, le 16 Janvier 1946

    Président de la Communidad Israelita
    BARCELONA – Rambla Cataluna 97.

    Cher Monsieur,

    J’ai bien reçu votre lettre du 31 Décembre, dont j’ai envoyé une copie à New-York.

    En même temps que cette lettre je vous envoie un télégramme ainsi conçue:


    Vous verrez ainsi que cette question est complètement terminée. J’espère que vous avez déjà trouvé dans l’entretemps un local appropríe et que vous pourriez bientôt fêter l’ouverture de la Synagogue.


    Cela a été pour moi un très grand plaisir de vous annoncer cette bonne nouvelle.

    Mes voeux les plus sincères vous accompagnent tous et je vous prie d’accepter, cher Monsieur, mes meilleurs salutations.


    Isaac Weissman