The baldie is fled, long live the baldie!

The business (basically a CRM database) passed into better hands in 2012. These materials remain here for cannibalisation and amusement.

The baldie meanwhile has found pastures new: as a singing organ-grinder for your event in the UK, France, Belgium, the Netherlands or Spain! Town and country walking and study tours in Barcelona and the Western Med
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    • Language All our guides are native English speakers and speak the local language fluently.
    • Knowledge Our local and subject knowledge is profound and up-to-date.
    • Interactivity See someone interesting? We'll interpret. Tired/full of energy? We can adapt the programme.
    • Individuality We don't do herd tourism. No silly flags. No headsets.
    • Responsibility Unlike most "green" tour businesses, we only use public transport--cheaper and generally more interesting.

Blog archives for 2012

Attack of the killer pheasant

With some folk geography and a would-be eggcorn.

Posted by admin on Tuesday October 30th 2012 at 23:52. 2 comments
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Video in Spanish by foreign language students warning against street crime in Barcelona

I thought the reënactments in the second half were rather good. One of the commenters, however, mistook the medium for the message and was seized by an attack of lust. (Via Robbed in Barcelona. Here's one I managed to photograph, in Vilafranca del Penedès.)

Posted by admin on Friday August 24th 2012 at 12:09. Comments Off on Video in Spanish by foreign language students warning against street crime in Barcelona
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Please God let Deutsche Bahn run Spain’s trains

For example, a decade later, Deutsche Bahn continues to offer better Spanish timetable info than Renfe, the data's owner, and in English.

21 today-ish

A quick pannieregyric to my Agu Sport Quorum canvas udders.

Posted by admin on Tuesday August 7th 2012 at 23:07. Comments Off on 21 today-ish
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Free walk west from Gatwick to Ockley station, for trains to London and south

Here. More photos some other time.

Posted by admin on Monday July 9th 2012 at 10:37. Comments Off on Free walk west from Gatwick to Ockley station, for trains to London and south
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Creative pyromania

The best way to avoid the repetition of Valencia et al's disastrous forest fires and create walkable woodlands.

Posted by admin on Tuesday July 3rd 2012 at 11:37. 3 comments
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Introducing the Gaudí Experience theme park

"The genius, the mysterious, the controversial, the visionary, the innovative, the excesive... The Icon."

Posted by admin on Friday June 15th 2012 at 11:38. Comments Off on Introducing the Gaudí Experience theme park
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Excellent mashup of the visible and the invisible on the Appian way

Robert Kaster & spouse did this, and much, much more, and the resulting book - thanks tender sender! - is thoroughly recommended. (And don't worry: seasoned jaywalkers won't find the first bit anything like as frightening as they did: they're drivers rather than walkers, and I'll bet a really pedantic researcher could dig out something […]

Posted by admin on Tuesday June 12th 2012 at 12:13. Comments Off on Excellent mashup of the visible and the invisible on the Appian way
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Beyond spacetime

Dimension inflation in Girona, Spain.

Posted by admin on Monday May 28th 2012 at 22:55. Comments Off on Beyond spacetime
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Ring cycle tour crash blossoms

Someone has forwarded mail from Martin Randall Travel offering "Ring cycle tours in Beriln and Seattle", and I guess there'll be a great flowering of this delicious ambiguity as we approach the bicentenary of Wagner's birth. Hardo Wagner makes touring bikes, R&B Wagner make bike racks, and Peter Wagner created the WhymCycle, but none of […]

Posted by admin on Thursday May 24th 2012 at 19:34. Comments Off on Ring cycle tour crash blossoms
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