31 de julio de 1945 - Pierre Laval, ex primer ministro del gobierno de Vichy, es deportado a Francia (309)

Laval Reported in Allied Hands After Franco Gives Him the Gate from Spain

BARCELONA – Ordered out of Spain by General Franco, Pierre Laval and his wife left Barcelona airdrome early yesterday morning, aboard a Junkers divebomber, headed for an unannounced destination. The French quisling has been ordered to stand trial in Paris within the next eight days.


Originally, the ancient Junkers aircraft was scheduled to leave Spain, Monday night. Laval actually got into the plane and it taxied around the Barcelona airfield three times, trying to get off the ground. When it rolled to a stop, Laval got out of the plane and sat on a camp stool while the German pilots tinkered with the engine. Finally they announced it would take several hours again to get the plane working, so the flight was postponed until the next day.

Laval, wearing his usual white tie, himself provided a clue to his destination when he said: «If Petain can face the music, so can I?»

Later he complained: «It’s unfair what is being done with me. I don’t understand why the Spanish Government is delivering me to my country.» Spanish officers were at the airfield to see Laval off.

After Monday night’s flight had been postponed, the events of the day, combined with the heat, proved too much for Laval. He fainted, but revived shortly.

From the moment that Laval and his party left the Montjuich fortress, Mme Laval was in tears. Although Spanish authorities told her that she could stay in Spain if she wished, she insisted on accompanying her husband.

During his stay at Montjuich castle, Laval lived well on the best food and wines served by a Ritz waiter. But as an indication of Spain’s change of attitude, a Spanish official at Barcelona who once described Laval’s case as «interesting» now calls him «a dirty fellow.»


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  • Alemania (23)
  • Alemania nazi (8)
  • Barcelona (1604)
  • Castillo de Montjuic (72)
  • España (250)
  • Francia (145)
  • Francia de Vichy (3) La Francia de Vichy o régimen de Vichy (en francés: «Régime de Vichy») es el nombre con que informalmente se conoce al régimen político instaurado por el mariscal Philippe Pétain en parte del territorio francés y en la totalidad de sus colonias, tras la firma del armisticio con la Alemania nazi en el marco de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, subsistiendo hasta agosto de 1944.
  • Francisco Franco (25) Francisco Paulino Hermenegildo Teódulo Franco Bahamonde (El Ferrol, 4 de diciembre de 1892-Madrid, 20 de noviembre de 1975) fue un militar y dictador español, impulsor, junto a otros altos cargos de la cúpula militar, del golpe de Estado de 1936 contra el Gobierno democrático de la Segunda República, cuyo fracaso desembocó en la guerra civil española.
  • Franquismo (83)
  • Segunda Guerra Mundial (14)


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