This days Holland post advises, from Genoa, that general Staremberg the first night he lay in Barcelona, hearing an assassine under his bed, called out, and his gentleman entring sword in hand took his master for the villain, and wounded him in his hand and body; but more servants comeing, the rogue was taken: this hind’red him not from setting out for Terragona, where the allies are incamp’t: and that the Dutch general, Noyelles, died of a quinsy, the 21st of April, at Barcelona.
Año: 1708
La ópera italiana llega a la Lonja para divertir al pretendiente Carlos
Primera representacion de una ópera italiana en una sala de la lonja. La dispuso el consejo para divertir al archiduque Cárlos de Austria competidor de Felipe V en el trono de España.