El mismo dia de S. Juan Bautista empiezan las ferias de abanicos y varios cachivaches y chucherías para niños, las que se repiten por los dias de S. Pedro, S. Cristobal, Ntra. Sra. del Cármen, Santiago, Sta. Ana, Santo Domingo y otros. Estas pequeñas ferias se celebran generalmente al rededor de las Iglesias de sus respectivos titulares, distinguiéndose además algunas de ellas con un mercado de frutas peculiares á la estación, como las avellanas en las del Cármen y Sta. Ana, y los melones en Sto. Domingo.
Etiqueta: fruta
Washington Irving: los encantos de las torres de Gracia, etc.
[To Mrs. Paris.]
BARCELONA, July 28,1844.
To-morrow I embark in a Spanish steamer for Marseilles, on my way to Paris. I leave this beautiful city with regret, for my time has passed here most happily. Indeed, one enjoys the very poetry of existence in these soft southern climates which border the Mediterranean. All here is picture and romance. Nothing has given me greater delight than occasional evening drives with some of my diplomatic colleagues to those country seats, or Torres, as they are called, situated on the slopes of the hills, two or three miles from the city, surrounded by groves of oranges, citrons, figs, pomegranates, &c., with terraced gardens gay with flowers and fountains. Here we would sit on the lofty terraces overlooking the rich and varied plain; the distant city gilded by the setting sun, and the blue sea beyond. Nothing can be purer and softer and sweeter than the evening air inhaled in these favored retreats.