Etiqueta: francia

  • Muere Pedro III de Aragón

    After Alfonso had left him, Peter III of Aragon, conscious that his illness was mortal, and anxious solemnly to exculpate himself from the guilt of the war carried on against the Pope, as Charles of Anjou had done on his death-bed from that of the war kindled by the Pope, summoned the Archbishop of Tarragona, with the Bishops of Valencia, Huesca, and other prelates and barons; and in their presence declared that it was not in hostility to the Holy See, but in pursuance of his rights that he had taken possession of the kingdom of Sicily; that he had not merited the excommunications of Martin, but had submitted to their observance as became a Christian; and now being about to appear before the judgment-seat of God, he asked absolution from the archbishop, promising that should he recover, (and here he again had recourse to equivocal expressions,) he would render obedience to the supreme Pontiff, according to right, and present himself before him either in person or by ambassadors. This he confirmed by an oath, and the archbishop granted him absolution. Having been admonished to forgive his enemies, he gave orders for the liberation of his prisoners, not including, however, those of high degree. He left unaltered the will which he had made in 1282, at Port Fangos. He confessed himself aloud to two monks, then with great difficulty he rose from his bed, trembling and scarce able to stand, dressed himself, and kneeling down, weeping and inwardly praying, received the eucharist. He was informed of the surrender of Gerona and of the arrival of Charles from Sicily when only a glimmering of consciousness yet remained to him, and was unable to utter a word in reply ; but he folded his arms in the form of a cross, raised his eyes to heaven, and expired on the 10th of November, 1285. [Conventional date and location are 2/11/1285, Vilafranca del Penedès]

    Such was the end of Peter of Aragon. He died at the age of forty-six, in the prime of mental and bodily vigour, and at the summit of his fortune; for he beheld the host of France dispersed; the King of Majorca humbled; Charles of Anjou, Philip the Bold, and Pope Martin departed this life ; the new King of Naples in his power ; that kingdom in confusion ; Sicily submissive and secure ; his fleet mistress of the Mediterranean; and his own power so much increased by the fame of victory, that he was able everywhere to keep in check even his own rebellious subjects.

  • Empiezan a llegar los franceses para ayudar a Pedro del Punyalet

    Llegan las primeras banderas del ejército que la Francia enviaba en socorro de D. Pedro III del Punyalet y de D. Enrique de Trastamara, al mando de Juan de Borbon. Eran treinta mil soldados, y uno de sun principales gefes fue el célebre Beltran Duguesclin.

  • Juan II de Aragón jura los fueros después de tomar Barcelona

    As the father of the deceased prince was too old and his children too young, to give effectual aid to their cause, the Catalans might be now said to be again without a leader. But their spirit was unbroken, and with the same resolution in which they refused submission more than two centuries after, in 1714, when the combined forces of France and Spain were at the gates of the capital, they rejected the conciliatory advances made them anew by John. That monarch, however, having succeeded by extraordinary efforts in assembling a competent force, was proceeding with alacrity in the reduction of such places in the eastern quarter of Catalonia as had revolted to the enemy, while at the same time he instituted a rigorous blockade of Barcelona by sea and land. The fortifications were strong, and the king was unwilling to expose so fair a city to the devastating horrors of a storm. The inhabitants made one vigorous effort in a sally against the royal forces; but the civic militia were soon broken, and the loss of four thousand men, killed and prisoners, admonished them of their inability to cope with the veterans of Aragon.

    At length reduced to the last extremity, they consented to enter into negotiations, which were concluded by a treaty, equally honourable to both parties. It was stipulated that Barcelona should retain all its ancient privileges and rights of jurisdiction, and, with some exceptions, its large territorial possessions. A general amnesty was to be granted for offences. The foreign mercenaries were to be allowed to depart in safety ; and such of the natives as should refuse to renew their allegiance to their ancient sovereign within a year, might have the liberty of removing with their effects wherever they would. One provision may be thought somewhat singular, after what had occurred ; it was agreed that the king should cause the Barcelonians to be publicly proclaimed, throughout all his dominions, good, faithful, and loyal subjects ; which was accordingly done!

    The king, after the adjustment of the preliminaries, «declining,» says a contemporary, «the triumphal car which had been prepared for him, made his entrance into the city by the gate of St. Anthony, mounted on a white charger; and, as he rode along the principal streets, the sight of so many pallid countenances and emaciated figures, bespeaking the extremity of famine, smote his heart with sorrow. He then proceeded to the hall of the great palace, and on the 22nd of December, 1472, solemnly swore there to respect the constitution and laws of Catalonia.

  • Una procesión triunfal oculta el fracasado intento de Juan II de recuperar Rosellón y Cerdaña

    D. Juan II de Aragon despues de derrotar á los franceses en Perpiñan, entra triunfante en Barcelona sentado en la silla de plata dorada, que ahora sirve para llevar la custodia mayor en la procesion del Corpus.

  • Expulsión de los judíos impenitentes

    En 1492 se fueron todos los judíos que no quisieron convertirse al cristianismo. Su marcha fue recogida de la siguiente manera en el Dietario de la Diputación del General:

    1492. Agost. Dijous a II. Jueus. Entraren e surgiren en la plaia de Barchinona una gran nau de Rodes […] e una galeassa grossa de França e VIII entre nauetes e galeons, totes carreguades de juheus que exien de Aragó, de València e de Cathalunya e eren·se enbarchats part en Tortosa e part en Tarragona, exints de dites terres per manament de la maiestat del senyor rey. Restaren·ne en Barchinona circa de XX qui·s faheren christians; los altres ab dites fustes se·n anaren la via de Levant e entre tots eren passats deu mil juheus entre homens, dones e enfants.

