From 75,000 people—reputedly the biggest crowd that ever watched a sporting event in Spain—a roar went up. Paulino Uzcudun, Basque woodchopper who for several years has been an exacting and dangerous trial horse for U. S. heavyweights, rushed out of his corner in Montjuich Stadium, Barcelona, and tried to hit Primo Camera, Italian Brobdingnag. His swing was short. Camera stretched out a long left hand and set him back on his heels. Squat, hairy-chested, his gold teeth gleaming in his dwarfish face, Paulino in his perpetual crouch, with his elbows swinging, resembled some kind of beetle that Camera, punching almost vertically, was trying to crush. He sidestepped many of Camera’s left leads but could not get out of the way of the ponderous rights aimed at his body. Camera could slap down his guard and plank a punch over. He did not seem at first to be trying very hard. In the eighth round the referee warned him for hitting low, but by that time Paulino was bleeding from the mouth and right eye. When the decision was properly given to Camera, the crowd, not knowing much about fighting, but liking Paulino for his nerve and nationality, booed heartily. [Actually «Carnera». TIME dated 1930/12/08]
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