Día: 9 de abril de 1812

  • Por primera vez se ríe de la rogación por la lluvia

    This system [of pleas to heaven for rain] operated with no substantial changes, except during times of wars (sieges), when the ceremonies could not go outside the town itself. Problems appeared in the city following the French occupation during the Napoleonic Wars and the introduction of anticlerical and liberal concepts. On the 9th of April 1812, the first case of mocking of a public pro pluvia rogation was recorded. The record is critical of this mocking, but itself measures the effectiveness of the rogation by the use of a barometer: «It has rained this morning most abundantly, thanks be to God, in such a manner that the Barometer indicates Showers. In the afternooon, and prior to the Rogations, [the rain] has continued to fall lightly.» [Ms in UB, Raimundo Ferrer, «Barcelona Cautiva»]