Peterborough landed, took the small fort of Denia, circulated proclamations in the name of Charles III, and, finding the disposition of the Spaniards in those parts to be very favorable, and that insurrections against the French claimant, Philip, had broken out in other quarters, he, with his characteristic daring, proposed making a forced march inland, and setting the Austrian on the throne at Madrid, which capital he was confident he could carry by a coup de main. But those who were acting with Peterborough had none of his romantic boldness ; his project was overruled, and he was constrained to go and undertake the siege of Barcelona. It may bo doubted whether it would not have been easier to march and take Madrid. There were 5000 brave men within the walls of Barcelona—the Spaniards in all ages have been famous for their resistance in such places—and the fortifications had recently undergone considerable repairs. Yet Peterborough landed, and sat down before the place in the end of August with little more than 6000 effective men.
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