Año: 1947

  • Ataque católico contra la iglesia metodista en c/ Ripoll

    Protestant Church Persecuted In Spain by Extremist Mobs

    By William H. Newton, Scripps-Howard Staff Writer

    Barcelona, May 21 – A campaign of persecution and repression of the Protestant religion is under way in Spain.

    It has taken the form of mob violence against the few Protestant churches that exist, propaganda attacks against Protestants, and a general effort to destroy all religious rights and freedoms for Protestants.

    The campaign is not supported by the Government. In fact, it has been a source of considerable embarrassment to Franco. Police guards have been provided for some Protestant churches. But Franco has not taken any effective steps to call of the attacks, which he has ample power to do.

    The anti-Protestant campaign is being run by extremist elements within the Catholic Church, notably by Cardinal Seguro [sic].


    The following Protestant churches have been raided by mobs:

    The Baptist Chapel of Granollers, Sept. 21 1947; the Methodist Church of Ripoll St., Barcelona, Oct. 11, 1947; the Church of the Brethren on Trafalgar St., Madrid, in Nov., 1947; the Baptist Church of Valencia, Dec. 9, 1947; the Baptist Church of Albacete, Jan. 4 1948; the Church of the Brethren in Linares, June 24, 1948, and the Baptist Church of Valencia was raided a second time [on April 12].

    [Account by Valencia pastor of the attack on his church]

    Many members of the Catholic hierarchy have denied responsibility for the violence against Protestants. Bishops in their pastoral letters have counseled that Protestantism «must be eliminated by other means than violence.»

    At the same time, however, pamphlets denouncing Protestantism have been circulated in Barcelona and Madrid, quoting Cardinal Seguro and other members of the hierarchy…

    The line of attack generally is that «the Catholic Church» is the only true church and is therefore the only one which is entitled to liberty. Freedom of religion is an evil which must be tolerated only when necessary to prevent greater evils. There is no excuse for tolerance of dissident sects in Spain because the number of people involved is so small.» [quotes sic]

  • Partido Cataluña contra el resto de España (3-1)

    Al contrario que ahora Ángel María Villar, el entonces presidente de la Federación Española de Fútbol, Armando Muñoz Calero, para más datos ex combatiente de la División Azul, con la que participó en la invasión nazi de Rusia, y figura clave para que el Real Madrid ‘birlara’ al Barça el fichaje de Alfredo Di Stéfano, no puso inconveniente alguno para que se jugara el partido, insinuando que incluso podría repetirse en el futuro. Al final del mismo no se rompió las vestiduras y afirmó que «no me importa el resultado adverso; el objetivo que se persigue con estos partidos es ir formando la Selección y estableciendo una norma de juego».

    Y es que, sí, la ‘selección regional catalana’, entrenada por Victoriano Oliveras de la Riva, se impuso a la del ‘Resto de España’ por 3-1, con goles de César (2) y Toni. En una espléndida primera parte, y con ‘el pelucas’ como gran figura, Catalunya, tras remontar el tanto de Bilbao, desarboló al rival, cuyo seleccionador, Guillermo Izaguirre, hizo jugar con el esquema ‘WM’, es decir, con sólo tres defensas centrales. Las paradas de Velasco y el marcaje de Curta sobre Zarra también fueron factores determinantes para la victoria de una selección ‘casera’ que pocos habían imaginado.

    Se jugó el partido, Catalunya ganó y no pasó nada. Siguió sin llover, Franco mantuvo todo ‘atado y bien atado’ y España no se ‘rompió’ hasta 1975, cuando murió.