Syndicalist campaign of murder and intimidation against French managers
Five French Industrial Managers Murdered in the Last Two Months.
Deputy Gives Notice of an Interpellation on the Subject in the French Chamber
Special Cable to THE NEW YORK TIMES
PARIS, June 28.– An amazing reign of terror in Barcelona and the surrounding region, in the course of which five Frenchmen were murdered by gunmen of the Spanish Labor Party, will form the subject of an interpellation in the near future by Deputy Emanuel Brousse. He will ask the Government, the Matin says, to take steps to insure the protection of the lives and properties of French citizens in Spain in view of the impotence of the Spanish authorities.
The interpellation will be none the less urgent because German industrialists have been wholly untroubled by what looks like an organized campaign of murder.
A typical case occurred only this month. François Lefèvre, the French manager of a metallurgical concern in Barcelona, had occasion to dismiss a 20-year-old employee, a Spaniard named Poch. A week later, at 11 o’clock in the morning, while work was in full swing, Poch walked coolly into Lefèvre’s office and shot him dead in front of his terrified clerks and secretary. Poch then departed without molestation and no attempt to arrest him has been made. Four other French industrial managers have been murdered in Spain for equally trivial reasons in the past two months, without any one having been arrested, and twelve others have been forced to leave the country by threats of a similar fate.
Not long ago the French Consul and a delegation from the Chamber of Commerce demanded protection from the Military Governor of Barcelona, General Anido, who is alleged to have replied that it was all he could do to protect his own life from labor malcontents.
His civil colleague, Mayor Domingo, was not even successful to that extent. A fortnight ago, while driving his automobile in the principal street of Barcelona, he was surrounded by a group of workers and made the target of a hail of bullets, one of which passed through his body, and he is now lying between life and death.
The following day three well-known Syndicalists were unexpectedly released from Monjuich Prison, where they had been held since the 1st of March. On their way home all three were shot dead by persons unknown. Their labor comrades attributed the killings to police reprisals, with the result that death warnings have now been received by the majority of the municipal authorities and the principal business men.
A state bordering on panic prevails among the population, as is illustrated by an incident which occurred outside the Lyceum Theatre, in the main street of Barcelona, a few days ago.
The engine of a motorcycle suddenly gave vent to a series of loud explosions. Immediately there was a mad rush for shelter on every side. Café tables and flower stalls were upset by the panic-stricken mob. This increased the confusion, to which the Civil Guards and carabineers put the finishing touch by firing their rifles and revolvers indiscriminately in all directions.
BARCELONA, June 28. — A Syndicalist leader named Bandella was shot and killed here last night while trying to escape from an escort of civil guards. The authorities declare he was one of the most dangerous and active Syndicalists in Barcelona and that he was involved in many recent outrages in this city. Another well-known Syndicalist was found in a street here yesterday morning. It is said he was one of the men who plotted an attack on Mayor Domingo a few days ago.