To prevent any bad effect which that insolent writing above mentioned might have produced, Marshal Berwick caused a Manifesto to be printed at Gironne, and to be fixed up in the towns and principal places of Catalonia, forbidding all persons to distribute or have any regard to that writing; and ordering all the Catalans who should be found in arms, to be hanged upon the spot, without any other form of process; and all the places which favoured the rebels, to be pillaged and burnt. In consequence of this order, which was dated the sixth of August, one and thirty rebels were hanged: they had been taken by Mr. Bracamonte from a company of two thousand men, commanded by the Chevalier del Poël, whom he had defeated at a defile, in his return from Berga, whither he had been carrying a convoy of provisions: four hundred of these rebels were killed upon the spot.