Mes: junio 1987

  • Bomba separatista fuera de las oficinas de Hewlett-Packard

    At 12.45 a.m., a bomb consisting of two kilos of compressed powder inside an aluminum milk can exploded outside of the ground floor office window of Hewlett-Packard. The bomb caused minor damage and no injuries. It is not known if Hewlett-Packard was the intended target, since the building it occupies is also shared by several Spanish, Japanese, and American companies. The Red Army for the Liberation of Catalonia (ERCA) claimed credit for the attack.

  • 21 muertos por un coche bomba de ETA en el Hipercor

    Veintiuna personas pierden la vida y más de treinta resultan heridas en el atentado con coche bomba a Hipercor en Barcelona.