What began last fortnight as Spain’s least bloody election in years was swelling last week into horrid crescendos of threatened social upheaval, secession and civil war. Overnight 30,000 political prisoners came bustling out of jail. They included the furious Catalonian secessionist, «President» Luis Companys, who had just begun to serve a 30-year stretch in a grim Andalusian prison for having proclaimed the industrial northeast of Spain the independent Republic of Catalonia (TIME, Oct. 15, 1934). Out of jail popped most of this suppressed Republic’s Parliament and met in Barcelona, their capital. In Madrid more or less delirious Spanish mobsters and political ex-convicts paraded around, brandishing plain red flags, singing the Internationale and shouting vaguely «Long Live Russia!»
Every train to the French frontier was jammed with taut-faced people. «Who are they?» a correspondent asked a station official at the frontier. «Dukes, marquises and millionaires!» replied the station official correctly.