  • Llegan los Reyes Católicos tras la toma de Granada para negociar con Francia la devolución del Rosellón y la Cerdaña

    Llegan á Valldoncella los reyes católicos, y en el dia siguiente hacen la entrada triunfal despues de la toma de Granada.

  • El Tratado de Barcelona devuelve Rosellón y Cerdaña a España

    Los reyes católicos firman en Barcelona el tratado en cuya virtud el rey de Francia restituye á la corona de Aragon el Rosellon y la Cerdaña.

  • Primera entrada en la ciudad de Germana de Foix, segunda esposa de Fernando II

    Primera entrada de D.a Germana de Foix, segunda esposa de D. Fernando el católico, y juramento de los fueros de la ciudad en la plaza de Framenors, hoy de Medinaceli.

  • Llega Francisco I de Francia, capturado en la batalla de Pavía

    Llega entre seis y siete de la tarde la escuadra que traia al rey de Francia Francisco I, hecho prisionero en la batalla de Pavia.

  • Francisco I de Francia, prisionero, sale hacia la corte

    Sale hacia la corte el rey de Francia Francisco I, hecho prisionero en la batalla de Pavía.

  • Principio de las negociaciones tras la batalla de Pavía

    Sale para la corte de España el duque de Borbon que agencia la libertad del rey de Francia Francisco I, que habia caido en manos de los españoles en la batalla de Pavía.

  • Sale para Francia la hermana del sequestrado Francisco I

    Sale para Francia a la hermana de Francisco I que habia venido á España para agenciar la libertad de este, hecho prisionero en la batalla de Pavía.

  • Guerra contra Francia e Inglaterra

    Pregon participando que se declaraba la guerra entre Cárlos I de España, emperador de Alemania, y los reyes de Francia é Inglaterra.

  • Paz de Barcelona entre Clemente VII y Carlos I

    It is now time to look awhile on foreign history. Our last narration left the Count de St. Pol in Italy, where (1528.) he had quarter’ that part of the soldiers which remain’d of that year’s wars, in their winter garrisons; but the spring being come, he took divers places on this side the Tesino, and at last join’d his forces with the Duke of Urbin, General of the Venetians, and Francisco Sforza. Yet, whether that he durst not attempt the city of Milan, which Antonio de Leyva strongly defended, or that the Count de St. Pol affected more the enterprise of Genoa, their army march’d to Landriano, June 21. 1529. Of which Antonio de Leyva being advertis’d, us’d that diligence, that he (June, 1529.) surpris’d the Count de St. Pol when part of his army was march’d before, and wholly defeated the rest, taking him prisoner.

    This while the emperor equipp’d a great fleet for Italy, with intention to be crown’d there, having first (for the more ample furnishing of himself with money) pawn’d the Molucca’s to the King of Portugal for 350,000 ducats.

    The pope hearing of these great preparatives at the same season that the defeat of St. Pol (succeeding that of Lautrech in Naples) had wholly disabled the army of the confederates, resolv’d to comply with the times. So that, before the news thereof could easily be convey’d to the emperor, he endeavour’d his own peace, for this purpose employing one Antonio Musetolor a Neapolitan ; who prevail’d so far, as he concluded a league at Barcelona, June 29. to this effect.

    1. That the peace betwixt them should be perpetual.
    2. That the imperial army which was in Naples should have secure passage through the pope’s territories.
    3. That the emperor should give Donna Margarita (his natural daughter) in marriage to Alessandro de Medicis son of Lorenzo, and that he should invest him in the state of Florence, with the title of duke.
    4. That Cervia, Ravenna, Modena, Reggio, should be restor’d to the apostolick see by the emperor’s power.
    5. That the pope should give unto the emperor a bull, with the title of the kingdom of Naples, to be held in fee from the pope, upon payment every year of a horse or a Hackney white.
    6. That the pope should in all ecclesiastical affairs, enjoy his accustom’d right.
    7. That the pope and emperor should see one another in Italy.
    8. That the emperor should assist the pope against the Duke of Ferrara.
    9. That justice should be done to Francisco Sforza Duke of Milan, and that the emperor commit his cause to indifferent judges.
    10. That the emperor and his brother Don Fernando and the pope join together to reduce the Lutherans, either by fair or foul means to the Roman Catholick faith

    All which articles (and perhaps some private ones concerning the affairs of England now in agitation) were (July 3.) sworn to on both sides upon the great altar of the cathedral church of Barcelona.

    And thus did the pope renounce all his former designs, and betake himself intirely to the emperor, at the same time when the two cardinals sat on their commission in England. So easie was it for the pope to forget both the injuries receiv’d from the imperialists, and the good turns from all his confederates, when a readier way was open’d him for regaining his cities, and revenging himself on the Duke of Ferrara and the, Florentines, who, during his late captivity, had expuls’d the family of Medicis out of the city.

  • Se acaba la segunda guerra entre Carlos I de España y Francisco I de Francia

    Llega la noticia de la paz ajustada entre Cárlos I de España, el emperador y Francisco I de Francia.

  • Paz de las Damas entre España y Francia después de la Segunda Guerra de Italia

    Publícanse las paces ajustadas entre Cárlos I, el papa, el rey de Hungría y el de Francia.

  • Llega Carlos I de las guerras italianas

    Cárlos I el emperador llega en posta desde Palamós en donde habia desembarcado el dia antes viniendo de levante.

  • Carlos I sale para Castilla después de concluir la Tregua de Niza

    Sale para Castilla Cárlos I el emperador venido cinco dias antes de Niza á donde fue para conferencia con el papa.