Año: 1285

  • Muere Pedro III de Aragón

    After Alfonso had left him, Peter III of Aragon, conscious that his illness was mortal, and anxious solemnly to exculpate himself from the guilt of the war carried on against the Pope, as Charles of Anjou had done on his death-bed from that of the war kindled by the Pope, summoned the Archbishop of Tarragona, with the Bishops of Valencia, Huesca, and other prelates and barons; and in their presence declared that it was not in hostility to the Holy See, but in pursuance of his rights that he had taken possession of the kingdom of Sicily; that he had not merited the excommunications of Martin, but had submitted to their observance as became a Christian; and now being about to appear before the judgment-seat of God, he asked absolution from the archbishop, promising that should he recover, (and here he again had recourse to equivocal expressions,) he would render obedience to the supreme Pontiff, according to right, and present himself before him either in person or by ambassadors. This he confirmed by an oath, and the archbishop granted him absolution. Having been admonished to forgive his enemies, he gave orders for the liberation of his prisoners, not including, however, those of high degree. He left unaltered the will which he had made in 1282, at Port Fangos. He confessed himself aloud to two monks, then with great difficulty he rose from his bed, trembling and scarce able to stand, dressed himself, and kneeling down, weeping and inwardly praying, received the eucharist. He was informed of the surrender of Gerona and of the arrival of Charles from Sicily when only a glimmering of consciousness yet remained to him, and was unable to utter a word in reply ; but he folded his arms in the form of a cross, raised his eyes to heaven, and expired on the 10th of November, 1285. [Conventional date and location are 2/11/1285, Vilafranca del Penedès]

    Such was the end of Peter of Aragon. He died at the age of forty-six, in the prime of mental and bodily vigour, and at the summit of his fortune; for he beheld the host of France dispersed; the King of Majorca humbled; Charles of Anjou, Philip the Bold, and Pope Martin departed this life ; the new King of Naples in his power ; that kingdom in confusion ; Sicily submissive and secure ; his fleet mistress of the Mediterranean; and his own power so much increased by the fame of victory, that he was able everywhere to keep in check even his own rebellious subjects.